Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala
Kuopio University Hospital

Julkaisut 2006
Publications 2006

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1 Steigen TK et al. Randomized study on simple versus complex stenting of coronary artery bifurcation lesions: the Nordic bifurcation study.
2 Aalto TJ et al. Preoperative predictors for postoperative clinical outcome in lumbar spinal stenosis: systematic review.
3 Aaltomaa S et al. Expression of Ki-67, cyclin D1 and apoptosis markers correlated with survival in prostate cancer patients treated by radical prostatectomy.
4 Aarnisalo AA et al. Efficacy of gene transfer through the round window membrane: an in vitro model.
5 Aho L et al. Beta-amyloid aggregation in human brains with cerebrovascular lesions.
6 Ahonen J. Lääkeaineiden tärkeät yhteisvaikutukset eli interaktiot.
7 AHONEN J. Tunnetko verenpainelääkkeiden haitta-ja yhteisvaikutukset?
8 Aira M, Mäntyselkä P. Terveyskeskusopetuksen uudet haasteet.
9 Aira M et al. Kenen joukoissa seisot? Johtavan lääkärin haasteellinen asema terveyskeskuksessa.
10 Airaksinen O et al. Chapter 4. European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low pack pain.
11 Aksglaede L et al. Natural history of seminiferous tubule degeneration in Klinefelter syndrome.
12 Alafuzoff I. Neuropatologinen tutkimus.
13 Alafuzoff I et al. Interlaboratory comparison of assessments of Alzheimer disease-related lesions: a study of the BrainNet Europe consortium.
14 Alho O-P et al. Head and neck cancer in primary care: presenting symptoms and the effect of delayed diagnosis of cancer cases.
15 Andrulionyté L et al. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the HNF4alfa gene are associated with the conversion to type 2 diabetes mellitus: the STOP-NIDDM trial.
16 Andrulionyté L et al. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of PPARD in combination with the Gly482Ser substitution of PGC-1A and the Pro12Ala substitution of PPARG2 predict the conversion from impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes: the STOP-NIDDM Trial.
17 Annola K et al. Mitä lääkkeiden haittavaikutuksista kysytään? Kuopion Lääkeinformaatiokeskukseen tulleiden puhelujen sisältö.
18 Antman EM et al. Enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin with fibrinolysis for ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
19 Arokoski JPA et al. Postural control in male patients with hip osteoarthritis.
20 Arokoski JPA et al. Kävely ja sen häiriöiden tutkiminen.
21 Bendel P et al. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is followed by temoromesial voulume loss. MRI volumetric study.
22 Berthold HK et al. Effect of ezetimibe and/or simvastatin on coenzyme Q10 levels in plasma.
23 Bhatt DL et al. Clopidogrel and aspirin versus aspirin alone for the prevention of atherothrombotic events.
24 Blomster H et al. Asymmetric dimethylarginine is not elevated in exfoliation syndrome but symmetric dimethylarginine is related to exfoliative glaucoma.
25 Boccardi M. MRI Studies in Frontotemporal Dementia.
26 Braak H et al. Staging of Alzheimer disease-associated neurofibrillary pathology using paraffin sections and immunocytochemistry.
27 Brommer H et al. In situ and ex vivo evaluation of an arthroscopic indentation instrument to estimate the health status of articular cartilage in the equine metacarpophalangeal joint.
28 Buerger K et al. CSF phosphorylated tau protein correlates with neocortical neurofibrillary pathology in Alzheimer's disease.
29 Böhm J et al. Case report: central neurocytoma with concomitant cerebral involvement by acute lymphatic leukemia.
30 Callister LC et al. Collaborative international research.
31 Castrén M et al. Kantasolut hermoston kehityshäiriön kuvaajina särö-X-oireyhtymässä.
32 Castén E, Tanila H. Neurotrophins and dementia - keeping in touch.
33 Collaborative Study Group on Perioperative ScvO2 Monitoring et al. Multicentre study on peri- and postoperative central venous oxygen saturation in high-risk surgical patients.
