1 |
Aalto-Setälä K et al. |
Chlamydia pneumoniae does not increase atherosclerosis in the aortic root of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.
2 |
Aaltomaa S, Ala-Opas M. |
The effects of transurethral needle ablation on symptoms of chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
3 |
Aaltomaa S et al. |
Brakyhoidolla sisäistä säteilyä eturauhaseen.
4 |
Aaltomaa S et al. |
Expression and prognostic value of CD44 standard and variant v3 and v6 isoforms in prostate cancer.
5 |
Aaltomaa SH et al. |
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and its prognostic value in prostate cancer.
6 |
Ahonen K et al. |
Varhaiskokemukset Integral-varresta (BiometR) Femurin reartroplastioissa.
7 |
Airaksinen KEJ et al. |
Effects of noradrenaline on human vagal baroreflexes.
8 |
Airaksinen O. |
Tulehduskipulääkkeiden tulevaisuus.
9 |
Airaksinen O. |
Selkävaivan hoitoperiaatteet.
10 |
Airaksinen O. |
Hieronnan vaikutukset.
11 |
Airaksinen O, Kouri JP. |
Akupunktuuri kivunhoitomenetelmänä.
12 |
Airaksinen O et al. |
Monitoring of muscle fatigue during isokinetic exercise.
13 |
Airas U, Heinonen S. |
Napanuorasolmun kliininen merkitys obstetriikassa.
14 |
Ala-Haavisto R. |
Di-anoigostinen järjestelmä. Filosofis-teoreettinen diagnostinen käsitteistö hoitotyöhön ja hoitotieteeseen.
15 |
Alafuzoff I. |
Neuropatologinen tutkimus.
16 |
Alamowitch S et al. |
Risk, causes, and prevention of ischaemic stroke in elderly patients with symptomatic internal-carotid-artery stenosis.
17 |
Alhava E, Viikari J. |
Luissa on muitakin sairauksia kuin osteoporoosi.
18 |
Anderson SD et al. |
Laboratory protocol for exercise asthma to evaluate salbutamol given by two devices.
19 |
Antikainen R. |
Tytön salaisuus ja päiväperho.
20 |
Antikainen R et al. |
Mood improvement reduces memory complaints in depressed patients.
21 |
Appelberg BG et al. |
Patients with severe depression may benefit from buspirone augmentation
of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: results from a
placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind, placebo wash-in study.
22 |
Arnala I et al. |
Bone histomorphometry in celiac disease.
23 |
Arokoski JP et al. |
Back and abdominal muscle function during stabilization exercises.
24 |
Arokoski JPA, Lammi MJ. |
Glukosamiinisulfaatti nivelrikon hoidossa.
25 |
Arokoski JPA et al. |
Nivelrikon etiopatogeneesi.
26 |
Arokoski JPA et al. |
Osteoporoosin lääkkeetön ehkäisy ja hoito. Oikea ravitsemus ja liikunta elämäntavaksi.
27 |
Arponen R, Airaksinen O. |
Hoitava hieronta.
28 |
Arponen R, Airaksinen O. |
Asiakaslähtöinen hierontatyö.
29 |
Arponen R, Airaksinen O. |
Fysikaaliset hoidot.
30 |
Arponen R et al. |
Hieronnan käyttömahdollisuudet ja soveltaminen.
31 |
Astuti D et al. |
RASSF1A promoter region CpG island hypermethylation in phaeochromocytomas and neuroblastoma tumours.
32 |
Auranen M et al. |
MECP2 gene analysis in classical Rett syndrome and in patients with Rett-like features.
33 |
Badra LJ et al. |
Respiratory modulation of human autonomic rhythms.
34 |
Bailey CJ et al. |
Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a tool for cognitive studies.
35 |
Benavente O et al. |
Prognosis after transient monocular blindness associated with carotid-artery stenosis.
36 |
Berg M. |
Rintasyövän diagnostiikka radiologian erikoislääkärin näkökulmasta.
37 |
Berg M et al. |
Suolistoiskemian hoito pallolaajennuksella ja stentillä.
38 |
Bergström KA et al. |
Dopamine transporter in vitro binding and in vivo imaging in the brain.
39 |
Björklund M et al. |
Spatial working memory improvement by an alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist
dexmedetomidine is not mediated through alpha2C- adrenoceptor.
40 |
Blomgren K et al. |
A prospective study on pros and cons of electrodissection tonsillectomy.
41 |
Bras APM et al. |
Spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase catalyzes amantadine acetylation.
42 |
Bräsen JH et al. |
Angiogenesis, vascular endothelial growth factor and platelet-derived
growth factor-BB expression, iron deposition, and oxidation-specific
epitopes in stented human coronary arteries.
43 |
Butovas S et al. |
Differential effect of the alfa2-adrenoceptor antagonist, atipamezole,
in limb-placing task and skilled forepaw use following experimental
44 |
Böhm J. |
Prognosis of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. Relation to Clinical Factors and Cell Adhesion.
45 |
Callister LC et al. |
Giving birth: perceptions of Finnish childbearing women.
46 |
Campbell BCV et al. |
The solubility of alpha-synuclein in multiple system atrophy differs
from that of dementia withLewy bodies and Parkinson`s disease.
47 |
Castrén E, Castrén M. |
Hermosolusiirrot neurologisten tautien hoidossa.
48 |
Castrén M et al. |
Subcellular localization of fragile X mental retardation protein with
I304N mutation in the RNA-binding domain in cultured hippocampal
49 |
Chen Y et al. |
Astrocytes protect neurons from nitric oxide toxicity by a glutathione-dependent mechanism.
50 |
Clarke NA et al. |
Tacrine may alter APP-like protein levels in the lumbar CSF of Alzheimer patients.
51 |
Cohn JN et al. |
A randomized trial of the angiotensin-receptor blocker valsartan in chronic heart failure.
52 |
Deprest J et al. |
Towards an endoscopic intra-uterine treatment for congenital diaphragmatic hernia: preclinical experimental studies.
53 |
Devlieger R et al. |
Amniodistentie met stikstofoxide versus vocht in een schapenmodel voor
foetoscopische chirurgie: invloed op de operatieduur en foetaal
54 |
Dhingra VK et al. |
Attenuation of lung inflammation by adrenergic agonists in murine acute lung injury.
55 |
Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study Investigators. |
Effect of fenofibrate on progression of coronary-artery disease in type 2
diabetes: the Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention Study, a randomized
56 |
Dickstein K et al. |
Comparison of baseline data, initial course, and management: Losartan
versus Captopril following acute myocardial infarction (The OPTIMAAL
57 |
DiSilvestro MR et al. |
Biphasic poroviscoelastic simulation of the unconfined compression of
articular cartilage: I-simultaneous prediction of reaction force and
lateral displacement.
58 |
Du AT et al. |
Magnetic resonance imaging of the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer´s disease.
59 |
Dunder U, Mononen I. |
Human leukocyte glycosylasparaginase: cell-to-cell transfer and properties in correction of aspartylglycosaminuria.
60 |
Ebeling F et al. |
Factors predicting interferon treatment response in patients with
chronic hepatitis C: late viral clearance does not preclude a sustained
61 |
Ebeling H et al. |
Somatically expressed psychological distress and alexithymia in adolescence - reflectig unbearable emotions?
62 |
Elo J et al. |
Rohdossa löytyy.
63 |
Eloniemi-Sulkava U et al. |
Effects of supporting community-living demented patients and their caregivers: A randomized trial.
64 |
Eloranta M-L et al. |
Risk of obstetric cholestasis in sisters of index patients.
65 |
Elovaara I et al. |
Immunoglobuliinin käyttö neurologisten tautien hoidossa.
66 |
Enckell H. |
"I want to know, too". Psychoterapy with a visually impaired boy.
67 |
Enckell H. |
Psychic reality and psychoanalysis: a look through the theory of methaphor.
68 |
Enholm B et al. |
Adenoviral expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-C induces lymphangiogenesis in the skin.
69 |
Ensio A. |
Hoitotyön toiminnan mallintaminen.
70 |
Eray M et al. |
Flow cytometric analysis of apoptotic subpopulatios with a combination of Annexin V-FITC, propidium iodide, and SYTO 17.
71 |
Eriksson BI et al. |
Fondaparinux compared with enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism after hip-fracture surgery.
