Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Aantaa R, Scheinin H. Inhalaatioanestesia, laskimoanestesia ja yhdistelmäanestesia.
2 Ahlmen-Laiho U. Lääkäri mediassa - sananvapaus vastaan vaitiolovelvollisuus.
3 Ahtiala M et al. Occurrence of pressure ulcers and risk factors in a mixed medical-surgical ICU - a cohort study.
4 Antila H. Vapaa hengitystie ja intubaatio.
5 Antila H. Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkuleikkauspotilaan anestesia.
6 Heinonen I et al. Capacity and hypoxic response of subcutaneous adipose tissue blood flow in humans.
7 Heinonen I et al. Reply to "Letter to the editor: 'Deconstructing the dogma of sympathetic restraint and its role in the cardiovascular response to exercise'".
8 Hellevuo H et al. The quality of manual chest compressions during transport--effect of the mattress assessed by dual accelerometers.
9 Hämäläinen P. Päiväkirurgian nykytrendit.
10 Jääskeläinen S et al. Variation in the dopamine D2 receptor gene plays a key role in human pain and its modulation by transcranial magnetic stimulation.
11 Kulkova J et al. Osteointegration of PLGA implants with nanostructured or microsized ?-TCP particles in a minipig model.
12 Lakanmaa RL et al. Graduating nursing students' basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing.
13 Lakanmaa RL et al. Basic competence in intensive and critical care nursing: development and psychometric testing of a competence scale.
14 Lepänluoma M et al. Surgical safety checklist is associated with improved operating room safety culture, reduced wound complications, and unplanned readmissions in a pilot study in neurosurgery.
15 Longrois D et al. Sedation in non-invasive ventilation: do we know what to do (and why)?
16 Maksimow A et al. Directional connectivity between frontal and posterior brain regions is altered with increasing concentrations of propofol.
17 Pudas-Tähkä SM et al. Translation and cultural adaptation of an objective pain assessment tool for Finnish ICU patients.
18 Saaresranta T, Vuori A. Mitä anestesiasairaanhoitajan tulisi tietää noninvasiivisesta ventilaatiosta?
19 Saari TI et al. Influence of intensive care treatment on the protein binding of sufentanil and hydromorphone during pain therapy in postoperative cardiac surgery patients.
20 Salo M, Takala R. Äkillinen vakava yliherkkyysreaktio.
21 Siirala W. Korkeavirtaushappiterapian käyttö aikuispotilailla.
22 Suominen PK et al. Neurocognitive long term follow-up study on drowned children.
23 Takala R, Lång M. Neurokirurgisen potilaan anestesia.
24 Tirkkonen J et al. Cardiac arrest teams and medical emergency teams in Finland: a nationwide cross-sectional postal survey.
25 Tirkkonen J et al. Medical emergency team activation: performance of conventional dichotomised criteria versus national early warning score.
26 Utriainen KT et al. Sleep apnoea is associated with major cardiac events in peripheral arterial disease.
27 Virolainen P et al. Vanhuksen leikkaushoitoa punnittaessa elämänlaatu on keskeinen.
28 Virtanen S et al. White matter damage of the brain is associated with poor outcome in vascular surgery patients with claudication: A pilot study.
29 Vähätalo R et al. Drowning in children: Utstein style reporting and outcome.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015