34 Degenhardt T et al. The insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 1 gene is a primary target of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors.
35 Deiner C et al. Adventitial VEGF(165) gene transfer prevents lumen loss through induction of positive arterial remodeling after PTCA in porcine coronary arteries.
36 Don M et al. Simkania negevensis and pneumonia in children.
37 Drossou A et al. Ontogenetic development of the proteolytic digestion activities in larvae of Oreochromis niloticus fed with different diets.
38 Dunkel L. Use of aromatase inhibitors to increase final height.
39 Dunkel L. Management of children with idiopathic short stature.
40 Eerola A, Jokinen E. Lapsen sydämen kaikutukimukset.
41 El-Tahtawy A et al. Population pharmacokinetics of oxycodone in children 6 months to 7 years old.
42 Elovaara I et al., toim. Kliininen neuroimmunologia.
43 Erkinjuntti T et al., toim. Muistihäiriöt ja dementia. 2. uud. p.
44 Erkinjuntti T, Pirttilä T. Vaskulaariset dementiat.
45 Erkkila K et al. Regulation of human male germ cell death by modulators of ATP production.
46 Fagerudd J et al. Low birth weight does not increase the risk of nephropathy in Finnish type 1 diabetic patients.
47 Fischer M et al. Mast cell CD30 ligand is upregulated in cutaneus inflammation and mediates degranulation-independent chemokine secretion.
48 Forslund T et al. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis after autologous stem cell transplantation.
49 Fröjd S et al. Nuorten mielenterveys Tampereella ja Vantaalla: Perusraportti 2-vuotisseurannasta.
50 Fröjd S et al. Perceived financial difficulties and maladjustment outcomes in adolescence.
51 Frösen J. The Pathobiology of the Saccular Cerebral Artery Aneurysm Rupture and Repair - a Clinicopathological and Experimental Approach [E-thesis].
52 Frösen J et al. Contribution of mural and bone marrow-derived neointimal cells to thrombus organization and wall remodeling in a microsurgical murine saccular aneuryms model.
53 Frösen J et al. Growth factor receptor expression and remodeling of saccular cerebral artery aneurysm walls: implications for biological therapy preventing rupture.
54 Furuholm J et al. Salivary matrix metalloproteinase-8 in patients with and without coronary heart disease may indicate an increased susceptibility to periodontal disease.
55 Glauser T et al. ILAE treatment guidelines: evidence-based analysis of antiepileptic drug efficacy and effectiveness as initial monotherapy for epileptic seizures and syndromes.
56 Gombos Z et al. Human leukocyte antigen non-class II determinants for type 1diabetes in the finnish population.
57 González-Sánchez JL et al. Interaction of the - 308G/A promoter polymorphism of the tumor necrosis factor-alfa gene with single-nucleotide polymorphism 45 of the adiponectin gene: effect on serum adiponectin concentrations in a Spanish population.
58 Grenman S et al. A randomised phase III study comparing hihg-dose chemotherapy to conventionally dosed chemotherapy for stage III ovariab cancer: the Finnish Ovarian Cancer (FINOVA) study.
59 Gruchala M et al. Gene therapy for cardiovascular diseases.
60 Guedea F et al. Early biochemical outcomes following permanent interstitial brachytherapy as monotherapy in 1050 patients with clinical T1-T2 prostate cancer.
61 Gylling H. Välttämättömät rasvahapot ja sydänterveys.
62 Gylling H. Rapeseed oil does not cause reactions.
63 Gylling H, Miettinen TA. Drug-induced effects on cholesterol catabolism and bile acids.
64 Gylling H, Palonen R. Korvattava lääkevahinko.
65 Gylling H et al. Changes in serum level and metabolism of cholesterrol with plant stanol esters in postmenopausal women and without coronary artery disease.
66 Gylling HK et al. Ester percentages of plant sterols and cholesterol in chylomicrons and VLDL of humans with low and high sterol absorption.
67 Haara M. Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis Assessed from Hand Radiographs. Prevalence, Determinants, and Associations with Morbidity and Mortality.
