Psykiatrian klinikka

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Ahlgrén-Rimpiläinen A et al. Recurrent CSPs after transcranial magnetic stimulation of motor cortex in restless legs syndrome.
2 Delvecchio G et al. Common and distinct neural correlates of emotional processing in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: a voxel-based meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies.
3 Dragt S et al. Cannabis use and age at onset of symptoms in subjects at clinical high risk for psychosis.
4 Hagelberg N et al. Striatal µ-opioid receptor availability predicts cold pressor pain threshold in healthy human subjects.
5 Hietala J, Syvälahti E. Psykoosien hoitoon tarkoitetut lääkeaineet.
6 Hirvonen J, Hietala J. Dopamine Receptor Imaging in Schizophrenia: Focus on Genetic Vulnerability.
7 Joutsa J et al. Mesolimbic dopamine release is linked to symptom severity in pathological gambling.
8 Karlsson H. The ethics of selling methods for scientific research.
9 Karlsson H. Problems in the definitions of positive mental health.
10 Karlsson H. Masennus systeemisairautena.
11 Karlsson H. Psychotherapy increases the amount of serotonin receptors in the brains of patients with major depressive disorder.
12 Karlsson H. Neuroscience and phototherapy.
13 Korkeila J. Internetriippuvuus - milloin haitalliseen käyttöön pitää puuttua?
14 Kronholm E et al. What is behind the seeming cessation of the increase in sleep medicine consumption in Finland during the last years?
15 Kähäri L et al. Psykiatrivaje ja työtyytymättömyys ruokkivat toisiaan.
16 Niemelä M. Structured child-centred interventions to support families with a parent suffering from cancer - from practice-based evidence towards evidence-based practice.
17 Oranta O et al. Depression-focused interpersonal counseling and the use of healthcare services after myocardial infarction.
18 Pepe A et al. Simplified Reeb Graph as Effective Shape Descriptor for the Striatum.
19 Salokangas RKR. Kirjailijan kieli ja mieli. Lauri Viidan elämä sairauden varjossa.
20 Salokangas RKR et al. Perceived negative attitude of others predicts transition to psychosis in patients at risk of psychosis.
21 Salokangas RKR et al. Axis I diagnoses and transition to psychosis in clinical high-risk patients EPOS project: Prospective follow-up of 245 clinical high-risk outpatients in four countries .
22 Salokangas RKR et al. Increased use of antidepressants in women decreases suicides in men: an ecological study.
23 Syvälahti E, Hietala J. Masennuslääkkeet ja mielialaa tasaavat lääkkeet.
24 Syvälahti E, Hietala J. Anksiolyyttiset lääkeaineet.
25 Tuominen L et al. Temperament trait harm avoidance associates with my-opioid receptor availability in frontal cortex: A PET study using [11 C] carfentanil .
26 Yung AR et al. Whither the attenuated psychosis syndrome?

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013