72 |
Erkinjuntti T, Pirttilä T. |
Vaskulaariset dementiat.
73 |
Erkinjuntti T et al., toim. |
Muistihäiriöt ja dementia.
74 |
Erkinjuntti T et al. |
Muistihäiriöt ja dementia.
75 |
Erkkilä A. |
Diet, Serum Lipids and Serum Lipid Related Risk Factors in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. A Cross-sectional Study.
76 |
Erkkilä AT et al. |
APOE polymorphism and the hypertriglyceridemic effect of dietary sucrose 1-3.
77 |
EUROASPIRE I and II Group. |
Clinical reality of coronary prevention guidelines: a comparison of EUROASPIRE I and II in nine countries.
78 |
EUROASPIRE II Study Group. |
Lifestyle and risk factor management and use of drug therapies in
coronary patients from 15 countries: Principal results from EUROASPIRE
II Euro Heart Survey Programme.
79 |
Everson SA et al. |
Stress-induced blood pressure reactivity and incident stroke in middle-aged men.
80 |
Felszeghy S et al. |
The distribution pattern of the hyaluronan receptor CD44 during human tooth development.
81 |
Finnilä S et al. |
Increased risk of sensorineural hearing loss and migraine in patients with a rare mitochondrial DNA variant 4336A>G in tRNA.
82 |
Finnish Best Practice Guidelines (FBPG) työryhmä et al. |
Kroonista munuaisten vajaatoimintaa sairastavien potilaiden anemian hoito.
83 |
Forss H, Widström E. |
From amalgam to composite: selection of restorative materials and restoration longevity in Finland.
84 |
Golay X et al. |
Measurement of tissue oxygen extraction ratios from venous blood T(2): increased precision and validation of principle.
85 |
Goldstein S et al. |
Metoprolol controlled release/extended release in patients with severe
heart failure: Analysis of the experience in the MERIT-HF Study.
86 |
Greaves DR et al. |
Linked chromosome 16q13 chemokines, macrophage-derived chemokine,
fractalkine, and thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine, are
expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions.
87 |
Grieve R et al. |
A comparison of the costs and survival of hospital-admitted stroke patients across Europe.
88 |
Gröhn OHJ, Kauppinen RA. |
Assessment of brain tissue viability in acute ischemic stroke by BOLD NMR.
89 |
Grönlund-Pakkanen S et al. |
Effect of photodynamic therapy on urinary bladder function: an experimental study with rats.
90 |
Gul HI et al. |
Antifungal activity of some mono, bis and quaternary Mannich bases derived from acetophenone.
91 |
Gylling H, Miettinen TA. |
A review of clinical trials in dietary interventions to decrease the incidence of coronary artery disease.
92 |
Haapala J et al. |
Decline after immobilisation and recovery after remobilisation of
synovial fluid il1, timp, and chondroitin sulphate levels in young
beagle dogs.
93 |
Haapasalo A et al. |
Truncated trkB.T1 is dominant negative inhibitor of trkB.TK+-mediated cell survival.
94 |
Hakkola J et al. |
Cytochrome P450 3A expression in the human fetal liver: Evidence that
CYP3A5 is expressed in only a limited number of fetal livers.
95 |
Halimaa S-L. |
Video recording as a method of data collection in nursing research.
96 |
Halimaa S-L. |
Hoidetaanko keskoslapsen kipua? . Tutkimus hoitajien valmiuksista arvioida ja hoitaa keskoslapsen kipua.
97 |
Halimaa S-L et al. |
Pain relieving measures for prosedural pain in premature babies: an observational study.
98 |
Halimaa SL et al. |
Knowledge, assessment and management of pain related to nursing
procedures used with premature babies: questionnaire study for
99 |
Halinen MO. |
Ikä ja antikoagulanttihoito.
100 |
Hallikainen M. |
Role of Plant Stanol Ester- and Sterol Ester-Enriched Margarines in the Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia.
101 |
Halonen T et al. |
Effect of lamotrigine treatment on status epilepticus-induced neuronal damage and memory impairment in rat.
102 |
Halonen T et al. |
Chronic elevation of brain GABA levels beginning two days after status epilepticus does not prevent epileptogenesis in rats.
103 |
Harvima I. |
Kroonisten säärihaavojen hoito edellyttää yhteistyötä ja tehokkaita menetelmiä.
104 |
Heikkilä A et al. |
Angiographically guided utero-placental gene transfer in rabbits with
adenoviruses, plasmid/liposomes and plasmid/polyethyleneimine complexes.
105 |
Heikkilä A et al. |
Elevated maternal serum hCG in the second trimester increases
prematurity rate and need for neonatal intensive care in primiparous
preeclamptic pregnancies.
106 |
Heikkinen JO et al. |
Quality of dynamic radionuclide renal imaging: multicentre evaluation using a functional renal phantom.
107 |
Heikkinen M et al. |
Prevalence of gastric metaplasia in the duodenal buld is low in Helicobacter pylori postive non-ulcer dysplasia patients.
108 |
Heikkinen P et al. |
Effects of mobile phone radiation on X-ray-induced tumorigenesis in mice.
109 |
Heikkinen P et al. |
Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on cancer induced by ionizing radiation in mice.
110 |
Heikkinen T, Isola A. |
Painehaavaumapotilaat Itä-Suomen läänin hoitolaksien vuodeosastoilla keväällä 1999.
111 |
Heinonen S et al. |
Maternal susceptibility locus for obstetric cholestasis maps to chromosone region 2p13 in finnish patients.
112 |
Heinonen S et al. |
Apolipoprotein E alleles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
113 |
Heinonen S, Saarikoski S. |
Reproductive risk factors of fetal asphyxia at delivery: A population based analysis.
114 |
Heinonen S et al. |
Weights of placentae from small-for-gestational age infants revisited.
115 |
Heiskanen JT et al. |
Bone mineral metabolism after total gastrectomy.
116 |
Heiskanen JT et al. |
Insertion-deletion polymorphism in the gene for angiotensin-converting
enzyme is associated with obstetric cholestasis but not with
117 |
Helenius M et al. |
Characterization of aging-associated up-regulation of constitutive nuclear factor-kappaB binding activity.
118 |
Helin-Tanninen M et al. |
119 |
Helin-Tanninen M et al. |
Uudet teknologiat farmasiassa ja potilaiden hoidossa: ESCP:n kongressi, Basel, 11.-14.10.2000.
120 |
Helin-Tanninen M et al. |
Enteral suspension of nifedipine for neonates. Part 2. Stability of an extemporaneously compounded nifedipine suspension.
121 |
Helin-Tanninen M et al. |
Enteral suspension of nifedipine for neonates. Part 1. Formulation of nifedipine suspension for hospital use.
122 |
Heliö T et al. |
Laajentavan kardiomyopatian geenivirheet.
123 |
Helkala E-L et al. |
Associations between apolipoprotein E phenotype, glucose metabolism and
cognitive function in men. An explorative study in a population sample.
124 |
Helminen HJ et al. |
Polven ja lonkan nivelrikon ehkäisy - haavettako vain?
125 |
Heydeck D et al. |
Oxidation of LDL by rabbit and human 15-lipoxygenase: prevalence of nonenzymatic reactions.
126 |
Hietanen A et al. |
Kehitystyötä KYS:ssa: Urakehitysohjelma helpottaa osaamisen arviointia.
127 |
Hietanen M, Hänninen T. |
Laaja neuropsykologinen tutkimus.
128 |
Hiippala A et al. |
Fetal nuchal translucency and normal chromosomes: a long-term follow-up study.
129 |
Hiltunen M et al. |
Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium mapping of late-onset Alzheimr´s disease in Finland.
130 |
Hiltunen M, Soininen H. |
Genes, proteins and brain disease.
131 |
Hiltunen MO et al. |
Gene therapy methods in cardiovascular diseases.
132 |
Hiltunen TP et al. |
Rabbit atherosclerotic lesions express scavenger receptor AIII mRNA, a
naturally occurring splice variant that encodes a non-functional,
dominant negative form of the macrophage scavenger receptor.
133 |
Hintikka J et al. |
Are alexithymia and depression distinct or overlapping constructs? A study in a general population.
134 |
Hintikka J et al. |
Suicidal ideation in the Finnish general population. A 12-month follow-up study.