68 Haara M et al. Low metacarpal index predicts hip fracture: A prospective population study of 3,561 subjects with 15 year s of follow-up.
69 Hakko H et al. Are females at special risk of obesity if they become psychotic? The longitudinal Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study.
70 Hakulinen M. Prediction of Density, Structure and Mechanical Properties of Trabecular Bone Using Ultrasound and X-Ray Techniques.
71 Hakulinen MA et al. Ultrasonic characterization of human trabecular bone microstructure.
72 Hallikainen E, Kaksonen M-L. KYSin kipupoliklinikka esittäytyy.
73 Hallikainen M et al. Endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic subjects: Effects of plant stanol and sterol esters.
74 Hallikainen M et al. Interaction between cholesterol and glucose metabolism during dietary carbohydrate midification in subjects with the metabolic syndrome 1-3.
75 Hallikainen M et al. Postprandial behavior of plasma squalene and non-cholesterol sterols in men with varying cholesterol sbsorbtion.
76 Halonen J et al. Intravenous administration of metoprolol is more effective than oral administration in the prevention of atrial fibrallation after cardiac surgery.
77 Halonen P et al. Lääkäripalvelujen laatu väestön arvioimana.
78 Hammarstedt A et al. Visfatin is an adipokine, but it is not regulated by Thiazolidinediones.
79 Harju J et al. Minilaparotomy cholecystectomy versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
80 Hartikainen J et al. Lääkärien terapeuttiset asenteet sydän- ja verisuonitautien vaaratekijöiden, erityisesti ylipainon ja tupakoinnin hoitoon.
81 Hartikainen JM et al. Refinement of the 22q12-q13 Breast Cancer-Associated Region:Evidence of TMPRSS6 as a Candidate in an Eastern Finnish Population.
82 Hartikainen S et al. Serotoniinisyndrooma: iäkästä miestä hikoiluttaa, ahdistaa ja tärisyttää.
83 Harvima IT et al. Hyaluronic acid inhibits the adherence and growth of monolayer keratinocytes but does not affect the growth of keratinocyte epithelium.
84 Hassinen M et al. Metabolic syndrome and the progression of carotid intima-media thickness in elderly women.
85 Hassinen M et al. C-reactive protein and metabolic syndrome in elderly women. A 12-year follow-up study.
86 Haverinen-Shaughnessy U et al. Children's homes - determinants of moisture damage and asthma in Finnish residences.
87 He H-G. Non-Pharmacological Methods in Children's Postoperative Pain Relief in China.
88 He H-G et al. Chinese parent's use of nonpharmacological methods in children's postoperative pain relief.
89 He H-G et al. Response .
90 Hedman M et al. Serum noncholesterol sterols in children with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia undergoing pravastatin therapy.
91 Hedman M et al. New technologies in cardiovascular research gene therapy.
92 Heikkilä K et al. Assessment of attitudes towards assisted reproduction: A survey among medical students and parous women.
93 Heikkinen JO et al. Interdepartmental audit with an anatomically realistic lung phantom.
94 Heikkinen T. Cognitive Effects of Estrogen in Ovariectomized, Aged and Transgenic Mice Modeling Alzheimer´s Disease.
95 Heinonen M et al. Adipokiinit - rasvakudoksen viestinviejistä valoa lihavuuden haittojen ymmärtämiseen. Pitäisikö rasvakudosta kohdella kuin endokriinista kasvainta?
96 Heinonen S. Critical evaluation of evidence: a lesson to learn from a recent meta-analysis.
97 Heinonen S. Gene therapy and ovarian cancer-more questions than answers.
98 Heiskanen N et al. Mikrobilääkkeiden käyttö raskauden ja imetyksen aikana-suositukset puoltavat tuttua ja turvallista.
99 Heiskanen N et al. Fetal macrosomia-a continuing obstetric challenge.
100 Heiskanen TH et al. Metabolic syndrome and depression: a cross-sectional analysis.
101 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Tanskasta mallia yleislääkärin työn kehittämiseen.
