Psykiatrisen hoidon toimialue

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Drislane LE et al. Distinct variants of extreme psychopathic individuals in society at large: evidence from a population-based sample.
2 Ekblad M et al. Trends and risk groups for smoking during pregnancy in Finland and other Nordic countries.
3 Haapasalo-Pesu K-M, Ilola T. Agression management training at schools.
4 Haapasalo-Pesu K-M et al. Psychiatry summer school in Satakunta in 2013: a novel way of introducing psychiatry to medical students.
5 Karukivi M et al. Stability of alexithymia in late adolescence: results of a 4-year follow-up study.
6 Karukivi M, Saarijärvi S. Development of alexithymic personality features.
7 Karukivi M et al. Improving recruitment into psychiatry: a summer school for medical students combining clinical work and education.
8 Karukivi M et al. Is alexithymia linked with marital satisfaction or attachment to the partner? A study in a pregnancy cohort of parents-to-be.
9 Karukivi M et al. Does alexithymia expose to mental disorder symptoms in late adolescence? A 4-year follow-up study.
10 Klemettilä J et al. Cytokine and adipokine alterations in patients with schizophrenia treated with clozapine.
11 Korkeila J, Nikkilä J. Psykoosipotilaan epätavallinen kielenturvotus ja punoitus.
12 Korkeila J et al. Explaining job satisfaction and job control: a survey among Finnish psychiatrists.
13 Lindsberg P et al. Aivosairaudet ovat kalleimmat kansantautimme.
14 Paavonen V et al. A cluster model of temperament as an indicator of antidepressant response and symptom severity in major depression.
15 Puolakka K et al. Mental health promotion in a school community by using the results from the Well-being Profile: an action research project.
16 Puolakka K et al. Mental health promotion in school: Schoolchildren's and families' viewpoint.
17 Pöyri M et al. Maahanmuuttajalääkärien perehdytys psykiatriseen sairaanhoitoon.
18 Raij TT et al. Association of stigma resistance with emotion regulation - functional magnetic resonance imaging and neuropsychological findings.
19 Runsten S et al. Can social support alleviate inflammation associated with childhood adversities?
20 Saxén U et al. Psykiatrista avohoitoa tehostettu Satakunnassa.
21 Seppälä N et al. Smoking and weight among patients using clozapine.
22 Seppälä T et al. Weight change and health related quality of life: population-based longitudinal study of the effects of health related quality of life on the success of weight management.
23 Seppänen N. Clozapine - Clinical studies on adverse effects and interactions.
24 Soininen P et al. Methodological and ethical challenges in studying patients' perceptions of coercion: a systematic mixed studies review.
25 Solismaa A et al. Polymorphism in alpha 2A adrenergic receptor gene is associated with sialorrhea in schizophrenia patients on clozapine treatment.
26 Viikki M et al. CYP1A2 polymorphism -1545C > T (rs2470890) is associated with increased side effects to clozapine.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015