Tutkimustoimisto OH

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Jaakkola S et al. Dental fear and sense of coherence among 18-yr-old adolescents in Finland.
2 Kontio E et al. Information utilization in tactical decision making of middle management health managers.
3 Kuusela M et al. The missing evaluation at the end of GP's consultation.
4 Kytö V et al. The effects of gender and age on occurence of clinically suspected myocarditis in adulthood.
5 Lagström H et al. Cohort profile: Steps to the healthy development and well-being of children (the STEPS Study).
6 Lepomäki V et al. Preterm infants' early growth and brain white matter maturation at term age.
7 Leppänen M et al. Growth of extremely preterm infants born in 2001-2010.
8 Lundgrén-Laine H et al. National survey focusing on the crucial information needs of intensive care charge nurses and intensivists: same goal, different demands.
9 Mustila T. Intervention Study Aiming at the Prevention of Excess Weight Gain in Childhood - Intensified dietary and physical activity counselling on mothers during pregnancy and child’s first year at maternity or child health clinics.
10 Rautava P et al. A comparison of perinatal and infant mortality rates in British Columbia and Finland: Similarities and differences.
11 Ryhänen AM et al. The impact of an empowering Internet-based Breast Cancer Patient Pathway program on breast cancer patients' clinical outcomes: a randomised controlled trial.
12 Ryhänen AM et al. Hoitopolku verkossa.
13 Tirkkonen K et al. Electronic medical records for appropriate timing of arthroplasty.

Julkaisutietokanta 12.9.2014 Publications Data Base 12.9.2014