Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon

Julkaisut 2012
Publications 2012

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1 Ahtiala M, Perttilä J. Painehaavojen esiintyminen ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä TYKS aikuisten teho-osastolla vuonna 2010.
2 Bucci M et al. Trimetazidine reduces endogenous free fatty acid oxidation and improves myocardial efficiency in obese humans.
3 Elomaa T. Keikkapäiväkirja.
4 Hagelberg N et al. Striatal µ-opioid receptor availability predicts cold pressor pain threshold in healthy human subjects.
5 Hagelberg N, Heiskanen T. Kroonisen kivun hoidon kehittäminen perusterveydenhuollossa.
6 Heinonen I et al. Effects of adenosine, exercise, and moderate acute hypoxia on energy substrate utilization of human skeletal muscle .
7 Iirola T. Observations on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of dexmedetomidine.
8 Iirola T et al. Population pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine during long-term sedation in intensive care patients.
9 Jalonen J. Anestesiologia.
10 Jalonen J. Leikkaukseen valmistautuminen.
11 Jalonen J. Tehohoito.
12 Jalonen J. Parenteraalinen nestehoito.
13 Kataja J, Vänttinen O. Lapsen sepsis.
14 Katomaa J. Missä kuljimme kerran - minne olemme matkalla?
15 Katomaa J. Heräämishuoneen osuus potilaan hoidossa - mistä lähdimme?
16 Klemetti S et al. Päiväkirurgisten lapsipotilaiden pitkittyvää preoperatiivista paastoa voidaan lyhentää vanhempien aktiivisella ohjauksella.
17 Kuusniemi K et al. Prolonged-release oxycodone/naloxone in postoperative pain management: from a randomized clinical trial to usual clinical practice.
18 Kämäräinen A et al. Quality controlled manual chest compressions and cerebral oxygenation during in-hospital cardiac arrest.
19 Lakanmaa RL et al. Competence requirements in intensive and critical care nursing--still in need of definition? A Delphi study.
20 Lukkarinen H et al. A-ryhmän streptokokin aiheuttama vaikea keuhkokuume.
21 Långsjö JW et al. Returning from oblivion: Imaging the neural core of consciousness.
22 Malmberg M et al. Intracoronary levosimendan during ischemia prevents myocardial apoptosis.
23 Mason KP et al. Adverse event reporting tool to standardize the reporting and tracking of adverse events during procedural sedation: a consensus document from the world SIVA international sedation task force.
24 Merivirta R et al. The analgesic effect of continuous subacromial bupivacaine infusion after arthroscopic shoulder surgery: a randomized controlled trial.
25 Nelimarkka L, Arola OJ. Ketoasidoosin hoito.
26 Niemi-Murola L et al. Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon perusteet.
27 Nieminen TH et al. Re: Pergolizzi et al. 2011: Exposure to potential CYP450 pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions.
28 Pearse RM et al. Mortality after surgery in Europe:a 7 day cohort study.
29 Peltoniemi MA et al. Rifampicin has a profound effect on the pharmacokinetics of oral S-Ketamine and less on intravenous S-Ketaminen .
30 Peltoniemi MA et al. S-ketamine concentrations are greatly increased by grapefruit juice.
31 Peltoniemi MA et al. St John`s wort greatly decreases the plasma concentrations of oral S-ketamine.
32 Perttilä J. Vieläkö ylipainehappihoito on käypä hoito häkämyrkytykseen?
33 Rikalainen-Salmi R et al. Local infiltration analgesia with levobupivacaine compared with intrathecal morphine in total hip arthroplasty patients.
34 Ristikankare A et al. Effects of levosimendan on renal function in patients undergoing coronary artery surgery.
35 Saari TI et al. Oxycodone clearance is markedly reduced with advancing age: a population pharmacokinetics study.
36 Siirala W et al. Validation of indirect calorimetry for measurement of energy expenditure in healthy volunteers undergoing pressure controlled non-invasive ventilation support.
37 Siirala W et al. Using respiratory rate and the thoracic movement to assess respiratory insfufficiency in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a preliminary study.
38 Soinikoski M et al. A national survey into perioperative anesthetic management of patients with a fractured neck of femur.
39 Suominen PK et al. The effect of tepid amino acid-enriched induction cardioplegia on the outcome of infants undergoing cardiac surgery.
40 Tarvainen MP et al. Heart rate variability dynamics during low-dose propofol and dexmedetomidine anesthesia.
41 Vilo S, Kataja J. Linjauksia lasten nestehoidosta.

Julkaisutietokanta 3.9.2013 Publications Data Base 3.9.2013