Kliinisen neurofysiologian palvelualue NFY

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Alstergen P et al. Advances in orofacial pain assessment: Immunological and neurophysiological biomarkers of orofacial pain. .
2 Hurri L et al. Valproaattimyrkytyksen aiheuttama aivoturvotus.
3 Jaakkola E, Joutsa J. Parkinsonin tauti ja impulssikontrollihäiriöt.
4 Joutsa J et al. Miksi pappa ei päässyt ruokasaliin.
5 Jääskeläinen S et al. Variation in the dopamine D2 receptor gene plays a key role in human pain and its modulation by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
6 Kaasinen V et al. Hyperseksuaalisuus Parkinsonin taudissa.
7 Lefaucheur J et al. Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS).
8 Maksimow A et al. Directional connectivity between frontal and posterior brain regions is altered with increasing concentrations of propofol.
9 Peltola M. Electrical status epilepticus during sleep.
10 Peltola ME et al. Measuring spike strength in patients with continuous spikes and waves during sleep: comparison of methods for prospective use as a clinical index.
11 Ritmala-Castren M et al. Evaluating adult patients' sleep: an integrative literature review in critical care.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015