Vatsaelinkirurgian ja urologian klinikka TO3

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Alinezhad S et al. Lanthanide chelate complementation and hydrolysis enhanced luminescent chelate in real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays for KLK3 transcripts.
2 Bellingan G et al. The effect of intravenous interferon-beta-1a (FP-1201) on lung CD73 expression and on acute respiratory distress syndrome mortality: an open-label study.
3 Biancari F et al. Treatment of esophageal perforation in octogenarians: a multicenter study.
4 Biancari F et al. Outcome of patients with esophageal perforations: A multicenter study.
5 Carpelan A et al. Reduction mammaplasty as an outpatient procedure: A retrospective analysis of outcome and success rate.
6 Eloranta S et al. Voimavaraistumista tukevan potilasohjauksen toteutuminen dialyysihoidossa olevien potilaiden arvioimana.
7 Ettala OO et al. High-intensity physical activity, stable relationship, and high education level associate with decreasing risk of erectile dysfunction in 1,000 apparently healthy cardiovascular risk subjects.
8 Halttunen J et al. Difficult cannulation as defined by a prospective study of the Scandinavian Association for Digestive Endoscopy (SADE) in 907 ERCPs.
9 Helmiö M et al. Comparison of short-term outcome of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass in the treatment of morbid obesity: A prospective randomized controlled multicenter SLEEVEPASS study with 6-month follow-up.
10 Honka H et al. Pancreatic metabolism, blood flow, and ß-cell function in obese humans.
11 Immonen H et al. Effect of bariatric surgery on liver glucose metabolism in morbidly obese diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
12 Jambor I et al. Prebiopsy multiparametric 3T prostate MRI in patients with elevated PSA, normal digital rectal examination, and no previous biopsy.
13 Jambor I et al. Evaluation of different mathematical models for diffusion-weighted imaging of normal prostate and prostate cancer using high b-values: A repeatability study.
14 Leino-Kilpi H et al. Knowledge received by hospital patients-a factor connected with the patient-centred quality of nursing care.
15 Lill S et al. Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for symptomatic uncomplicated gallstone disease: do the symptoms disappear?
16 Merkkola-von Schantz P et al. Adverse histopathology and imaging findings in reduction mammaplasty day-surgery patients.
17 Minn H et al. 18F-fluorodihydroxyphenylalanine in the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors.
18 Neuzillet Y et al. FGFR3 mutations, but not FGFR3 expression and FGFR3 copy-number variations, are associated with favourable non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
19 Rouprêt M et al. European Association of Urology (@Uroweb) recommendations on the appropriate use of social media.
20 Sallinen V et al. Laparoscopic versus open adhesiolysis for small bowel obstruction - a multicenter, prospective, randomized, controlled trial.
21 Salminen P et al. Barrettin ruokatorven radiotaajuusablaatio - voiko ruokatorven adenokarsinooman riskiä vähentää?
22 Seikkula H et al. Role of ultrasensitive prostate-specific antigen in the follow-up of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy.
23 Syvänen KT et al. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
24 Syvänen KT et al. Bulbourethral gland adenocarcinoma in a 25-year-old man without comorbidities: Radical resection of proximal urethrae with Mitrofanoff-type appendicovesicostomy.
25 Toivonen J et al. Mathematical models for diffusion-weighted imaging of prostate cancer using b values up to 2000 s/mm2 : Correlation with Gleason score and repeatability of region of interest analysis.
26 Uotila R et al. Endometrioosipotilaiden suolioireet ja kirurgian vaikutus niihin.
27 Utriainen KT et al. Sleep apnoea is associated with major cardiac events in peripheral arterial disease.
28 Vaalasti A et al. Krooninen alaraajahaava.
29 Virtanen S et al. White matter damage of the brain is associated with poor outcome in vascular surgery patients with claudication: A pilot study.
30 Väänänen R et al. Cancer-associated changes in the expression of TMPRSS2-ERG, PCA3, and SPINK1 in histologically benign tissue from cancerous vs noncancerous prostatectomy specimens.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015