Korvaklinikka TO6

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Aaltonen L-M et al. Voice quality after treatment of early vocal cord cancer: a randomized trial comparing laser surgery with radiation therapy.
2 Aitasalo KM et al. Craniofacial bone reconstruction with bioactive fiber-reinforced composite implant.
3 Almangush A et al. Depth of invasion, tumor budding, and worst pattern of invasion: Prognostic indicators in early-stage oral tongue cancer.
4 Aro K et al. Familial predisposition for salivary gland cancer in Finland.
5 Brauze D et al. Diversified expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor dependent genes in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines treated with beta-naphthoflavone.
6 Grönroos TJ et al. Hypoxia, blood flow and metabolism in squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck: correlations between multiple immunohistochemical parameters and PET.
7 Haapaniemi A et al. Laryngeal cancer in Finland: A 5-year follow-up study of 366 patients.
8 Haavisto L. Astmaa sairastavan lapsen nenän hoito on tärkeää.
9 Haavisto L. "Korvaopettajan käsikirja" - työkalu lääketieteen opetuksen linjakkuuden parantamiseen.
10 Irjala H et al. Nenäverenvuoto - kättä pidempää päivystäjän avuksi.
11 Jartti T et al. Distinct regulation of tonsillar immune response in virus infection.
12 Karikoski M et al. Clever-1/Stabilin-1 controls cancer growth and metastasis.
13 Klemetti S et al. Difference between received and expected knowledge of patients undergoing knee or hip replacement in seven European countries.
14 Komar G et al. Prognostic value of tumour blood flow, (18F)EF% and (18F)FDG PET/CT imaging in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiochemotherapy.
15 Korvala J et al. Toll-like receptor 9 expression in mucoepidermoid salivary gland carcinoma may associate with good prognosis.
16 Martín-Fontecha M et al. The expression of cannabinoid receptor 1 is significantly increased in atopic patients.
17 Mäkelä J et al. Reconstruction of mouse testicular cellular microenvironments in long-term seminiferous tubule culture.
18 Mäkitie A, Grenman R. Diagnostiikan ja hoidon organisointiin tarvitaan voimavaroja, Pään ja kaulan syöpien hoitoviiveeseen on puututtava nyt.
19 Mäkitie A et al. Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien erikoislääkärikoulutuksen arviointityöryhmän raportti 2009-2012.
20 Nagelkerke A et al. Hypoxic regulationof the PERK/ATF4/LAMP3-arm of the unfolded protein response in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
21 Paluszczak J et al. Frequent hypermethylation on WNT pathway genes in laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas.
22 Paluszczak J et al. The negative regulators of Wnt pathway-DACH1, DKK1, and WIF1 are methylated in oral and oropharyngeal cancer and WIF1 methylation predicts shorter survival.
23 Perheentupa U. Epidemiology, Management and Outcome of Facial Injuries.
24 Perheentupa U et al. Frontobasilar fractures: proposal for image reviewing algorithm.
25 Perheentupa U et al. Subcranial craniotomy approach for frontobasal fracture correction.
26 Puhakka T et al. Comparison of spectral gradient acoustic reflectometry and tympanometry for detection of middle-ear effusion in children.
27 Pulkkinen J et al. Prophylactic percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in head and neck cancer patients: results of tertiary institute.
28 Rekola J et al. Effect of heat treatment of wood on the morphology, surface roughness and penetration of simulated and human blood.
29 Riihilä PM et al. Complement factor h: a biomarker for progression of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.
30 Salomäki SP et al. Widespread vascular inflammation in a patient with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis as detected by positron emission tomography.
31 Schrey Aleksi et al. Leikkauksenjälkeinen ihonalainen emfyseema.
32 Silen J et al. Uptake of [18F]EF5 as a tracer for hypoxic and aggressive phenotype in experimental head and neck squamous cell carcinoma1.
33 Silvoniemi A et al. Evaluation of repeated [18F] EF5 PET/CT scans and tumor growth rate in experimental head and neck carcinomas.
34 Suojalehto H et al. Nasal nitric oxide is dependent on sinus obstruction in allergic rhinitis.
35 Tamagawa S et al. Role of miR-200c/miR-141 in the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and migration in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
36 Tonigold M et al. A cisplatin-resistant head and neck cancer cell line with cytoplasmic p53mut exhibits ATP-binding cassette transporter upregulation and high glutathione levels.
37 Valkeapää K et al. Knowledge expectations of surgical orthopaedic patients: A European survey.
38 van de Schootbrugge C et al. Effect of hypoxia on the expression of alphabeta -crystallin in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015