135 |
Hippeläinen M. |
136 |
Hippeläinen M et al. |
Synnytykseen liittyvän vaikean verenvuodon embolisaatiohoito.
137 |
Hirvonen A et al. |
Polymorphic GSTs and cancer predisposition.
138 |
Hokkanen L et al. |
Kognitiiviset häiriöt ja niiden tutkiminen.
139 |
Hongisto T. |
HB-näytteenotto ja määritys.
140 |
Honkalampi K. |
Studies on the Relationship Between Alexithymia and Depression.
141 |
honkalampi k. |
Aleksitymia ja masentuneisuus.
142 |
Honkalampi K et al. |
Alexithymia in patients with major depressive disorder and comorbid cluster C personality disorders: a 6-month follow-up study.
143 |
Honkalampi K et al. |
Alexithymia and depression. A prospective study of patients with major depressive disorder.
144 |
Honkalampi K et al. |
Why do alexithymic features appear to be stable? A 12-month follow-up study of a general population.
145 |
Honkalampi K et al. |
Does the cellular phone help to communicate when face-to-face contacts are difficult?
146 |
Honkanen R et al. |
Effect of calcium on bone loss and fractures according to estrogen repletion status.
147 |
Hujakka H et al. |
New immunochromatographic rapid test for diagnosis of acute Puumala virus infection.
148 |
Hurskainen R et al. |
Psychosocial and other characteristics of women complaining of
menorrhagia, with and without actual increased menstrual blood loss.
149 |
Hurskainen R et al. |
Quality of life and cost-effectiveness of levonorgestrel-releasing
intrauterine system versus hysterectomy fot treatment of menorrhagia: a
randomised trial.
150 |
Huttunen K et al. |
Comparison of mycobacteria-induced cytotoxicity and inflammatory responses in human and mouse cell lines.
151 |
Huttunen M et al. |
Inhibition of keratinocyte growth in cell culture and whole skin culture by mast cell mediators.
152 |
Huusko TM et al. |
Lonkkamurtumapotilaiden kuntoutus Keski-Suomessa.
153 |
Huusko TM et al. |
Threefold increased risk of hip fractures with rheumatoid arthritis in Central Finland.
154 |
Huuskonen J. |
Osteoporosis in Men.
155 |
Huuskonen J et al. |
Pamidronate increases trabecular bone mineral density in immobilization osteopenia in male rats.
156 |
Huuskonen J et al. |
Alendronate influences bending force of femoral diaphysis after orchidectomy in rats.
157 |
Huuskonen J et al. |
Regular physical exercise and bone mineral density: a four-year
controlled randomized trial in middle-aged men. The DNASCO study.
158 |
Hyttinen MM et al. |
Age matters: collagen birefringeance of superficial articular cartilage
is increased in young guinea-pigs but descreased in older animals after
idential physiological type of joint loading.
159 |
Hyttinen MM et al. |
Inactivation of one allele of the type II collagen gene alters the
collagen network in murine articular cartilage and makes cartilage
160 |
Häkkinen A et al. |
Strength training induced adaptations in neuromuscular function of
premenopausal women with fibromyalgia: comparison with healthy women.
161 |
Häkkinen A et al. |
A randomized two-year study of the effects of dynamic strength training
on muscle strength, disease activity, functional capacity, and bone
mineral density in early rheumatoid arthritis.
162 |
Häkkinen K et al. |
Changes in electromyographic activity, muscle fibre and force production
characteristics during heavy resistance/power strength training in
middle-aged and older men and women.
163 |
Häkkinen K et al. |
Selective muscle hypertrophy, changes in EMG and force, and serum hormones during strength training in older women.
164 |
Hänninen T, Pirttilä T. |
Varhaiset neuropsykologiset muutokset dementiassa. Kokemuksia Cerad-tehtäväsarjan käytöstä.
165 |
Hänninen T, Pulliainen V. |
Neuropsykologinen seulonta.
166 |
Hänninen-Nousiainen P et al. |
Suomalaisen kätilötyön historia - tuntemalla menneisyytemme osaamme rakentaa tulevaisuutta.
167 |
Ihalainen JA et al. |
alpha2c-Adrenoceptors modulate the effect of methylphenidate on response rateand discrimination accuracy in an operant test.
168 |
Ikonen M. |
Apoptosis-associated Changes in Neuronal Gene Expression. With Special Emphasis on the Insulin-like Growth Factor System.
169 |
Ikonen S, Tanila H. |
Effects of metrifonate on the hippocampal theta rhythm of freely moving intact and MS-lesioned mice.
170 |
Ikäheimo K et al. |
Adverse ocular effects of flecainide.
171 |
Ikäheimo R. |
Aikuisten virtsatieinfektioiden diagnostiikka ja hoito.
172 |
Ikäheimo R. |
Virtsatieinfektioiden uudet hoitosuositukset.
173 |
Immonen J et al. |
Skin-prick test findings in students from moisture- and mould-damaged schools: A 3-year follow-up study.
174 |
Jakob SM. |
Splanchnic Vasoregulation and Metabolism. New Insights into Physiology.
175 |
Jakob SM et al. |
Splanchnic perfusion during hemodialysis: evidence for marginal tissue perfusion.
176 |
Jakob SM et al. |
Effects of systemic arterial hypoperfusion on splanchnic hemodynamics and hepatic arterial buffer response in pigs.
177 |
Jakovljevic D et al. |
Socioeconomic status and ischemic stroke: the FINMONICA stroke register.
178 |
Jakovljevic D et al. |
Socioeconomic differences in the incidence, mortality and prognosis of intracerebral hemorrhage in Finnish adult population.
179 |
Jakovljevic D et al. |
Socioeconomic inequalities in the incidence, mortality and prognosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage: the FINMONICA stroke register.
180 |
Jansen MCJF et al. |
Cohort analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption and lung cancer mortality in european men.
181 |
Jantunen E. |
Kantasolusiirtopotilaiden aspergillusinfektiot.
182 |
Jantunen E. |
Pitkäkestoinen trombosytopenia.
183 |
Jantunen E et al. |
Autologiset kantasolusiirrot myeloomapotilaiden hoidossa.
184 |
Jantunen E et al. |
Keliakia ja lymfooma.
185 |
Jantunen E et al. |
Autologiset kantasolusiirrot non-Hodgkin-lymfoomissa.
186 |
Jauhiainen K et al. |
Kliininen kuormituskoe sepelvaltimotaudin diagnostiikassa.
187 |
Jensen KM-E et al. |
Reconstructive urology in the Nordic countries.
188 |
Johansson R. |
Syövän vai hoidon aiheuttamat oireet.
189 |
Jokinen C et al. |
Microbial etiology of community-acquired pneunomia in the adult population of 4 municipalities in Eastern Finland.
190 |
Jokinen JJ et al. |
Pitkäaikaisennuste ja elämänlaatu sepelvaltimoiden ohitusleikkauksen jälkeen.
191 |
Jokiniemi T, Ikäheimo R. |
Etyleeniglykolimyrkytykset Pohjois-Savossa 1984-98.
192 |
Jolkkonen E et al. |
Projections from the amygdalo-piriform transition area to the amygdaloid coplex: A PHA-L study in rat.
193 |
Jolkkonen E et al. |
Interconnectivity between the amygdaloid complex and the amygdalostriatal transition area: a PHA-L study in rat.
194 |
Jolkkonen J et al., ed. |
11th Nordic Meeting on Cerebrovascular Diseases and 2nd Biennial Symposium on Ischaemic Stroke.
195 |
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Lääkäreiden tupakoiville potilailleen suosittelemat tupakoinnin lopettamismenetelmät vuonna 1995.
196 |
Juntunen A et al. |
A major role of viruses in convulsive status epilepticus in children: a prospective study of 22 children.
197 |
Jussila J et al. |
Inflammatory responses in mice after intratracheal instillation of
spores of streptomyces californicus isolated from indoor air of a molby
198 |
Jutila L et al. |
Neurobiology of epileptogenesis in the temporal lobe.
199 |
Jutila L et al. |
MR volumetry of the entorhinal, perirhinal, and temporopolar cortices in drug-refractory temporal lobe epilepsy.
