Lastenneurologia TO8

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Bladen CL et al. The TREAT-NMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy registries: conception, design, and utilization by industry and academia.
2 Böling S et al. Measuring quality of life of Finnish children with cerebral palsy.
3 Haataja L. Lapsen normaalineurologinen kehitys ja tutkimus.
4 Jaakkola S et al. Dental fear and sense of coherence among 18-yr-old adolescents in Finland.
5 Korja M et al. Apolipoprotein E, brain injury and neurodevelopmental outcome of children.
6 Laurén HB et al. Status epilepticus alters neurogenesis and decreases the number of GABAergic neurons in the septal dentate gyrus of 9-day-old rats at the early phase of epileptogenesis.
7 Lepomäki V et al. Preterm infants' early growth and brain white matter maturation at term age.
8 Lepomäki V et al. Effect of antenatal growth on brain white matter maturation in preterm infants at term using tract-based spatial statistics.
9 Pihko H et al., toim. Lastenneurologia.
10 Pihlakoski L et al. Do antenatal and postnatal parental psychological distress, and recognized need of help predict preadolescent's psychiatric symptoms? The Finnish Family Competence Cohort Study.
11 Setänen S et al. Predictive value of neonatal brain MRI on the neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants by 5 years of age.
12 Stolt S et al. The emergence of grammar in very-low-birth-weight Finnish children at two years of age.

Julkaisutietokanta 12.9.2014 Publications Data Base 12.9.2014