Keuhkosairaudet TO5

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Anttalainen U, Kalleinen N. Uniapnea ja sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet.
2 Anttalainen U et al. Short-term medroxyprogesterone acetate in postmenopausal women with sleep-disordered breathing: a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study.
3 Gylen E et al. Relationship between habitual sleep duration, obesity and depressive symptoms in patients with sleep apnoea.
4 Harju T et al. Keuhkoahtaumatauti.
5 Ilmarinen P et al. Enhanced expression of neuropeptide S (NPS) receptor in eosinophils from severe asthmatics and subjects with total IgE above 100 lU/ml.
6 Iwamoto H et al. Differences in plasma and sputum biomarkers between COPD and COPD-asthma overlap.
7 Kauppi P et al. Interaction of NPSR1 genotypes and probiotics in the manifestation of atopic eczema in early childhood.
8 Kauppi P et al. Long-term smoking increases the need for acute care among asthma patients: a case control study.
9 Kent BD et al. Sleep apnoea severity independently predicts glycaemic health in nondiabetic subjects: the ESADA study.
10 Kent BD et al. Diabetes mellitus prevalence and control in sleep-disordered breathing: The European Sleep Apnea Cohort (ESADA) Study.
11 Koskela J et al. Co-morbidities are the key nominators of the health related quality of life in mild and moderate COPD.
12 Koskela J et al. Longitudinal HRQoL shows divergent trends and identifies constant decliners in asthma and COPD.
13 Lampio L et al. Sleep in midlife women: effects of menopause, vasomotor symptoms, and depressive symptoms.
14 Lindström I et al. Ärsytyksen aiheuttama astma.
15 Linnamaa P. Blackcurrant Seed Oil for Prevention Of Atopic Dermatitis.
16 Polo P, Saaresranta T. Naisen uni vaihdevuosien aikana.
17 Porkka-Heiskanen T et al. Gender differences in sleep.
18 Purokivi M et al. Työn pahentama astma.
19 Rimpilä V et al. Transcutaneous CO2 plateau as set-point for respiratory drive during upper airway flow-limitation.
20 Saaresranta T, Vuori A. Mitä anestesiasairaanhoitajan tulisi tietää noninvasiivisesta ventilaatiosta?
21 Suojalehto H et al. Nasal nitric oxide is dependent on sinus obstruction in allergic rhinitis.
22 Tkacova R et al. Nocturnal intermittent hypoxia predicts p revalent hyperstension in the European Sleep Apnoea Database cohort study.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015