200 |
Juva K et al. |
Sex differences in cognitive performance among the very old -
Mini-mental state examination in a population aged 85 years and over.
201 |
Jämsén T et al. |
Results of infrainguinal bypass surgery: An analysis of 263 consecutive operations.
202 |
Järvinen R, Uusitupa M. |
D-vitamiini ja eturauhassyöpä.
203 |
Jääskeläinen J et al. |
Sexual function and fertility in adult females and males with congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
204 |
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Regional differences in the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in Finland in 1995.
205 |
Kaipiainen-Seppänen O, Hyvärinen L. |
To the editor (Adverse reactions to rifabutin).
206 |
Kaipiainen-Seppänen O, Savolainen A. |
Changes in the incidence of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in Finland.
207 |
Kallinen J et al. |
Antenatal gene tests in low-risk pregnancies: molecular screening for
aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU) and infantile neuronal ceroid
lipofuscinosis (INCL) in Finland.
208 |
Kallinen J et al. |
Antenatal genetic screening for congenital nephrosis.
209 |
Kallinen J et al. |
Wide scope prenatal diagnosis at Kuopio University Hospital 1997-1998: integration of gene tests and fetal karyotyping.
210 |
Kallio J et al. |
Altered intracellular processing and release of neuropeptide Y due to
leucine 7 to proline 7 polymorphism in the signal peptide of
preproneuropeptide Y in humans.
211 |
Kaminska R. |
The Role of Mast Cell Proteinases in the Formation of Skin Blisters.
212 |
Kanerva J et al. |
Loss at 12p detected by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH):
association with TEL-AML1 fusion and favorable prognostic features in
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). A multi-institutional
213 |
Kanerva J et al. |
Initial P-glycoprotein expression in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: no evidence of prognostic impact in follow-up.
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PCR-based typing of Mycobacterium avium isolates in an epidemic among farmed lesser white-fronted geese (Anser erythropus).
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Beta-amyloid (1-42) affects MTT reduction in astrocytes: implications for vesicular trafficking and cell functionality.
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The levels of cdk5 and p35 proteins and tau phosphorylation are reduced during neuronal apoptosis.
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Cerebral T1rho relaxation time increases immediately upon global
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Gastric tonometry after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
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Sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) expression in human obesity.
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Insulin resistance syndrome predicts coronary heart disease events in elderly type 2 diabetic men.
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439 |
Niskanen M et al. |
Laadunvalvontaa anestesiaosastolla: kahden menetelmän vertailu komplikaatioiden kirjaamisessa.
440 |
Niskanen MM, Takala JA. |
Use of resources and postoperative outcome.
441 |
Nissinen J et al. |
Is mossy fiber sprouting present at the time of the first spontaneous seizures in rat experimental temporal lobe epilepsy?
442 |
Nissinen M et al. |
Smith-Lemli-Opitzin oireyhtymän diaknostiikka kaasukromatografian avulla.
443 |
Nitschke L et al. |
Deletion of the DQ52 element within the Ig heavy chain locus leads to a
selective reduction in VDJ recombination and altered D gene usage.
444 |
Nobuhara K et al. |
SPET imaging of central muscarinic acetylcholine receptors with iodine-123 labelled E-IQNP and Z-IQNP.
445 |
Nousiainen I et al. |
No reversion in vigabatrin-associated visual field defects.
446 |
Nousiainen T. |
Karvasoluleukemian diagnostiikka ja nykyhoito.
447 |
Nousiainen T et al. |
Comparison of echocardiography and radionuclide ventriculography in the
follow-up of left ventricular systolic function in adult lymphoma
patients during doxorubicin therapy.
448 |
Nousiainen T et al. |
Anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy: long-term effects on myocardial
cell integrity, cardiac adrenergic innervation and fatty acid uptake.
449 |
Nousiainen T et al. |
Neuroendocrine changes during the evolution of doxorubicin-induced left ventricular dysfunction in adult lymphoma patients.
450 |
Nuikka M-L et al. |
The nurse's workload in care situations.
451 |
Närvänen O et al. |
Evaluation and characterization of EIA measuring autoantibodies against oxidized LDL.
452 |
Närvänen O et al. |
Technical and clinical aspects about autoantibody assays for oxidized low density lipoprotein.
453 |
Ojala M et al. |
Epilepsia ja ajokyvyn arviointi - suomalainen menettelyohje.
454 |
Ojala M, Kälviäinen R. |
Insurability of patients with epilepsy: perspectives of physicians and insurance companies.
455 |
Ollikainen J et al. |
Chronic lung disease of the newborn is not associated with Ureaplasma urealyticum.
456 |
Paassilta P et al. |
Identification of a novel common genetic risk factor for lumbar disk disease.
457 |
Paavola P et al. |
Genetic analysis in Finnish families with inflammatory bowel disease supports linkage to chromosome 3p21.
458 |
Paloneva J et al. |
CNS manifestations of Nasu-Hakola disease. A frontal dementia with bone cysts.
459 |
Papp A et al. |
Palovammat KYS:n palovammakeskuksessa 1994-2000.
460 |
Papp A et al. |
Local unilateral gastrocnemius flap in complicated total knee arthrosplasty.
461 |
Parkkinen L et al. |
alpha-Synuclein pathology is highly dependent on the case selection.
462 |
Partanen K et al. |
Aivojen kuvantaminen.
463 |
Pasonen-Seppänen S et al. |
Formation of permeability barrier in epidermal organotypic culture for studies on drug transport.
464 |
Pasonen-Seppänen S et al. |
Vitamin C enhances differentation of a continuous keratinocyte cell line
(REK) into epidermis with normal stratum corneum ultrastructure and
functional permeability barrier.
465 |
Pelkonen M et al. |
Smoking cessation, decline in pulmonary function and total mortality: a
30 year follow up study among the Finnish cohorts of the Seven Countries
466 |
Penttilä HJ et al. |
Myocardial preservation during coronary surgery with and without cardiopulmonary bypass.
467 |
Penttilä I et al. |
Analyyttiset näkökohdat uuden sydäninfarktin kansainvälisen diagnostiikkasuosituksen mukaisesti toimittaessa.
468 |
Pesonen TM et al. |
Male suicide mortality in eastern Finland - urban-rural changes during a 10-year period between 1988 and1997.
469 |
Pienimäki J-P et al. |
Epidermal growth factor activates hyaluronan synthase 2 in epidermal
keratinocytes and increases pericellular and intracellular hyaluronan.
470 |
Pietilä A-M, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. |
Preventiivisen hoitotieteen tutkimuksen ja koulutuksen lähtökohtia.
471 |
Pietilä A-M, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. |
Preventiivistä perhehoitotyötä kuvaavien tutkimusten tarkoitus ja tutkimustehtävät.
472 |
Pietilä A-M, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. |
Tutkimusten aineistot ja menetelmät.
473 |
Pietilä A-M et al. |
Preventiivisen perhehoitotyön kehittäminen.
474 |
Pietilä A-M et al., toim. |
Preventiivinen perhehoitotyö. Terveyttä edistävien työmenetelmien arviointia Lapsiperhe-projektissa.
475 |
Pietilä A-M et al. |
Perhehoitotyö Lapsiperhe-projektissa: haastattelututkimus lapsiperheiden saamasta varhaisesta tuesta.
476 |
Pietilä M et al. |
Relation of skin polyamines to the hairless phenotype in transgenic mice
overexpressing spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase.
477 |
Pietinen P et al. |
Serum enterolactone and risk of breast cancer: A case-control study in Eastern Finland.
478 |
Pihlajamäki J et al. |
A major gene effect on fasting insulin and insulin sensitivity in familial combined hyperlipidemia.
479 |
Pihlajamäki J et al. |
The hormone sensitive lipase gene in familial combined hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance.
480 |
Pihlajamäki M et al. |
Macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae and use of antimicrobial agents.
481 |
Pikkarainen M, Pitkanen A. |
Projections from the lateral, basal and accessory basal nuclei of the amygdala to the perirhinal and postrhinal cortices in rat.
482 |
Pirinen E et al. |
Mahapantaleikkaus lihavuuden kirurgisena hoitona.
483 |
Pirinen R et al. |
Prognostic value of hyaluronan expression in non-small-cell lung cancer:
Increased stromal expression indicates unfavorable outcome in patients
with adenocarsinoma.
