Vanhan Vaasan sairaala

Julkaisut 2014
Publications 2014

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1 Gammelgård M et al. Predictive validity of the structured assessment of violence risk in youth: A 4-year follow-up.
2 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Violent girls in adolescent forensic care are more often psychotic and traumatized than boys in the same level of care.
3 Laiho T et al. Psychiatric staff on the wards does not share attitudes on aggression.
4 Salize HJ et al. Developing forensic mental healthcare in Kosovo.
5 Soininen P et al. Methodological and ethical challenges in studying patients' perceptions of coercion: a systematic mixed studies review.

Julkaisutietokanta 6.10.2015 Publications Data Base 6.10.2015