Lastenkirurgia TO8

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Helenius I. Lapsen skolioosi ja kyfoosi.
2 Helenius I. Lapsen kipeä selkä.
3 Helenius I et al. Morbidity and radiographic outcomes of severe scoliosis of 90° or more: a comparison of hybrid with total pedicle screw instrumentation.
4 Jalanko T et al. Effects of surgical correction of neuromuscular scoliosis on gastric myoelectrical activity, emptying, and upper gastrointestinal symptoms.
5 Kalliomäki M et al. Increased expression of CXCL16, a bacterial scavenger receptor, in the colon of children with ulcerative colitis.
6 Syvänen J et al. High risk for major nonlimb anomalies associated with lower-limb deficiency: a population-based study.
7 Syvänen J et al. Normal behavior of plasma procalcitonin in adolescents undergoing surgery for scoliosis.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015