Keuhkosairaudet TO5

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Ahonen S et al. Reinken ödeeman ja äänihuulihalvauksen aiheuttaman hengenahdistuksen ylipainehengityshoito.
2 Anttalainen U et al. Women with partial upper airway obstruction are not less sleepy than those with obstructive sleep apnea.
3 Brander P et al. Oirelähtöinen tutkiminen ja tutkimusalgoritmit.
4 Heikkinen SMM et al. Does farm environment protect against type 1 diabetes mellitus?
5 Kahlos K et al. Keuhkovaltimoiden verenpainetauti ja krooninen tromboembolinen keuhkoverenpainetauti.
6 Katajisto M, Laitinen T. Keuhkopotilaan kuntoutus.
7 Kaunisto J et al. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - systematic review on methodology for the collection of epidemiological data.
8 Lampio L et al. Subjective sleep in premenopausal and postmenopausal women during workdays and leisure days: a sleep diary study.
9 Linnamaa P et al. Black currant seed oil supplementation of mothers enhances IFN- and suppresses IL-4 production in breast milk.
10 Mazur W et al. Keuhkoahtaumataudin kliiniset alatyypit.
11 Mukherjee C et al. Chemistry and biology of oligovalent beeta-(1->2) -linked oligomannosides: New insights into carbohydrate based adjuvants in immunotherapy.
12 Ranta K et al. Evaluation of fungal extracts for immunomodulatory properties.
13 Ryynänen OP et al. Bayesian predictors of very poor health related quality of life and mortality in patients with COPD.
14 Saaresranta T, Brander P. Krooninen hengitysvajaus.
15 Saaresranta T, Polo O. Uniapnea.
16 Saaresranta T et al. Practical approach for the diagnosis and management of insomnia dusring menopausal transition.
17 Salminen EK et al. Opioids in pain management of mesothelioma and lung cancer patients.
18 Salomaa E-R et al. Uniapneapotilas 2000-luvulla: kenelle CPAP-hoito aloitetaan ja miten siihen sitoudutaan?
19 Siirala W et al. Is the effect of non-invasive ventilation on survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis age-dependent?
20 Suojalehto H et al. MicroRNA profiles in nasal mucosa of patients with allergic and nonallergic rhinitis and asthma.

Julkaisutietokanta 12.9.2014 Publications Data Base 12.9.2014