484 |
Pirinen RT et al. |
Reduced expression of alfa-catenin, beta-catenin, and gamma-catenin is
associated with high cell proliferative activity and poor
differentiation in non-small cell lung cancer.
485 |
Pirskanen M et al. |
An association between a subset of Finnish late-onset Alzheimer´s disease and alpha2-macroglobulin.
486 |
Pirttilä T, ed. |
The Second Kuopio Alzheimer Symposium. Kuopio Music Centre, Kuopio, Finland March 13-15, 2001. Program and abstracts.
487 |
Pirttilä T. |
Kolinerginen lääkehoito Alzheimerin taudissa - osa hyvää hoitoa.
488 |
Pirttilä T. |
Kliininen tutkimus.
489 |
Pirttilä T. |
490 |
Pirttilä T. |
Biologiset merkkiaineet.
491 |
Pirttilä T. |
Targeted drug treatment for Alzheimer´s disease.
492 |
Pirttilä T, Erkinjuntti T. |
Alzheimerin taudin kliininen kuva ja diagnoosi.
493 |
Pirttilä T, Oksi J. |
Tarvitaanko selkäydinnestetutkimuksia 2000-luvulla?
494 |
Pirttilä T-RM et al. |
Ex vivo MR microimaging of neuronal damage after kainate-induced status
epilepticus in rat: correlation with quantitative histology.
495 |
Polvikoski T et al. |
Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in very elderly people. A prospective neutopathological study.
496 |
Poutanen T et al. |
Transthoracic three-dimensional echocardiography is as good as magnetic
resonance imaging in measuring dynamic changes in left ventricular
volyme during the heart cycle in children.
497 |
Pukander J et al. |
Endoscopic laser surgery for laryngeal cancer.
498 |
Pukkila MJ et al. |
Nuclear beta catenin expression is related to unfavourable outcome in oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
499 |
Pulkkanen K. |
Gene Therapy for Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in an Orthotopic Nude Mouse Model.
500 |
Pulkkanen KJ et al. |
HSV-tk gene therapy for human renal cell carcinoma in nude mice.
501 |
Puntila E et al. |
Leisure-time physical activity and rate of bone loss among peri- and postmenopausal women: a longitudinal study.
502 |
Purhonen M et al. |
Effects of maternity on auditory event-related potentials to human sound.
503 |
Purhonen M et al. |
Dynamic behavior of the auditory N100 elicited by a baby`s cry.
504 |
Purokivi MK et al. |
Changes in pro-inflammatory cytokines in association with exposure to moisture-damaged building microbes.
505 |
Puurunen K. |
The Effects of Pharmacotherapy and Training on Functional Recovery after Global and Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats.
506 |
Puurunen K et al. |
An alfa2-adrenergic antagonist, atipamezole, facilitates behavioral recovery after focal cerebral ischemia in rats.
507 |
Puurunen K et al. |
Selegiline combined with enriched-environment housing attenuates spatial
learning deficits following focal cerebral ischemia in rats.
508 |
Puurunen K et al. |
Enriched-environment housing increases neuronal Fos-staining in the dentate gyrus after a water maze spatial learning task.
509 |
Puustjärvi TJ, Teräsvirta ME. |
Retinal fixation of traumatic retinal detachment with metallic tacks.
510 |
Pyörälä K, Klaukka T. |
Sepelvaltimotauti-, diabetes- ja verenpainepotilaiden lipidilääkkeiden käyttö Suomessa vuosina 1996-99.
511 |
Pyörälä K et al. |
Toteutuvatko sepelvaltimotaudin sekundaaripreventiota koskevat suositukset?
512 |
Pääkkönen AK, Morgan MJ. |
Linear mechanisms can produce motion sharpening.
513 |
Pölkki T et al. |
Nonpharmacological methods in relieving children's postoperative pain: a survey on hospital nurses in Finland.
514 |
Raamat R et al. |
Continuous mean arterial pressure measurement in the fingers: the influence of local arm cooling.
515 |
Rahiala E, Tikanoja T. |
Suspicion of aortic coarctation in an outpatient clinic: How should blood pressure measurements be performed?
516 |
Rahkonen T et al. |
Delirium in the non-demented oldest old in the general population: risk factors and prognosis.
517 |
Rahkonen T et al. |
Systematic intervention for supporting community care of elderly people after a delirium episode.
518 |
Raitanen M-P et al. |
Routine follow-up cystoscopy in detection of recurrence in patients being monitored for bladder cancer.
519 |
Raitanen MP et al. |
Human complement factor H related protein test for monitoring bladder cancer.
520 |
Randell KM et al. |
Hormone replacement therapy and risk of falling in early postmenopausal women-a population-based stydy.
521 |
Rankinen T et al. |
The human gene map for performance and health-related fitness phenotypes.
522 |
Raunio P et al. |
Preliminary description of antigenic components characteristic of Stachybotrys chartarum.
523 |
Rauramaa R, Lakka TA. |
Liikuntaa sepelvaltimotaudin ehkäisyyn ja hoitoon.
524 |
Rauramaa R et al. |
Dose-response and coagulation and hemostatic factors.
525 |
Rautiainen J et al. |
Two new variants of the lipocalin allergen Bos d 2.
526 |
Rautio S. |
Leikkaussalin valaistus - tilan vai tehtävien ehdoilla?
527 |
Reijonen T et al. |
Pikkulasten astma.
528 |
Repo-Tiihonen E et al. |
Mortality of antisocial male criminals.
529 |
Riikonen R. |
Neurotrophic factors in the pathogenesis of Rett syndrome.
530 |
Riikonen R. |
Epidemiological data of West syndrome in Finland.
531 |
Riikonen R. |
ACTH therapy of West syndrome: Finnish views.
532 |
Riikonen R. |
The PEHO syndrome.
533 |
Riikonen R. |
Long-term outcome of patients with West syndrome.
534 |
Rissanen P et al. |
Weight change and blood coagulability and fibrinolysis in healthy obese women.
535 |
Rissanen S et al. |
Yli 75-vuotiaiden vanhusten yksityisten ja julkisten lääkäri- ja kotipalvelujen käyttö.
536 |
Rissanen TH et al. |
Low serum lycopene concentration is associated with an excess incidence
of acute coronary events and stroke: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease
Risk Factor Study.
537 |
Rissanen TT et al. |
Gene therapy for therapeutic angiogenesis in critically inschaemic lower limb - on the way to the clinic.
538 |
Ristikankare M et al. |
The effects of gender and age on the colonoscopic examination.
539 |
Riukka L et al. |
Lääkäreiden ja sairaanhoitajien odotukset sairaala-apteekkien lääkeinformaatiopalvelulta.
540 |
Romppanen EL. |
Oligonucleotide ligation assay: application to molecular diagnosis os inherited disorders.
541 |
Ronkainen A et al. |
Evidence for excess long-term mortality after treated subarachnoid hemorrhage.
542 |
Ronkainen S, Syrjänen M. |
Ammatillisen osaamisen kehittäminen.
543 |
Roponen M et al. |
Inflammatory mediators in nasal lavage, induced sputum and serum of employees with rheumatic and respiratory disorders.
544 |
Roponen M et al. |
Inflammatory mediators in nasal lavage, induced sputum and serum of employees with rheumatic and respiratory disorders.
545 |
Ropponen KM et al. |
Expression of transcription factor AP-2 in colorectal adenomas and
adenocarcinomas; comparison of immunohistochemistry and in situ
546 |
Roschier M et al. |
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 and type- 1 insulin-like
growth factor receptor are differentially regulated during apoptosis in
cerebellar granule cells.
547 |
Rouvinen J et al. |
Search for the determinants of allergenicity in proteins of the lipocalin family.
548 |
Ruoppi P et al. |
Paranasal sinus mucormycosis: a report of two cases.
549 |
Ruoppi P et al. |
In vitro and in vivo responses to the recombinant bovine dander allergen Bos d 2 and its fragments.
550 |
Ruponen M et al. |
Extracellular glycosaminoglycans modify cellular trafficking of lipoplexes and polyplexes.
551 |
Rutanen J et al. |
Clinical applications of vascular gene therapy.
552 |
Ruutiainen J, Sivenius J. |
Etenevät neurologiset sairaudet.
