Lastenpsykiatria PSY

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Axelin A et al. Nurses' perspectives on the close collaboration with parents training program in the NICU.
2 Brown AS et al. Elevated maternal C-reactive protein and autism in a national birth cohort.
3 Canetta S et al. Elevated maternal C-reactive protein and schizophrenia in a national birth cohort.
4 Cheslack-Postava K et al. Variation by diagnostic subtype in risk for autism spectrum disorders associated with maternal parity among Finnish births.
5 Cheslack-Postava K et al. Increased risk of autism spectrum disorders at short and long interpregnancy intervals in Finland.
6 Chudal R et al. Parental age and the risk of bipolar disorders.
7 Chudal R et al. Perinatal factors and the risk of bipolar disorder in Finland.
8 Chudal R et al. Finnish Prenatal Study of Bipolar Disorders (FIPS-B): Overview, design and description of the sample.
9 Drislane LE et al. Distinct variants of extreme psychopathic individuals in society at large: evidence from a population-based sample.
10 Elonheimo H et al. Criminal offending among males and females between ages 15 and 30 in a population-based nationwide 1981 birth cohort: results from the FinnCrime Study.
11 Green CR et al. Frequent behavioural challenges in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A needs-based assessment reported by caregivers and clinicians.
12 Gyllenberg D et al. Specialized service use for psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders by age 14.
13 Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki S et al. The incidence of diagnosed autism spectrum diorders in Finland.
14 Huhtala M et al. Associations between parental psychological well-being and socio-emotional development in 5-year-old preterm children.
15 Jokiranta E et al. Epilepsy among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: a population-based study.
16 Karukivi M et al. Is alexithymia linked with marital satisfaction or attachment to the partner? A study in a pregnancy cohort of parents-to-be.
17 Korja R et al. Preterm infant's early crying associated with child's behavioral problems and parents' stress.
18 Lehti V et al. Parental migration and Asperger's syndrome.
19 Leivonen S et al. A nationwide register study of the characteristics, incidence and validity of diagnosed Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders.
20 Luntamo T et al. Do headache and abdominal pain in childhood predict suicides and severe suicide attempts? Finnish nationwide 1981 birth cohort study.
21 Luoto A et al. Individual changes in dental fear among children and parents: A longitudinal study.
22 Pajulo M, Pyykkönen N. Mentalisaatiokyvyn arviointi varhaisessa vanhemmuudessa.
23 Polo-Kantola P et al. Obstetric risk factors and autism spectrum disorders in Finland.
24 Sakellari E et al. Greek adolescents' views of people with mental illness through drawings: mental health education's impact.
25 Sakellari E et al. The impact of an educational mental health intervention on adolescents' perceptions of mental illness.
26 Setänen S et al. Neurological examination combined with brain MRI or cranial US improves prediction of neurological outcome in preterm infants.
27 Sucksdorff D et al. Bipolar disorder and parental psychopathology.
28 Wichstrom L et al. Predicting service use for mental health problems among young children.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015