Lastenpsykiatrian yksikkö

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Belt R et al. Psychotherapy groups and individual support to enhance mental health and early dyadic interaction among drug-abusing mothers.
2 Flykt M et al. Maternal representations and emotional availability among drug-abusing and nonusing mothers and their infants.
3 Gyllenberg D. Childhood Predictors of Later Psychotropic Medication Use and Psychiatric Hospital Treatment : Findings from the Finnish Nationwide 1981 Birth Cohort Study.
4 Gyllenberg D, Sourander A. Psychotropic drug and polypharmacy use among adolescents and young adults: findings from the Finnish 1981 Nationwide Birth Cohort Study.
5 Gyllenberg D et al. Childhood predictors of antipsychotic use among young people in Finland.
6 Huhtala M et al. Parental psychological well-being and behavioral outcome of very low birth weight infants at 3 years.
7 Korja R et al. The effects of preterm birth on mother-infant interaction and attachment during the infant's first two years.
8 Lampi KM et al. Risk of autism spectrum disorders in low birth weight and small for gestational age infants.
9 Lehti V et al. Childhood bullying and becoming a young father in a national cohort of Finnish boys.
10 Lehti V et al. Childhood predictors of becoming a teenage mother among Finnish girls.
11 Lehti V et al. Psychosocial factors assosiated with becoming a young father in Finland: a nationwide longitudinal study.
12 Luntamo T et al. Psychosocial determinants of headache, abdominal pain and sleep problems in a community sample of Finnish adolescents.
13 Luntamo T et al. Prevalence changes of pain, sleep problems and fatigue among 8-year-old children: Years 1989, 1999 and 2005.
14 Luntamo T et al. Pain at age eight as a predictor of antidepressant medication use by age 24: findings from the Finnish nationwide 1981 birth cohort study.
15 Malm H et al. Infant and childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes following prenatal exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: overview and design of a Finnish Register-Based study (FinESSI).
16 Paananen R et al. Aikuisten ongelmat, lasten murheet-lapsuus ja myöhempi hyvinvointi. .
17 Pajulo M. Mentalisaatiokykyä voi vahvistaa hoidossa. Kooste tutkimustuloksista. .
18 Pajulo M et al. Substance-abusing mothers in residential treatment with their babies: importance of pre-and postnatal reflective functioning.
19 Pajulo M et al. Vanhemmuus ja pienten lasten unihäiriöt.
20 Raaska H et al. Experiences of school bullying among internationally adopted children: results from the Finnish Adoption (FINADO) Study.
21 Saastamoinen LK et al. Treatment duration with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors among children and adolescents in Finland: a nationwide register study.
22 Sarajuuri A et al. Patients with univentricular heart in early childhood: parenting stress and child behaviour.
23 Schmitt F et al. Lapsikeskeinen perheterapeuttinen konsultaatio yliopistollisen keskussairaalan syöpäklinikalla.
24 Sourander A et al. What is the long-term outcome of boys who steal at age eight? Findings from the Finnish nationwide "From A Boy To A Man" birth cohort study.
25 Sourander A et al. Changes in adolescent mental health and use of alcohol and tobacco: a 10-year time-trend study of Finnish adolescents.
26 Tuisku V et al. Alcohol use and psychiatric comorbid disorders predict deliberate self-harm behavior and other suicidality among depressed adolescent outpatient in 1-year follow-up. .
27 Urrila AS et al. Sleep complaints among adolescent outpatients with major depressive disorder.

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013