Suusairauksien klinikka

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Alanen P et al. Methodological problems in studies on the etiology of temporomandibular disorders: Are the current opinions based on evidence?
2 Doepel M et al. Long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated oral appliance for myofascial pain.
3 Forssell H et al. Pain and pain behavior in burning mouth syndrome: A pain diary study.
4 Jouhilahti E-M et al. Oral soft tissue alterations in patients with neurofibromatosis.
5 Jyrkkiö S et al. Syöpäpotilaan suun hoidon erityispiirteet .
6 Jyrkkiö S et al. Tandvård för cancerpatienter.
7 Jyrkkiö S et al. Special features of oral care in cancer patientents.
8 Jääsaari P et al. Dental age in patients with neurofibromatosis 1.
9 Kero K et al. Oral mucosa as a reservoir of human papillomavirus: Point prevalence, genotype distribution, and incident infections among males in a 7-year prospective study.
10 Kero K et al. Reply from authors re: Guido Barbagli, Salvatore Sansalone, Massimo Lazzeri. Oral mucosa and urethroplasty: It's time to change. Oral mucosa as a reservoir of human papillomavirus: Implications for the use of oral mucosal transplants in urethroplasty.
11 Linderbäck P et al. Weak effect of strontium on early implant fixation in rat tibia.
12 Malmberg J, Närhi T. Purennan kuntoutus lyhentyneen hammaskaaren periaatteella.
13 Moritz N et al. Micro-CT Aplication in Oral Implant Research.
14 Orlikova L et al. Skeletaalinen ankkurointi - uusia mahdollisuuksia oikomishoitoon.
15 Palo P et al. Articulating Finnish vowels: results from MRI and sound data.
16 Rautava J et al. HPV genotypes and their prognostic significance in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.
17 Rautava J et al. Prevalence, genotype distribution and persistence of human papillomavirus in oral mucosa of women: A six-year follow-up study.
18 Rautava J et al. Effects of tacrolimus on an organotypic raft-culture model mimicking oral mucosa.
19 Siukosaari P et al. Periodontal health status in the elderly with different levels of education: a 5-year follow-up study.
20 Visnapuu V et al. Radiographic findings in the jaws of patients with neurofibromatosis 1.

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013