Hoitotyön toimisto OH

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Afram B et al. Predicting institutional long-term care admission in dementia: a mixed-methods study of informal caregivers' reports.
2 Auvinen J et al. Midwives' perspectives on male participation in PMTCT of HIV and how they can support it in Lusaka, Zambia.
3 Auvinen J et al. Views of Luba-Kasai men, Zambia, about prevention of HIV transmission to babies.
4 Auvinen J et al. Luba-Kasai men and the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV program in Lusaka.
5 Danielsson-Ojala R et al. Erikoissairaanhoidon loppulausuntojen ymmärrettävyys - terveyskeskussairaanhoitajien haastattelututkimus.
6 de Mauleon A et al. Associated factors with antipsychotic use in long-term institutional care in eight European countries: Results from the RightTimePlaceCare study.
7 Dunder U et al. Venous leg ulcer patient's empowering education - What is it?
8 Díaz Rodríguez N et al. Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response.
9 Eloranta S et al. Voimavaraistumista tukevan potilasohjauksen toteutuminen dialyysihoidossa olevien potilaiden arvioimana.
10 Eloranta S et al. Toteutuuko potilaslähtöinen ohjaus hoitotyöntekijöiden näkökulmasta?
11 Eloranta S et al. Läheiset tärkeä voimavara leikkauspotilaan ohjauksessa.
12 Flinkman M et al. Työyhteisön keinot pitää nuoret sairaanhoitajat työpaikassa ja ammatissa.
13 Flinkman M, Salanterä S. Early career experiences and perceptions - a qualitative exploration of the turnover of young registered nurses and intention to leave the nursing profession in Finland.
14 Heikkilä K, Leino-Kilpi H. Empowering patient education for open heart surgery patients: Narrative Review.
15 Houtsonen J et al. University students' perception of people living with HIV/AIDS: discomfort, fear, knowledge and a willingness to care.
16 Ingadottir B et al. The fulfilment of knowledge expectations during the perioperative period of patients undergoing knee arthroplasty - a Nordic perspective.
17 Isotalo A et al. Terveydenhuoltolaissa korostuu potilaan vapaus ja vastuu.
18 Johansson Stark A et al. Fulfilment of knowledge expectations and emotional state among people undergoing hip replacement: a multi-national survey.
19 Kajander-Unkuri S et al. Self-assessed level of competence of graduating nursing students and factors related to it.
20 Kajander-Unkuri S et al. Harjoittelun ohjaus ja ilmapiiri vahvistavat kompetenssia.
21 Kajander-Unkuri S et al. Self-assessed level of graduating nursing students' nursing skills.
22 Kannisto KA et al. Use of mobile phone text message reminders in health care services: a narrative literature review.
23 Kauhanen L et al. Active video games to promote physical activity in children with cancer: a randomized clinical trial with follow-up.
24 Kauhanen L et al. Documentation of the clinical phase of the cardiac rehabilitation process in a Finnish university hospital district.
25 Kauppi K et al. Perceptions of treatment adherence among people with mental health problems and health care professionals.
26 Kesänen J et al. Knowledge tests in patient education: a systematic review.
27 Klemetti S et al. Difference between received and expected knowledge of patients undergoing knee or hip replacement in seven European countries.
28 Koivula-Tynnilä H et al. Potilaan tiedollinen yksityisyys sairaalassa.
29 Koivunen M et al. Päihtyneenä päivystyksessä - Saako potilas hyvää hoitoa ja kohtelua?
30 Kontio E et al. Predicting patient acuity from electronic patient records.
31 Kontio E et al. Enterprise resource planning systems in healthcare: A qualitative review.
32 Kontio R et al. Toward a safer working environment on psychiatric wards: service users' delayed perspectives of aggression and violence-related situations and development ideas.
33 Kontio R et al. Hoitajien työn hallinta psykiatrisen potilaan väkivaltatilanteissa - näyttöön perustuva tieto ja osallistava johtaminen tukena.
34 Kontio R et al. eLearning course may shorten the duration of mechanical restraint among psychiatric inpatients: a cluster-randomized triall.
35 Koskenniemi J et al. Manifestation of respect in the care of older patients in long-term care settings.
36 Koskenniemi J et al. Muistipotilaan haastattelu - haaste kliinikoille ja tutkijoille.
37 Koskenniemi J et al. Muistipotilaat arvioivat omaa elämänlaatuaan.
38 Koskinen S et al. Ikääntyneiden osallisuus palveluiden kehittämisessä.
39 Koskinen S et al. Media portrayal of older people as illustrated in Finnish newspapers.
40 Kuokkanen L et al. Does organizational justice predict empowerment? Nurses assess their work environment.
41 Lahti M et al. Impact of e-learning on nurses' and student nurses knowledge, skills, and satisfaction: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
42 Lahti M et al. Knowledge transfer from an e-learning course to clinical practice.
43 Lahtinen P et al. Nursing education in the European higher education area - Variations in implementation.
44 Laippala V et al. Statistical parsing of varieties of clinical Finnish.
45 Lakanmaa RL et al. Graduating nursing students' basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing.
46 Lakanmaa RL et al. Basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing: development and psychometric testing of a competence scale.
47 Lehtiranta S et al. Muistisairaan henkilön kotoa laitoshoitoon siirtymistä jouduttavat tekijät.
48 Leino-Kilpi H. Hoitotieteellisellä tutkimuksella tärkeä rooli.
49 Leino-Kilpi H et al. Knowledge received by hospital patients-a factor connected with the patient-centred quality of nursing care.
