Vaasan keskussairaala

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Airaksinen KEJ et al. Safety of pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation during uninterrupted warfarin treatment - The FinPAC study.
2 Alastalo H et al. Early life stress and blood pressure levels in late adulthood.
3 Alastalo H et al. Early life stress and physical and psychosocial functioning in late adulthood.
4 Anttila V et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new susceptibility loci for migraine.
5 Barker DJ et al. Foetal and childhood growth and asthma in adult life.
6 Barker DJ et al. The intrauterine origins of Hodgkin's lymphoma.
7 Barker DJ et al. The shape of the placental surface at birth and colorectal cancer in later life.
8 Berndt SI et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 11 new loci for anthropometric traits and provides insights into genetic architecture.
9 Codd V et al. Identification of seven loci affecting mean telomere length and their association with disease.
10 Cousminer DL et al. Genome-wide association and longitudinal analyses reveal genetic loci linking pubertal height growth, pubertal timing and childhood adiposity.
11 den Hoed M et al. Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders.
12 Elomaa N. Infektio - uhka potilasturvallisuudelle : hygieniahoitajan/infektiotiimin näkemys.
13 Eriksson J. Raskausajan ravinto- avain hyvään terveyteen.
14 Eriksson J, Laine M. Diabeteslääkkeet ja painonnousu.
15 Eriksson J, Laine M. Tulevaisuuden diabeteslääkkeet.
16 Eriksson JE. Att hitta ungdomens källa eller undvika åldrandets bittra kalk?
17 Eriksson JG et al. Markers of biological fitness as predictors of all-cause mortality.
18 Eriksson JG et al. The developmental origins of chronic rheumatic heart disease.
19 Giordano S et al. Effectiveness of local anaesthetic pain catheters for abdominal donor site analgesia in patients undergoing free lower abdominal flap breast reconstruction: A meta-analysis of comparative studies.
20 Giordano S et al. Physical discomfort due to redundant skin in post-bariatric surgery patients.
21 Göke B1 et al. Saxagliptin vs. glipizide as add-on therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled on metformin alone: long-term (52-week) extension of a 52-week randomised controlled trial.
22 Hartikainen M et al. Hyksin erityisvastuualueella : huippupaikkoja, rimanalituksia ja siltä väliltä.
23 Hautero U et al. Proportions and concentrations of serum n-3 fatty acids can be increased by dietary counseling during pregnancy.
24 Havulinna AS et al. A blood pressure genetic risk score is a significant predictor of incident cardiovascular events in 32,669 individuals.
25 Heinonen K et al. Late-preterm birth and lifetime socioeconomic attainments: the Helsinki birth cohort study.
26 Heinonen K et al. Self- and parent-rated executive functioning in young adults with very low birth weight.
27 Hek K et al. A genome-wide association study of depressive symptoms.
28 Helin-Salmivaara A, Eriksson J. Tavoitteellisuutta yleislääketieteen erikoistumiseen Yleportfolion tukemana.
29 Hirvonen JJ, Kaukoranta SS. GenomEra MRSA/SA, a fully automated homogeneous PCR assay for rapid detection of Staphylococcus aureus and the marker of methicillin resistance in various sample matrixes.
30 Hirvonen JJ et al. Evaluation of a new automated homogeneous PCR assay, GenomEra C. difficile, for rapid detection of Toxigenic Clostridium difficile in fecal specimens.
31 Honkaniemi J et al. Petolliset papillit.
32 Horikoshi M et al. New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism.
33 Hovi P et al. Lipoprotein subclass profiles in young adults born preterm at very low birth weight.
34 Jacks A et al. Raw grated beetroot linked to several outbreaks of sudden-onset gastrointestinal illness, Finland 2010.
35 Jekunen A. Geenidiagnostiikka muuttaa perusajattelua syöpätautien hoidossa.
36 Jokela M et al. Hartia-lantiodystrofioiden (LGMD) kasvava kirjo - uusia tautigeenejä löytyy myös Suomessa.
37 Juhola J et al. Combined effects of child and adult elevated blood pressure on subclinical atherosclerosis: the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium.
38 Juonala M et al. Higher maternal body mass index is associated with an increased risk for later type 2 diabetes in offspring.
39 Jääskeläinen T et al. Genetic predisposition to obesity and lifestyle factors--the combined analyses of twenty-six known BMI- and fourteen known waist:hip ratio (WHR)-associated variants in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study.
40 Kantola R et al. Color stability of thermochromic pigment in maxillofacial silicone elastomer.
41 Kantola RM et al. Use of thermochromic pigment in maxillofacial silicone elastomer.
42 Kaseva N et al. Diet and nutrient intake in young adults born preterm at very low birth weight.
43 Koistinen J et al. Eteisvärinän torakoskooppinen ablaatiohoito.
44 Lahti M et al. Trajectories of physical growth and personalitydimensions of the Five-Factor Model.
45 Laurila PP et al. Genomic, transcriptomic, and lipidomic profiling highlights the role of inflammation in individuals with low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
46 Lindgren AE et al. Type 2 diabetes and risk of rupture of saccular intracranial aneurysm in eastern Finland.
47 Lindroos M. On Glucose Metabolism in Patients with the m.3243A>G Mutation.
48 Lindström J et al. Improved lifestyle and decreased diabetes risk over 13 years: long-term follow-up of the randomised Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS).
49 Liuhanen S et al. Indirect measurement of the vascular endothelial glycocalyx layer thickness in human submucosal capillaries with a plug-in for ImageJ.
50 Martikainen S et al. Sleep problems and cardiovascular function in children.
51 Martikainen S et al. Higher levels of physical activity are associated with lower hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis reactivity to psychosocial stress in children.