102 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Mitä nyt sydänpotilaalle kipulääkkeeksi?
103 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. NSAID use and the risk of hospitalization for first myocardial infarction in the general population: a nationwide case-control study from Finland.
104 Helisalmi S et al. Association of CYP46 intron 2 polymorphism in Finnish Alzheimer´s disease samples and a global scale summary.
105 Herder C et al. Systemic immune mediators and lifestyle changes in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Results from the Finnish diabes prevention study.
106 Hernesniemi J et al. Principles of microneurosurgery for safe and fast surgery.
107 Hero M et al. Blockade of oestrogen biosynthesis in peripubertal boys: effects on lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and body composition.
108 Hero M et al. Treatment with the aromatase inhibitor letrozole during adolescence increases near-final height in boys with constitutional delay of puberty.
109 Herrgård E, Partanen J. Lasten monitorointi teho-osastolla.
110 Herrgård EA et al. Increased number of febrile seizures in children born very pretem: Relation of neonatal, febrile and epileptic seizures and neurological dysfunction to seizure outcome at 16 years ago.
111 Herttuainen K et al. Potilastyytyväisyys välittömän rinnankorjausleikkauksen jälkeen.
112 Herukka S-K et al. Cerebrospinal fluid Abeta42, tau and phosphorylated tau predict progression in patients with cognitive impairment.
113 Hietanen M, Hänninen T. Laaja neuropsykologinen tutkimus.
114 Hihnala S et al. Long-term clinical outcome in patients with congenital chloride diarrhea.
115 Hiltunen M et al. Aromatase enzyme and Alzheimer´s disease.
116 Hinno S et al. Mittarin käännösprosessi hoitotieteellisessä tutkimuksessa - käännösmallin laatiminen kansainväliseen vertailututkimukseen.
117 Hintikka U et al. Good working alliance and psychotherapy are associated with positive changes in cognitive performance among adolescent psychiatric inpatients.
118 Hintikka U et al. Improvement in cognitive and psychosocial functioning and self image among adolescent inpatient suicide attempters.
119 Hirvonen E. Vatsaleikkauspotilaan anestesia.
120 Hoffrén P et al. Miten käyttökelpoisia ja turvallisia ovat äitiyshuollon synnytyskertomusjärjestelmät?
121 Hovi M et al. Obstetric outcome in post-term pregnancies: time for reappraisal in clinical mangement.
122 Huhtiniemi T et al. Comparative and pharmacophore model for deacetylase SIRT1.
123 Huopio J. Osteoporoosin diagnoosi ja osteoporoottisten murtumien riskitekijät.
124 Huttunen J et al. EEG:n fysiologiaa ja patofysiologiaa.
125 Huuskonen J, Aaltomaa S. Candida sepsis originating from bulbar abscess of the penis.
126 Hynynen E et al. Heart rate variability during night sleep and after awakening in overtrained athletes.
127 Hynynen M et al. Anestesian, tehohoidon, ensihoidon ja kivunhoidon järjestely.
128 Hyppölä H, Kumpusalo E. Yliopistot ja terveyskeskukset yhteisessä kehittämistyössä - mikä toimintamalliksi?
129 Hyppölä H et al. Ovatko lääkärien arvioinnit peruskoulutuksestaan muuttuneet 15 vuoden aikana?
130 Hyppölä H et al. Oppiva terveyskeskus.
131 Hyvärinen A et al. Sensorineural hearing loss after epidural block for labor analgesia: a case report.
132 Hyvärinen MK et al. Responses to inhaled bronchodilators in infancy are not linked with asthma in later childhood.
133 Hyvönen MT et al. Activated polyamine catabolism in acute pancreatitis. Alpfa-methylated polyamine analogues prevent trypsinogen activation and pancreatitis-associated mortality .
134 Hyvönen MT et al. Polyamine-regulated unproductive splicing and translation of spermidine/spermine N1 -acetyltransferase.
