Lastenpsykiatria PSY

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Cheslak-Postava K et al. Maternal serum persistent organic pollutants in the Finnish Prenatal Study of Autism: A pilot study.
2 Ilola AM, Sourander A. Bullying and victimization among 8-year-old children: a 16-year population-based time-trend study.
3 Jokiranta E et al. Parental psychiatric disorders and autism spectrum disorders.
4 Junttila N et al. Mothers' and fathers' loneliness during pregnancy, infancy and toddlerhood.
5 Karlsson L et al. Serotonin transporter in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder--preliminary results from a positron emission tomography study.
6 Korja R, Lindblom J. Dynaamiset perhesuhteet suomalaisissa vauvaperheissä.
7 Kouvo A et al. Vanhemman kiintymyssuhdepresentaatiot ja nidien yhteys vanhempi-lapsi suhteen laatuun.
8 Kühne F et al. Implementation of preventive mental health services for children of physically ill parents: experiences in seven European countries and health care systems.
9 Lampi KM et al. Parental age and risk of autism spectrum disorders in a Finnish national birth cohort.
10 Lehti V et al. Autism spectrum disorders in IVF children: a national case-control study in Finland.
11 Lehti V et al. The risk of childhood autism among second-generation migrants in Finland: a case-control study.
12 Lehti V et al. Association between childhood psychosocial factors and induced abortion.
13 Mcgrath PJ et al. Remote population-based intervention for disruptive behavior at age four: study protocol for a randomized trial of Internet-assisted parent training (Strongest Families Finland-Canada).
14 Pajulo M, Kalland M. Mentalising-based intervention with mother-baby dyads.
15 Piha J et al. Lapsen seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön epäilyn tutkiminen.
16 Piha J, Wahlström J. Psykoterapia ja yliopistoyhteistyö.
17 Pihlakoski L et al. Do antenatal and postnatal parental psychological distress, and recognized need of help predict preadolescent's psychiatric symptoms? The Finnish Family Competence Cohort Study.
18 Raaska H et al. Adopted children's language difficulties and their relation to symptoms of reactive attachment disorder: FinAdo Study.
19 Salokangas RKR et al. Self-reported experiences as predictors for onset of psychotropic medication. A prospective study of healthy draftees.
20 Schendel DE et al. The international collaboration for Autism Registry Epidemiology (iCARE): Multinational registry-based investigations of autism risk factors and trends.
21 Suchman N et al. Parenting and substance abuse. Developmental approaches to intervention.
22 Suzuki K et al. Cyberbullying and adolescent mental health.
23 Tolvanen M et al. Changes over time in adult dental fear and correlation to depression and anxiety: a cohort study of pregnant mothers and fathers.
24 Tran PL et al. Smoking during pregnancy and risk of autism spectrum disorder in a Finnish National Birth Cohort.

Julkaisutietokanta 12.9.2014 Publications Data Base 12.9.2014