553 |
Ryynänen O-P et al. |
General practitioners' willingness to request plain lumbar spine radiographic examinations.
554 |
Räihä I et al. |
Poor performance in the Mini-Mental State Examination due to causes other than dementia.
555 |
Räsänen JV et al. |
Health-related quality of life before and after gastrointestinal surgery.
556 |
Saano S, Naaranlahti T. |
557 |
Saarelainen T et al. |
trkB-receptor activation contributes to the kainate-induced increase in BDNF mRNA synthesis.
558 |
Saarenmaa I et al. |
The visibility of cancer on previous mammograms in retrospective review.
559 |
Saarenmaa I et al. |
Validity of radiological examinations of patients with breast cancer different age groups in a population based study.
560 |
Saarenmaa I et al. |
The effect of age and density of the breast on the sensitivity of breast cancer diagnostic by mammography and ultrasonography.
561 |
Saari KM et al. |
Silmän tutkiminen.
562 |
Saarikoski S. |
Raskauden keston häiriöt.
563 |
Saarinen J. |
Mast Cell Mediators in Immediate Allergic Wheal Reaction.
564 |
Saarinen JV et al. |
Modulation of the immediate allergic wheal reaction in the skin by drugs
inhibiting the effects on leukotriene C4 and prostaglandin D2.
565 |
Saarinen JV et al. |
Interleukin-4-posituve mast cells are highly associated with the extent of immediate allergic wheal reaction in the skin.
566 |
Saarinen JV et al. |
The release of histamine is associated with the inactivation of mast
cell chymase during immediate allergic wheal reaction in the skin.
567 |
Saarinen P. |
Itsetuhoisuus skitsofreniassa.
568 |
Saarinen P et al. |
Läheisen itsemurhaan sopeutuminen.
569 |
Sahlman J et al. |
Premature vertebral endplate ossification and mild disc degeneration in
mice after inactivation of one allele belonging to the Col2a1 gene for
Type II collagen.
570 |
Salmenkivi K et al. |
Inhibin/activin beta-B-subunit expression in pheochromocytomas favors benign diagnosis.
571 |
Salmenperä T. |
Damage in the Hippocampus, Amygdala, Entorhinal and Perirhinal cortex of Adults With Partial Epilepsy.
572 |
Salmenperä T et al. |
Hippocampal and amygdaloid damage in partial epilepsy A cross-sectional MRI study of 241 patients.
573 |
Salmi L, Niinimäki J. |
Selviytyykö lääkäri verkossa?
574 |
Salmén T et al. |
Estrogeenireseptori alfa-geenin polymorfia vaikuttaa hormonikorvaushoidon luustolle antamaan suojaan.
575 |
Salomaa V et al. |
Relation of socioeconomic position to the case fatality, prognosis and
treatment of myocardial infarction events: the FINMONICA MI Register
576 |
Salonen A et al. |
I.V. ketoprofen for analgesia after tonsillectomy: comparison of pre- and post-operative administration.
577 |
Sarkkinen R et al. |
Keski-Suomen keskussairaalassa vuosina 1983-1990 ja 1991-1998 hoidetut myeloomapotilaat.
578 |
Savolainen S et al. |
Auditory event-related potentials differentiate patients with normal
pressure hydocephalus and patients with concomitant Alzheimer´s disease
verified by brain biopsy.
579 |
Savolainen S, Vapalahti M. |
Hydrokefaalinen dementia.
580 |
Schmidt D et al. |
Recommendations on the clinical use of oxcarbazepine in the treatment of epilepsy: a consensus view.
581 |
Schmidt-Trucksäss A et al. |
Computerized analysing system using the active contour in ultrasound measurement of carotid artery intima-media thickness.
582 |
Schreiner PJ et al. |
Gender differences in recurrent coronary events: The FINMONICA MI register.
583 |
Second SYMPHONY Investigators. |
Randomized trial of aspirin, sibrafiban, or both for secondary prevention after acute coronary syndromes.
584 |
Sentman M-L et al. |
Extracellular superoxide dismutase deficiency and atherosclerosis in mice.
585 |
Serlo W et al. |
Use of self-reinforced polyactide osteosynthesis devices in craniofacial surgery: A long-term follow-up study.
586 |
Setälä L et al. |
Expression of CD44 and its variant isoform v3 has no prognostic value in gastric cancer.
587 |
Siloaho M et al. |
A pilot experiment of joint assessments by accreditation bobies in clinical laboratories.
588 |
Siloaho M et al. |
Key elements of the implementation of a quality system in three Finnish clinical laboratories.
589 |
Silver HM et al. |
Comparison of vagal baroreflex function in nonpregnant women and in
women with normal pregnancy, preeclampsia, or gestational hypertension.
590 |
Simula S. |
Cardiac Adrenergic Innervation in Coronary Artery Disease - Studies with I123-metaiodobenzylguanidine.
591 |
Sinkkonen ST et al. |
Characterization of gamma-aminobutyrate type A receptors with atypical
coupling between agonist and convulsant binding sites in discrete brain
592 |
Sivenius J. |
Ikääntyneen aivohalvauspotilaan hoidon ja kuntoutuksen periaatteita.
593 |
Sivenius J. |
Aivohalvauspotilaan kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuus ja käytännön periaatteet.
594 |
Sivenius J et al. |
Selegiline treatment facilitates recovery after stroke.
595 |
Sivenius J, Tarkka IM. |
596 |
Sivenius K et al. |
Effect of a three-amino acid deletion in the alfa2B-adrenergic receptor
gene on long-term body weight change in Finnish non-diabetic and type 2
diabetic subjects.
597 |
Slotte V et al. |
Information technology in medical education: a nationwide project on the opportunities of the new technology.
598 |
Soimakallio S. |
Katsaus KYS:n sairaanhoitopiirien tilanteeseen ja kehitysnäkymiin.
599 |
Soimakallio S, Liukko M. |
Säteilyn lääketieteellisen käytön kliininen auditointi.
600 |
Soimakallio S, Pamilo M. |
Kuvantamistoiminnan nykytila Suomessa.
601 |
Soimakallio S, Pyhtinen J. |
Röntgenlähete juridisena asiakirjana.
602 |
Soininen H. |
Muistihäiriöiden ja dementian ennaltaehkäisy.
603 |
Soininen H, Hänninen T. |
Muistihäiriöiden oirediagnostiikka.
604 |
Soininen H, Partanen J. |
Kliinis-neurofysiologiset tutkimukset.
605 |
Sorri I. |
Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs on Visual Function, with Special Reference to Vigabatrin.
606 |
Sudah M et al. |
MR urography in evalution of acute flank pain: T2-weighted sequences and
gadolinium-enhanced three-dimensional FLASH compared with urography.
607 |
Sulkava R. |
Dementiapotilaan käytösoireet.
608 |
Sulkava R. |
609 |
Suomalainen S et al. |
Pulmonary infection caused by an unusual, slowly growing nontuberculous Mycobacterium.
610 |
Suomen muistitutkimusyksiköiden asiantuntijatyöryhmä. |
Dementiapotilaiden käytösoireet.
611 |
Suomen muistitutkimusyksiköiden asiantuntijatyöryhmä:. |
Dementiapotilaiden käytösoireiden lääkkeetön hoito.
612 |
Suomen muistitutkimusyksiköiden asiantuntijatyöryhmä:. |
Dementiaan liittyvien käytösoireiden lääkehoito.
613 |
Suominen MM et al. |
Effects of intra-articular injections of bufexamac suspension in healthy horses.
614 |
Suppola S et al. |
Concurrent overexpression of ornithine decarboxylase and
spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase further accelerates the
catabolism of hepatic polyamines in transgenic mice.
615 |
Sutula TP, Pitkänen A. |
More evidence for seizure-induced neuron loss: is hippocampal sclerosis both cause and effect of epilepsy?
616 |
Säilä HM et al. |
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis in multicase families.
617 |
Tacke U. |
Tietoa huumeista ja huumeiden käyttäjistä.
618 |
Tacke U, Tuomisto J. |
Riippuvuus ja väärinkäyttö.
619 |
Tacke U et al. |
The effect of tobacco smoking on subjective symptoms of inadequacy ("not
holding") of methadone dose among opiate addicts in methadone
maintenance treatment.
620 |
Taipale P, Heinonen S. |
Trisomiaseulonnan nykytila.
