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Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Ahola K et al. Mielenterveyssyistä työkyvyttömien nuorten aikuisten tausta.
2 Azevedo Da Silva M et al. Sleep duration and sleep disturbances partly explain the association between depressive symptoms and cardiovascular mortality.
3 Ehrlich A et al. Comparison of laparoscopic and open colonic resection within fast-track and traditional perioperative care pathways: Clinical outcomes and in-hospital costs.
4 Entonen AH et al. Migraine predicts hypertension--a cohort study of the Finnish working-age population.
5 Ervasti J et al. The role of psychiatric, cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal comorbidity in the recurrence of depression-related work disability.
6 Ervasti J et al. Is temporary employment a risk factor for work disability due to depressive disorders and delayed return to work? The Finnish Public Sector Study.
7 Griffiths A et al. Association of physical activity with future mental health in older, mid-life and younger women.
8 Halava H et al. Lifestyle factors as predictors of nonadherence to statin therapy among patients with and without cardiovascular comorbidities.
9 Halonen J et al. Associations of traffic noise with self-rated health and psychotropic medication use.
10 Halonen JI et al. Proximity to a tobacco store and smoking cessation: a cohort study.
11 Halonen JI et al. Green and blue areas as predictors of overweight and obesity in an 8-year follow-up study.
12 Halonen JI et al. Association of the availability of beer, wine and liquor outlets with beverage-specific alcohol consumption: a cohort study.
13 Halonen JI et al. Adverse experiences in childhood, adulthood neighbourhood disadvantage and health behaviours.
14 Heikkilä K et al. Job strain and the risk of severe asthma exacerbations: A meta-analysis of individual-participant data from 100 000 European men and women.
15 Heikkilä K et al. Job strain and the risk of inflammatory bowel diseases: individual-participant meta-analysis of 95 000 men and women.
16 Heikkilä K et al. Job strain and COPD exacerbations: an individual-participant meta-analysis.
17 Joensuu M et al. Components of job control and mortality: the Finnish Public Sector Study.
18 Kankaanpää AT et al. Factors affecting sick leave prescribing in occupational health care: a survey based on hypothetical patient cases.
19 Karhula K et al. Job strain and vagal recovery during sleep in shift working health care professionals.
20 Kesänen J et al. Knowledge tests in patient education: a systematic review.
21 Kronström K et al. Optimism and pessimism as predictors of initiating and ending an antidepressant medication treatment.
22 Kuusela M. Yleislääkärin vastaanottotapahtuma - Näkökulmia laatuun.
23 Leino M et al. Perceived impact of psoriasis on leisure-time activities.
24 Madsen IE et al. Study protocol for examining job strain as a risk factor for severe unipolar depression in an individual participant meta-analysis of 14 European cohorts.
25 Mattila K et al. Impact of morning stiffness on working behaviour and performance in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
26 Mustonen A et al. Treatment costs of psoriasis in a tertiary-level clinic.
27 Mustonen A et al. Psoriasis causes significant economic burden to patients.
28 Muurinen C et al. Vertical and horizontal trust at work as predictors of retirement intentions: the Finnish Public Sector Study.
29 Mähönen M et al. Sepelvaltimotaudin kajoavia toimenpiteitä koskevien rekisteritietojen luotettavuus ja kehityssuunnat 1994-2011.
30 Nurminen J. The Use of Nervous System Drugs and the Risk of Fractures in Old Adults.
31 Nyberg ST et al. Job strain as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes: a pooled analysis of 124,808 men and women.
32 Peutere L et al. Heikentääkö kotihoidon tuen kuntalisä äitien kiinnittymistä työelämään? .
33 Rantalaiho V et al. Targeted treatment with a combination of traditional DMARDs produces excellent clinical and radiographic long-term outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis regardless of initial infliximab. The 5-year follow-up results of a randomised clinical trial, the NEO-RACo trial.
34 Salminen M et al. Sex hormones and cardiovascular risk: a 9-year follow-up among older men in Finland. .
35 Salminen M et al. Sex hormones and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A 9-year follow up among elderly men in Finland.
36 Salo P et al. Work time control and sleep disturbances: prospective cohort study of Finnish public sector employees.
37 Salomaa V et al. Sepelvaltimotautitapahtumien ilmaantuvuus on vähentynyt ja ennuste parantunut FINAMI-tutkimuksen tuloksia 1993-2007.
38 Saltychev M et al. Nine-year trajectory of purchases of prescribed pain medication before and after in-patient interdisciplinary rehabilitation for chronic musculoskeletal disorders: a prospective, cohort, register-based study of 4,365 subjects.
39 Saltychev M et al. Short- and long-term changes in perceived work ability after interdisciplinary rehabilitation of chronic musculoskeletal disorders: prospective cohort study among 854 rehabilitants.
40 Siekkinen M et al. Psychosocial outcomes of e-feedback of radiotherapy for breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial.
41 Stenholm S et al. Self-rated health in the last 12 years of life compared to matched surviving controls: the Health and Retirement Study.
42 Stenholm S et al. Age-related trajectories of physical functioning in work and retirement: The role of sociodemographic factors, lifestyle and disease.
43 Virtanen M et al. Psychological distress and incidence of type 2 diabetes in high-risk and low-risk populations: the Whitehall II Cohort Study.
44 Virtanen M et al. Extending employment beyond the pensionable age: a cohort study of the influence of chronic diseases, health risk factors, and working conditions.
45 Virtanen R et al. Self-detection of atrial fibrillation in an aged population: the LietoAF Study.
46 Vuori M et al. Association between exposure to work stressors and cognitive performance.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015