135 Hänninen T, Pulliainen V. Neuropsykologinen seulonta.
136 Höfling I et al. Injuries caused by motorcycle accidents - a 5-year survey of patients treated in Kuopio University Hospital.
137 Höglund P et al. Disruption of the SLC26A3-mediated anion transport is associated with male subfertility.
138 Idänpään-Heikkilä JE, Huupponen R. Lääketutkimuksen eettiset ohjeet ja avoimuuden parantaminen.
139 Iivonen S et al. Effects of estradiol on spatial learning, hippocampal cytochrome P450 19, and estrogen alpha and beta mRNA levels in ovariectomized female mice.
140 Ioannidis John P.A et al. Common Cenetic Variants for Brest Cancer:32 Largely Refuted Candidates and Larger Prospects.
141 Ippolito GC et al. Forced usage of positively charged amino acids in immunoglobulin CDR-H3 impairs B cell development and antibody production.
142 Isohanni M et al. Risk factors for schitzophrenia. Follow-up data from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study.
143 Jaakkola P, Manninen H . Rinta-aortan sairauksien uusiutuvat hoitomuodot: avoleikkaus vai endovaskulaarihoito?
144 Jacobo-Herrera NJ et al. F-kappaB modulators from Valeriana officinalis.
145 Janket S-J et al. Salivary lysozyme and prevalent coronary heart disease. Possible effects of oral health on endothelial dysfunction.
146 Jansen JFA et al. Stem cell profiling by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
147 Jantunen E. Autologous stem cell transplantation beyond 60 years of age.
148 Jantunen E et al. Early treatment-related mortality in adult autologous stem cell transplant recipients: a nation-wide survey of 1482 transplanted patients.
149 Jantunen E et al. Autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: the Finnish experience.
150 Jantunen E et al. High-dose melphalan (200 mg/m2) supported by autologous stem cell transplantation is safe and effective in elderly (>or=65 years) myeloma patients: comparison with younger patients on the same protocol.
151 Jantunen E et al. Anagrelidi krooniseen myeloproliferatiiviseen tautiin liittyvän trombosytoosin hoidossa.
152 Joensuu H et al. Adjuvant docetaxel or vinorelbine with or without trastuzumab for breast cancer .
153 Julkunen R. Hiivasyndrooma - tarua vai totta?
154 Juujärvi P et al. Effects of physical provocations on heart rate reactivity and reactive aggression in children.
155 Juujärvi P et al. Controlling reactive aggression through cognitive evaluation of proactive aggression cues.
156 Juutilainen A et al. Proteinuria and metabolic syndrome as predictors of cardiovascular death in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic men and women.
157 Jylhä V et al. Users' and health professionals' opinions of the Hyvis enquiry service.
158 Jänne J et al. Genetic engineering of polyamine catabolism in transgenic mice and rats.
159 Jänne J et al. Genetic manipulation of polyamine catabolism in rodents.
160 Järvinen A et al. Guide molecule-driven stereospecific degradation of alpha-methylpolyamines by polyamine oxidase.
161 Järvinen AJ et al. Alpha-methyl polyamines: efficient synthesis and tolerance studies in vivo and in vitro. First evidence for dormant stereospecificity of polyamine oxidase.
162 Järvisalo M et al. Cholesterol absorption and synthesis in children with type 1 diabetes.
163 Jääskeläinen E et al. MTHFR C677T polymorphism is not associated with placental abruption or preeclampsia in finnish women.
164 Jääskeläinen J. Aivovaltimoaneurysma ja subaraknoidaali-vuoto (SAV).
165 Jääskeläinen J. Kohonnut kallonsisäinen paine.
166 Jääskeläinen J. Aikuisten hydrokefalus ja sunttikomplikaatiot.
167 Jääskeläinen J et al. Human androgen receptor gene ligand-binding-domain mutations leading to disrupted interaction between the N- and C-terminal domains.
168 Jääskeläinen J et al. Fife novel androgen receptor gene mutations associated with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.