50 Lindgren A et al. Ravitsemuskasvatus voi olla hauskaa - Digitaaliset pelit lasten terveellisten ruokailutottumusten edistämisessä.
51 Maijala R et al. Internet delivered question and answer column for patients with schizophrenia.
52 Markkola K et al. Ammatillisen yhteistyön toimintatapoja erikoissairaanhoidossa.
53 Meretoja R et al. Nurse competence between three generational nurse cohorts: A cross-sectional study.
54 Mockiene V et al. Nurses' self-evaluations of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) staff educational programs.
55 Moen H et al. On evaluation of automatically generated clinical discharge summaries.
56 Moen H et al. Care episode retrieval.
57 Murtola L et al. Information management efforts in improving patient safety in critical care.
58 Murtola L et al. Potilaskeskeisessä kivun hoidossa potilaalla on aktiivinen rooli.
59 Niela-Vilén H et al. Aiming to be a breastfeeding mother in a neonatal intensive care unit and at home: a thematic analysis of peer-support group discussion in social media.
60 Niela-Vilén H et al. Internet-based peer support for parents: a systematic integrative review.
61 Numminen O et al. Do educational outcomes correspond with the requirements of nursing practice: educators' and managers' assessments of novice nurses' professional competence.
62 Numminen O, Leino-Kilpi H. Hoitotyö vaatii moraalista rohkeutta.
63 Numminen O et al. Ethical climate and nurse competence - newly graduated nurses' perceptions.
64 Numminen O et al. Vastavalmistuneiden tilanne tutkitaan.
65 Olli J et al. The habilitation nursing of children with developmental disabilities.
66 Parisod H et al. The advantages and limitations of digital games in children's health promotion.
67 Parisod H, Leino-Kilpi H. Empowering youth for smoking prevention.
68 Poikkeus T et al. Supporting ethical competence of nurses during recruitment and performance reviews - the role of the nurse leader.
69 Poikkeus T et al. A mixed-method systematic review: support for ethical competence of nurses.
70 Pudas-Tähkä SM et al. Translation and cultural adaptation of an objective pain assessment tool for Finnish ICU patients.
71 Rankinen S et al. The empowering patient education programme: Description of activities.
72 Rauti S et al. A proxy-based security solution for web-based online ehealth services.
73 Repo H et al. Eettisiä kysymyksiä hoitotyössä ja terveydenhuollossa - Katsaus hoitotieteellisiin opinnäytteisiin Turun yliopistossa.
74 Ritmala-Castren M et al. Sleep in the intensive care unit - nurses' documentation and patients' perspectives.
75 Ritmala-Castren M et al. Evaluating adult patients' sleep: an integrative literature review in critical care.
76 Sakellari E et al. Greek adolescents' views of people with mental illness through drawings: mental health education's impact.
77 Sakellari E et al. The impact of an educational mental health intervention on adolescents' perceptions of mental illness.
78 Saks K et al. Most appropriate placement for people with dementia: individual experts' vs. expert groups' decisions in eight European countries.
79 Salminen L et al. Entrepreneurship education in health care education.
80 Salonen A et al. Educational benefits of Internet and computer-based programmes for prostate cancer patients: a systematic review.
81 Siekkinen M et al. Randomized, controlled trial of the effect of e-feedback on knowledge about radiotherapy of breast cancer patients in Finland.
82 Siltanen M et al. A new participative, family-oriented health counseling approach for children and their families: a comparative qualitative analysis.
83 Soininen P et al. Methodological and ethical challenges in studying patients' perceptions of coercion: a systematic mixed studies review.
84 Stolt M et al. Läheisen kuormittuneisuus muistipotilaiden kotihoidossa.
85 Stolt M et al. Ikääntyneiden kenkien kunto - asukasturvallisuuden ja hoidon laadun osatekijä.
86 Suhonen R et al. Terveyden edistämiseen ja palvelujärjestelmään kohdistuva hoitotieteellinen tutkimus Suomessa.
87 Suhonen R et al. The associations among the ethical climate, the professional practice environment and individualized care in care settings for older people.
88 Suhonen R et al. Tarkoituksenmukainen hoitopaikka muistisairaalle henkilölle - Olisiko BoC -menetelmä avuksi?
89 Sulosaari V et al. Medication education in nursing programmes in Finland - Findings from a national survey.
90 Suominen T et al. Continuity of care in day surgical care - perspective of patients.
91 Taajamaa V et al. Interdisciplinary Engineering Education - Practice Based Case.
92 Tuominen L et al. Older people's experiences of their free will in nursing homes.
93 Uronen L et al. The content and documentation of health check-ups in occupational health care.
94 Vaartio-Rajalin H et al. Exploring patients' knowledge expectations during the illness trajectory.
95 Valkeapää K et al. Knowledge expectations of surgical orthopaedic patients: A European survey.
96 Välimäki M. Evidence-based Practice as a Tool for Researching, Learning and Making Improvements in Healthcare.
97 Välimäki M, Anttila M. Tekstiviestit hoitoon sitoutumisen tukena.
98 Välimäki M et al. DepisNet kouluterveydenhoitajan käyttöön.
99 Ylönen M et al. Nurses' knowledge about venous leg ulcer care - A literature review.
100 Ylönen M et al. Laskimohaavaa sairastavan potilaan haavan paikallishoito.
101 Zabalegui A et al. Best practices interventions to improve quality of care of people with dementia living at home.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015