621 |
Taipale P, Hiilesmaa V. |
Predicting delivery date by ultrasound and last menstrual period in early gestation.
622 |
Takala J et al. |
Nutrition support in trauma and sepsis.
623 |
Tammi R et al. |
Hyaluronan enters keratinocytes by a novel endocytic route for catabolism.
624 |
Tanila H. |
Noradrenergic regulation of hippocampal place cells.
625 |
Tanner SM et al. |
BAALC, the human member of a novel mammalian neuroectoderm gene lineage, is implicated in hematopoiesis and acute leukemia.
626 |
Tanskanen A et al. |
Fish consumption, depression, and suicidality in a general population.
627 |
Tanskanen A et al. |
Fish consumption and depressive symptoms in the general population in Finland.
628 |
Tanskanen A et al. |
Nightmares as predictors of suicide.
629 |
Tanskanen A, Viinamäki H. |
Drs. Tanskanen and Viinamäki reply.
630 |
Tapiola T. |
Biological Markers for Alzheimer´s Disease.
631 |
Tapiola T et al. |
CSF tau and Abeta42 levels in patients with Down´s syndrome.
632 |
Tarkiainen R et al. |
Lapsiperheiden varhaisen tuen työmenetelmiä. Pienryhmätoiminta
lapsiperheiden tukena: videoidut palautekeskustelut
633 |
Tarkka IM. |
Cerebral sources of electrial potentials related to human vocalization and mouth movement.
634 |
Tarkka IM et al. |
Altered frontal lobe function suggested by source analysis of event-related potentials in impulsive violent alcoholics.
635 |
Tarvainen MP et al. |
Analysis of galvanic skin responses with principal components and clustering techniques.
636 |
Taskinen T. |
Moisture and Mould Problems in School Buildings.
637 |
Taskinen T et al. |
Mold-specific IgE antibodies in relation to exposure and skin test data in schoolchildren.
638 |
Tenhunen JJ et al. |
Gut luminal lactate release during gradual intestinal ischemia.
639 |
Tenhunen JJ et al. |
Gastric mucosal systemic partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2)
gradient in experimental endotoxin shock in swine - comparison of two
640 |
Teräsvirta M, Saari KM. |
Mykiö ja sen sairaudet.
641 |
The Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent Recurrent Events Trial Investigato. |
Effects of clopidogrel in addition to aspirin in patietns with acute coronary syndromes without st-segment elevation.
642 |
The DECODE Study Group on behalf of the European Diabetes Epidemiology Group. |
Glucose tolerance and cardiovascular mortality.
643 |
The GUSTO V Investigators. |
Reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction with fibrinolytic
therapy of combination reduced fibrinolytic therapy and platelet
glucoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition: the GUSTO V randomised trial.
644 |
Tiainen S. |
Informaatioteknologiaa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille.
645 |
Tiihonen J. |
Recidivistic violent behavior and axis I and axis II disorders.
646 |
Tiihonen J. |
647 |
Tiihonen J et al. |
Free L-tryptophan plasma levels in antisocial violent offenders.
648 |
Tikka T et al. |
Minocycline, a tetracycline derivative, is neuroprotective against
excitotoxicity by inhibiting activation and proliferation of microglia.
649 |
Tikka T et al. |
Tetracycline derivatives and ceftriaxone, a cephalosporin antibiotic,
protect neurons against apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation.
650 |
Tikka TM, Koistinaho JE. |
Minocycline provides neuroprotection against N-methyl-D-aspartate neurotoxicity by inhibiting microglia.
651 |
Timonen M et al. |
Association between atopic disorders and depression: findings from the Northern Finland 1966 birth cohort study.
652 |
Tommiska V et al. |
A national short-term follow-up study of extremely low birth weight infants born in Finland in 1996-1997.
653 |
Torkko P et al. |
Characterization of Mycobacterium bohemicum isolated from human, veterinary and environmental sources.
654 |
Tuhkanen K et al. |
Two-year follow-up results of a prospective randomized trial comparing
hybrid laser prostatectomy with TURP in the treatment of big benign
655 |
Tukiainen H. |
Rintaan koskee - syy keuhkoissa?
656 |
Tuomainen R. |
Terveyden palvontaan - medikalisaation luomat uhkavisiot.
657 |
Tuomainen R et al. |
Selvitysmieshanke sairaalassa - prosessi ja opetuksia.
658 |
Tuomainen R, Tuomainen M. |
Mikä maksaa - sairaanhoitopiirien vertailua benchmarking-tiedoin.
659 |
Tuomilehto J et al. |
Urinary sodium excretion and cardiovascular mortality in Finland: a prospective study.
660 |
Tuomilehto J et al. |
Authors's reply (Sodium excretion and cardiovascular mortality).
661 |
Tuomilehto J et al. |
Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance .
662 |
Tuomisto L et al. |
Changes in circadian rhythmicity and melatonin balance in rats with portacaval anastomosis (PCA) - relation with histamine.
663 |
Tupala E et al. |
Dopamine D2/D3-receptor and transporter densities in nucleus accumbens and amygdala of type 1 and 2 alcoholics.
664 |
Tupala E et al. |
Measurement of the striatal dopamine transporter density and
heterogeneity in type 1 alcoholics using human whole hemisphere
665 |
Tupola S et al. |
Post-prandial insulin lispro vs. human regular insulin in prepubertal children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus.
666 |
Töyry E. |
Hoidon ihmisläheisyys erikoissairaanhoidossa. Mittarin kehittäminen ja käyttö.
667 |
Töyry E, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. |
Developing an instrument for the measurement of humane caring.
668 |
Töyräs J. |
Mechano-Acoustic Characterization of Articular Cartilage and Trabecular Bone.
669 |
Töyräs J et al. |
Estimation of the Young's modulus of articular cartilage using an
arthroscopic indentation instrument and ultrasonic measurement of tissue
670 |
Udd M et al. |
Regular-dose versus high-dose omeprazole in peptic ulcer bleeding.
671 |
Uusimaa P et al. |
Vasoactive peptides and procollagen propeptides in patients with
hypertension in relation to cardiac hypertrophy and diastolic heart
failure: design of the study and patient characteristics.
672 |
Uusitalo ALT. |
Making a difficult diagnosis and implementing targeted treatment .
673 |
Uusitupa M. |
Liikunta ja ruokavalio ovat metabolisen oireyhtymän täsmähoitoa.
674 |
Uusitupa M. |
Aikuistyypin diabeteksen ehkäisy - haaste terveydenhuollollemme.
675 |
Uusitupa M, Tuomainen R. |
Yhteistyö sairaanhoitopiirien välillä Suomessa.
676 |
Vaag A et al. |
Metabolic impact of a family history of type 2 diabetes. Results from a European multicentre study (EGIR).
677 |
Valkamo M et al. |
Alexithymia in patients with coronary heart disease.
678 |
Valkamo M et al. |
Depression and associated factors in coronary heart disease.
679 |
Valkamo M et al. |
Psychiatric morbidity and the presence and absence of angiographic coronary disease in patients with chest pain.
680 |
Valkonen-Korhonen M et al. |
Loss of time-organized sympathetic skin responses in acute psychosis.
681 |
Valle TT et al. |
Tyypin 2 diabetes on ehkäistävissä elämäntapamuutoksilla.
682 |
Valtonen HJ et al. |
Tegmental defects and cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea.
683 |
Valve R. |
Studies on Genetic Regulation of Basal Metabolic Rate in Obese Subjects.
684 |
Vanamo K, Kiekara O. |
Pylephlebitis after appendicitis in a child.
685 |
Vanamo T et al. |
Intra-familial child homicide in Finland 1970-1994: incidence, causes of death and demographic characteristics.
686 |
Vandenberghe S et al. |
Iterative reconstruction algorithms in nuclear medicine.
687 |
Vanhala R et al. |
Low levels of insulin-like growth factor-I in cerebrospinal fluid in children with autism.
688 |
Vanhanen M et al. |
APOE-epsilon4 is associated with weight loss in women with AD . A population-based study.
689 |
Vanhatalo S et al. |
Reversed visual field constrictions in children after vigabatrin
withdrawal-true retinal recovery or improved test performance only?
