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Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Athanasopoulou C et al. An analysis of online health information on schizophrenia or related conditions: a cross-sectional survey.
2 Auvinen J et al. Barriers and Resources to PMTCT of HIV: Luba-Kasai Men's Perspective in Lusaka, Zambia.
3 Berg J et al. Staff’s perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour in four European forensic units: A qualitative interview study.
4 Berg J et al. Provision of interventions in adolescent forensic units - A European perspective.
5 Flinkman M et al. Young registered nurses' intention to leave the profession and professional turnover in early career: a qualitative case study.
6 Hallberg IR et al. Dementia care in eight European countries: Developing a mapping system to explore systems.
7 Hottinen A et al. Mechanical restraint in adolescent psychiatry: a Finnish Register study.
8 Istomina N et al. Harm reduction of the drugs using: the changes of concept and Evidence-based effectiveness (in Lithuanian).
9 Kajander-Unkuri S et al. Competence areas of nursing students in Europe.
10 Koivunen M et al. Occupational stress and implementation of information technology among nurses working on acute psychiatric wards.
11 Kontio E et al. Information utilization in tactical decision making of middle management health managers.
12 Kontio R et al. Impact of eLearning course on nurses' professional competence in seclusion and restraint practices: 9-month follow-up results of a randomized controlled study (ISRCTN32869544).
13 Koskenniemi J et al. Respect in the care of older patients in acute hospitals.
14 Kulju K et al. Ethical problems and moral sensitivity in physiotherapy: A descriptive study.
15 Kurki M et al. Integration of computer and Internet-based programmes into psychiatric out-patient care of adolescents with depression.
16 Lukana A et al. Historical theses on nursing and caring sciences in Finland: a literature review.
17 Lundgrén-Laine H et al. Crucial information needs of ICU charge nurses in Finland and Greece.
18 Lundgrén-Laine H et al. National survey focusing on the crucial information needs of intensive care charge nurses and intensivists: same goal, different demands.
19 Murtola LM et al. Information systems in hospitals: a review article from a nursing management perspective.
20 Niela-Vilén H et al. Early physical contact between a mother and her NICU-infant in two university hospitals in Finland.
21 Numminen O et al. Professional competence of practising nurses.
22 Oranta O et al. Supporting and inhibiting factors in recovery experienced by the patients after myocardial infarction during an 18-month follow-up.
23 Purgato M et al. ‘Consent rituals’ in evaluation of coercive care.
24 Rauta S et al. Validation of the core elements of perioperative nursing.
25 Ryhänen AM et al. The impact of an empowering Internet-based Breast Cancer Patient Pathway program on breast cancer patients' clinical outcomes: a randomised controlled trial.
26 Ryhänen AM et al. Hoitopolku verkossa.
27 Salminen L et al. Nurse educators and professional ethics -- Ethical principles and their implementation from nurse educators' perspectives.
28 Salminen L1 et al. The competence and the cooperation of nurse educators.
29 Sjöblom O et al. Using cluster analysis to identify weak signals of lethal trends in aviation and healthcare documentation.
30 Soininen P et al. Does experienced seclusion or restraint affect psychiatric patients' subjective quality of life at discharge?
31 Soininen P et al. Secluded and restrained patients' perceptions of their treatment.
32 Staniuliene V et al. The feelings and thoughts of mental health nurses concerning the management of distressed and disturbed in-patients.
33 Stolt M et al. Development process and psychometric testing of foot health assessment instrument.
34 Stolt M et al. Nurses' foot care activities in home health care.
35 Suhonen R et al. Caregivers' work satisfaction and individualised care in care settings for older people.
36 Suhonen R et al. Yksilöllinen hoito - potilaiden ja hoitajien näkemysten vertailu.
37 Suhonen R et al. Cross-cultural validity of the Individualised Care Scale - a Rasch model analysis.
38 Suhonen R et al. Older people in long-term care settings as research informants: Ethical challenges.
39 Valjakka AL et al. The association between physicians` attitudes to psychosocial aspects of low back pain and reported clinical behaviour: A complex issue.
40 Virtanen H et al. Nursing student control over using a computer simulation program about empowering discourse.

Julkaisutietokanta 12.9.2014 Publications Data Base 12.9.2014