Plastiikka- ja yleiskirurgia to6

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 De Vita D et al. Effectiveness of intravesical hyaluronic acid with or without chondroitin sulfate for recurrent bacterial cystitis in adult women: a meta-analysis.
2 Giordano S et al. Povidone-iodine combined with antibiotic topical irrigation to reduce capsular contracture in cosmetic breast augmentation: a comparative study.
3 Giordano S et al. Elevated serum bilirubin in assessing the likelihood of perforation in acute appendicitis: A diagnostic meta-analysis.
4 Giordano S et al. Effectiveness of local anaesthetic pain catheters for abdominal donor site analgesia in patients undergoing free lower abdominal flap breast reconstruction: A meta-analysis of comparative studies.
5 Giordano S et al. Physical discomfort due to redundant skin in post-bariatric surgery patients.
6 Suominen E. et al. Ihosyövän yleisyys ja vaaratekijät.
7 Viitanen T et al. Reply: Donor-site lymphatic function after microvascular lymph node transfer should be followed using indocyanine green lymphography.
8 Viitanen T et al. Reply: Donor-site lymphatic function after microvascular lymph node transfer should be followed using indocyanine green lymphography.
9 Viitanen T et al. Lymphatic vessel function and lymphatic growth factor secretion after microvascular lymph node transfer in lymphedema patients.

Julkaisutietokanta 12.9.2014 Publications Data Base 12.9.2014