690 |
Vanhatalo S, Riikonen R. |
Nitric oxide metabolites, nitrates and nitrites in the cerebrospinal fluid in children with west syndrome.
691 |
Vapaavuori J. |
Dialoginen muutos ryhmäkeskusteluissa: työyhteisön jumi konsultaation kohteena.
692 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comments (to Review of medical prevention of vasospasm after aneurysmal
subarachnoid hemorrgage: a problem of neurointensive care).
693 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comment to (Surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma based on intrahematomal membrane structure on MRI).
694 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comment to (Radiologically confirmed de novo glioblastoma multiforme and
hippocampal sclerosis associated with the first onset of nonconvulsive
simple partial status.
695 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comment to (Metastatic brain tumours from oesophageal carcinoma:
Neuro-imaging and clinicopathological characteristics in Japanese
696 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comment to (A scanning technique to measure regional cerebral blood flow and oxyhemoglobin level).
697 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comment to (The influence of apolipoprotein E genotype on outcome after
spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage: a preliminary study.
698 |
Vapalahti M. |
Comment to (Role of adenosine 5'-triphosphate in vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage: human investigations).
699 |
Vartiainen N et al. |
Piroxicam and NS-398 rescue neurones from hypoxia/reoxygenation damage by a mechanism independent of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition.
700 |
Vauhkonen I. |
Early Defects in Glucose Metabolism in Relatives of Patients with Different Phenotypes of Diabetes Mellitus.
701 |
Venesmaa PK et al. |
Monitoring of periprosthetic BMD after uncemented total hip arthroplasty
with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry - a 3-year follow-up study.
702 |
Venesmaa PK et al. |
Alendronate reduces periprosthetic bone loss after uncemented primary total hip arthroplasty: A prospective randomized study.
703 |
Vesala H-H. |
Laskentamalli ja sovellusesimerkkejä.
704 |
Vesala H-H. |
Filmiarkistosta digitaaliarkistoon: Itä-Suomi.
705 |
Vesala H-H. |
PACS:n tärkein tavoite on parantaa potilaan hoitoa.
706 |
Vesala H-H. |
Filmiarkistointiin käytetty työaika ja palkkakustannukset.
707 |
Vesala H-H et al. |
Perinteisestä filmikuvantamisesta digitaalikuvantamiseen.
708 |
Vesala H-H et al. |
Mitä vaikuttaa siirtyminen röntgenfilmiarkistoinnista digitaaliarkistointiin.
709 |
Vessby B et al. |
Substituting dietary saturated for monounsaturated fat impairs insulin sensitivity in healthy men and women:The KANWU study.
710 |
Videman T et al. |
The relative roles of intragenic polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor gene in lumbar spine degeneration and bone density.
711 |
Viinamäki H et al. |
Masennuspotilaat psykiatrisessa osastohoidossa.
712 |
Viinamäki H et al. |
Pitkäaikaiseen masentuneisuuteen liittyvät tekijät yleisväestössä.
713 |
Viitanen L. |
Studies on the Genetic Basis of Premature Coronary Heart Disease Using Candidate Gene Approach and Genome-Wide Scanning.
714 |
Viitanen L et al. |
Association of angiotensin converting enzyme and plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 promoter gene polymorphisms with features of the insulin
resistance syndrome in patients with premature coronary heart disease.
715 |
Viitanen L et al. |
Apolipoprotein E gene promoter (-219G/T) polymorphism is associated with premature coronary heart disease.
716 |
Viramo P, Sulkava R. |
Muistihäiriöiden ja dementian epidemiologia.
717 |
Virtanen T. |
Lipocalin allergens.
718 |
Virtaniemi JA et al. |
Surgical management of irradiation failures in T1-T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx.
719 |
Virtaniemi JA et al. |
The incidence and etiology of postlaryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistulae.
720 |
Vornanen M, Jantunen E. |
T-solulymfoomat: WHO:n luokitus, kliiniset piirteet ja hoitoperiaatteet.
721 |
Voutilainen-Kaunisto R. |
Aikuistyypin diabetekseen liittyvät silmänpohjamuutokset ja riskitekijät.
722 |
Voutilainen-Kaunisto R. |
Ocular Manifestations in Type 2 Diabetes. Controlled Ten-Year Follow-Up Study.
723 |
Voutilainen-Kaunisto R et al. |
Maculopathy and visual acuity in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients and non-diabetic subjects: A 10-year follow-up study.
724 |
Voutilainen-Kaunisto RM et al. |
Occurrence and predictors of retinopathy and visual acuity in type 2
diabetic patients and control subjects 10-year follow-up from the
725 |
Vuorio AF et al. |
Familial hypercholesterolaemia in Finland: common, rare and mild mutations of the LDL receptor and their clinical consequences.
726 |
Vuoristo M-S et al. |
Serum adhesion molecules and interleukin-2 receptor as markers of tumour load and prognosis in advanced cutaneous melanoma.
727 |
Väisänen M et al. |
Leikkauksen jälkeinen kipu vaihtelee lapsen mukaan.
728 |
Välimäki MJ et al. |
Lasten riisitaudista aikuisten osteomalasiaan.
729 |
Välimäki S et al. |
Relation of collagen type I alpha 1 (COLIA1) and vitamin D receptor
genotypes to bone mass, turnover, and fractures in early postmenopausal
women and to hip fractures in elderly people.
730 |
Väätäinen U. |
Poikkitankokiinnitys eturistisiteen kirurgiassa. Alustavat tulokset.
731 |
Väätäinen U. |
Nivelkierukan siirre. Indikaatiot ja tulokset.
732 |
Wahlfors J et al. |
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion constructs in gene therapy research.
733 |
Waldemar G et al. |
Benefits of donepezil on cognition, function and neuropsychiatric
symptoms in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimr´s disease over one
734 |
Wang H et al. |
New amino acid substitutions in the IRS-2 gene in Finnish and Chinese subjects with late-onset type 2 diabetes.
735 |
Wangel M et al. |
WWW--an effective way of teaching radiology.
736 |
Wedel H et al. |
Challenges of subgroup analyses in multinational clinical trials: Experiences from the MERIT-HF trial.
737 |
Wilhelmsen L et al. |
Risk factors for a major coronary event after myocardial infarction in
the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S): Impact of predicted
risk on the benefit of cholesterol-lowering treatment.
738 |
Winblad B et al. |
A 1-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study of donepezil in patients with mild to moderate AD.
739 |
Wood D et al. |
Rapid assessment of chest pain: The rationale is clear, but evidence is needed.
740 |
Ylinen A et al. |
Kognitiivisten toimintojen neurobiologinen tausta.
741 |
Ylinen A, Kanto-Ronkanen A. |
Seizure-Warning systems and protective adjustments.
742 |
Ylinen J et al. |
Kuntoutustarve lannerangan välilevytyräleikkauksen jälkeen.
743 |
Ylinen J et al. |
Kirjoittajien vastine edelliseen (Kuntoutustarve lannerangan välilevytyräleikkauksen jälkeen).
744 |
Ylitalo K et al. |
Reversible ischemic inhibition of F1F0-ATPase in rat and human myocardium.
745 |
Ylitalo K et al. |
Evidence suggesting coronary vasodilation as the principal mechanism in the warm-up phenomenon.
746 |
Ylitalo K, Peuhkurinen K. |
Tuumorinekroositekijä alfa ja sydän - voidaanko sydänsairauksia hoitaa sytokiineja neutraloimalla?
747 |
Ylitalo K, Peuhkurinen K. |
Clinical relevance of ischemic preconditioning.
748 |
Ylä-Herttuala S. |
749 |
Ylä-Herttuala S. |
Gene therapy for coronary heart disease.
750 |
Zhou J et al. |
Inverse T2 contrast at 1.5 tesla between gray matter and white matter in the occipital lobe of normal adult human brain.
751 |
Äikiä M et al. |
Verbal memory in newly diagnosed patients and patients with chronic left temporal lobe epilepsy.
752 |
Ågren JJ et al. |
Postprandial responses of individual fatty acids in subjects homozygous
for the threonine- or alanine-encoding allele in codon 54 of the
intestinal fatty acid binding protein 2 gene 1,2.
753 |
Åmark P et al. |
Risk prevention in daily life.
754 |
Örmälä T et al. |
T cells of the colonic mucosa in patients with infantile colitis.