52 Martikainen S et al. Reply: To PMID 22575251.
53 Meskanen K et al. A randomized clinical trial of histamine 2 receptor antagonism in treatment-resistant schizophrenia.
54 Miettola S et al. Maternal preeclampsia and bone mineral density of the adult offspring.
55 Monjaret F et al. The phenotype of dysferlin-deficient mice is not rescued by adeno-associated virus-mediated transfer of anoctamin 5.
56 Mustila T. Intervention Study Aiming at the Prevention of Excess Weight Gain in Childhood - Intensified dietary and physical activity counselling on mothers during pregnancy and child’s first year at maternity or child health clinics.
57 Nisula S et al. Six-month survival and quality of life of intensive care patients with acute kidney injury.
58 Ollila L et al. Lamin A/C mutation affecting primarily the right side of the heart.
59 Paldįnius PM et al. Total and carboxylated osteocalcin associate with insulin levels in young adults born with normal or very low birth weight.
60 Palmio J et al. An unusual phenotype of late-onset desminopathy.
61 Pellas E. Keliakia ja lisääntymisterveys.
62 Penn L et al. Importance of weight loss maintenance and risk prediction in the prevention of type 2 diabetes: analysis of European Diabetes Prevention Study RCT.
63 Peromaa-Haavisto P, Victorzon M. Is routine preoperative upper GI endoscopy needed prior to gastric bypass?
64 Perälä MM et al. Early growth and postprandial appetite regulatory hormone responses.
65 Pesonen AK et al. Cognitive ability and decline after early life stress exposure.
66 Porcu E et al. A meta-analysis of thyroid-related traits reveals novel loci and gender-specific differences in the regulation of thyroid function.
67 Poukkanen M et al. Hemodynamic variables and progression of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with severe sepsis: data from the prospective observational FINNAKI study.
68 Raikkonen K et al. Early life origins cognitive decline: findings in elderly men inthe Helsinki Birth Cohort Study.
69 Ramachandran N et al. VMA21 deficiency prevents vacuolar ATPase assembly and causes autophagic vacuolar myopathy.
70 Randall JC et al. Sex-stratified genome-wide association studies including 270,000 individuals show sexual dimorphism in genetic loci for anthropometric traits.
71 Rasmussen N et al. Changes in proteinase 3 anti-neutrophil cytoplasm autoantibody levels in early systemic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's) may reflect treatment rather than disease activity.
72 Richardson K et al. Gain-of-function lipoprotein lipase variant rs13702 modulates lipid traits through disruption of a MicroRNA-410 seed site.
73 Rietveld CA et al. GWAS of 126,559 individuals identifies genetic variants associated with educational attainment.
74 Rouvinen-Lagerström N et al. µ-Opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) polymorphism A118G: lack of association in Finnish populations with alcohol dependence or alcohol consumption.
75 Sabater-Lleal M et al. Multiethnic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in>100 000 subjects identifies 23 fibrinogen-associated Loci but no strong evidenceof a causal association between circulating fibrinogen and cardiovasculardisease.
76 Sallisalmi M. Endoteelin pintakerros eli glykokalyx kiinnostaa tehotutkijoita.
77 Sallisalmi M. Microcirculation and hemorheology in critically-ill patients.
78 Salmela S et al. Nurse leaders' perceptions of an approaching organizational change.
79 Sandboge S et al. Early growth and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adulthood-the NAFLD liver fat score and equation applied on the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study.
80 Sandell SM et al. 'Pathognomonic' muscle imaging findings in DNAJB6 mutated LGMD1D.
81 Schreier N et al. Seasonality and ambient temperature at time of conception in term-born individuals - influences on cardiovascular disease and obesity in adult life.
82 Seppälä J et al. Association between vitamin b12 levels and melancholic depressive symptoms: a Finnish population-based study.
83 Skilton MR et al. Fetal growth, omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids, and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: preventing fetal origins of disease? The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
84 Stoll G et al. Deletion of TOP3ß, a component of FMRP-containing mRNPs, contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders.
85 Tiainen AM1 et al. Personality and dietary intake - findings in the Helsinki birth cohort study.
86 Tuovinen S et al. Maternal hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and self-reported cognitive impairment of the offspring 70 years later: the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study.
87 Udd B. Distal Myopathies.
88 Udd B. Tintin related distal myopathies.
89 van der Loos MJ et al. The molecular genetic architecture of self-employment.
90 Vastamäki M et al. Rotator cuff integrity correlates with clinical and functional results at a minimum 16 years after open repair.
91 Venojärvi M et al. 12 weeks' aerobic and resistance training without dietary intervention did not influence oxidative stress but aerobic training decreased atherogenic index in middle-aged men with impaired glucose regulation.
92 Venojärvi M et al. Nordic walking decreased circulating chemerin and leptin concentrations in middle-aged men with impaired glucose regulation.
93 Victorzon M. Lisää näyttöä tyypin 2 diabeteksen kirurgisen hoidon vaikuttavuudesta.
94 Victorzon M, Tolonen P. Mean fourteen-year, 100% follow-up of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding for morbid obesity.
95 Victorzon M et al. Fibrin glue and stents in the treatment of gastrojejunal leaks after laparoscopic gastric bypass: a case series and review of the literature.
96 Vihola A et al. Altered expression and splicing of Ca(2+) metabolism genes in myotonic dystrophies DM1 and DM2.
97 Wehkalampi K et al. Altered methylation of IGF2 locus 20 years after preterm birth at very low birth weight.

Julkaisutietokanta 15.9.2014 Publications Data Base 15.9.2014