Lastenneurologia TO8

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Bladen CL et al. Mapping the differences in care for 5,000 spinal muscular atrophy patients, a survey of 24 national registries in North America, Australasia and Europe.
2 Huhtala M et al. Associations between parental psychological well-being and socio-emotional development in 5-year-old preterm children.
3 Jaakkola S et al. Dental fear affects adolescent perception of interaction with dental staff.
4 Korja R et al. Preterm infant's early crying associated with child's behavioral problems and parents' stress.
5 Laimi K et al. Adolescent cervical disc degeneration in MRI does not predict adult headache or neck pain: A 5-year follow-up of adolescents with and without headache.
6 Leppänen M et al. Antenatal and postnatal growth and 5-year cognitive outcome in very preterm infants.
7 Polo-Kantola P et al. A population-based survey of sleep disturbances in middle-aged women - Associations with health, health related quality of life and health behavior.
8 Setänen S et al. Neurological examination combined with brain MRI or cranial US improves prediction of neurological outcome in preterm infants.
9 Stolt S et al. Early relations between language development and the quality of mother-child interaction in very-low-birth-weight children.
10 Stolt S et al. The prevalence and predictive value of weak language skills in children with very low birth weight--a longitudinal study.
11 Stolt S et al. The development and predictive value of gestures in very-low-birth-weight children: A longitudinal study.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015