
Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Iltanen S et al. A description of the implementation project of electronic health record (EHR) in Finland.
2 Koivunen M et al. Occupational stress and implementation of information technology among nurses working on acute psychiatric wards.
3 Kurki M et al. Integration of computer and Internet-based programmes into psychiatric out-patient care of adolescents with depression.
4 Kuusisto A, Asikainen P. Medication documentation in nursing discharge summaries at patient's discharge from special care to primary care.
5 Kuusisto A, Asikainen P. Electronic nursing discharge summary - a follow-up study at one hospital district.
6 Kuusisto A et al. The effects of electronic health record on the flow of information - a pilot study.
7 Kuusisto A et al. Usefulness of nursing documentation in multi-professional collaboration and information exchange in Finland.
8 Mannermaa K. Tiedon jalostaminen osaamiseksi - vertaileva tutkimus yksityisen ja julkisen sektorin työterveyshuolto-organisaatiossa.
9 Peltomaa K et al. Nursing power as viewed by nursing professionals.
10 Viinikainen S et al. Hoitotyön valta erkoissairaanhoidossa - osatohoitajien ja apulaisosastonhoitajien arvio.

Julkaisutietokanta 9.9.2014 Publications Data Base 9.9.2014