169 Jääskeläinen JE, Niemelä M. Hemangioblastoma and von Hippel-Lindau Disease.
170 Jääskeläinen S et al. Leikkauksenaikainen neurofysiologinen monitorointi.
171 Jönsson L et al. Patient- and proxy-reported utility in Alzheimer disease using the euroQoL.
172 Jönsson L et al. Determinants of costs of care for patients with Alzheimer´s disease.
173 Kaarniranta K et al. A mouse model for Stickler's syndrome: Ocular phenotype of mice carrying a targeted heterozygous inactivation of type II (pro)collagen gene (Col2al).
174 Kaikkonen MU et al. Truncated vesicular stomatitis virus G protein improves baculovirus transduction efficiency in vitro and in vivo.
175 Kaipiainen-Seppänen O, Kautiainen H. Declining trend in the incidence of rheumatoid factor-positive rheumatoid arthritis in Finland 1980-2000.
176 Kajantie E et al. Placental 11beeta-HSD2 activity, early postnatal clinical course, and adrenal function in extremely low birth weight infants.
177 Kalesnykas G, Uusitalo H. Comparison of simultaneous readings of intraocular pressure in rabbits using Perkins handheld, Tono-Pen XL, and TonoVet tonometers.
178 Kallio M et al. Keskushermoston kasvaimet.
179 Kanis JA et al. The use of multiple sites for the diagnosis of osteoporosis.
180 Kankaanranta T et al. Factors associated with physisians' choice of working sector. A national longitudinal survey in Finland.
181 Karhunen H et al. A long-term video-EEG and behavioral follow-up after endothelin-1 induced middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.
182 Karinen H et al. Gene dose effect of the DQB1*0201 allele contributes to severity of coeliac disease.
183 Karinen H et al. HLA genotyping is useful in the evaluation of the risk for coelic disease in the 1st-degree relatives of patients with coeliac disease.
184 Karlsson L et al. Yksilöpsykoterapiat.
185 Karlsson L et al. Current comorbidity among consecutive adolescent psychiatric outpatients with DSM-IV mood disorders.
186 Karpanen T et al. Lymphangiogenic growth factor responsiveness is modulated by postnatal lymphatic vessel maturation.
187 Karrman K et al. High incidence of the ETV6/RUNX1 fusion gene in paediatric precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemias with trisomy 21 as the sole cytogenetic change: a Nordic series of cases diagnosed 1989-2005.
188 Kauppinen T et al. Human postmortem brain tissue and 2-mm tissue microarrays.
189 Kauppinen-Mäkelin R et al. Quality of life in treated patients with acromegaly.
190 Keech A et al. Correction to the FIELD study report.
191 Kemppainen EJS et al. Fear conditioning is impaired in systemic kainic acid and amygdala-stimulation models of epilepsy.
192 Kemppainen T et al. Acetaminophen is highly effective in pain treatment after endoscopic sinus surgery.
193 Kemppinen K et al. Recurrent and transient depressive symptoms around delivery and maternal sensitivity.
194 Kemppinen K et al. The continuity of maternal sensitivity from infancy to toddler age.
195 Kerokoski P. Regulation of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5). With Special Emphasis on Changes Occurring During Neuronal Cell Death.
196 Keski-Nisula L et al. Does the pill make a difference? Previous maternal use of contraceptive pills and allergic diseases among offspring.
197 Kettunen J et al. Tantaalimetallin käyttö acetabulum-revisioissa - varhaisvaiheen kokemuksia Kuopion yliopistollisesta sairaalasta.
198 Kharatishvili I et al. A model of posttraumatic epilepsy induced by lateral fluid-percussion brain injury in rats.
199 Kholová I, Kautzner J. Current treatment in cardiac amyloidosis.
200 Kiehne K et al. Defensin expression in chronic pouchitis in patients with ulcerative colitis or familial adenomatous polyposis coli.
201 Kiiski K. Tero tutkii ja opettaa.
202 Kinnunen K et al. Overexpression of VEGF-A induces neovascularization and increased vascular leakage in rabbit eye after intravitreal adenoviral gene transfer.
203 Kivelä A, Hartikainen J. Restenosis related to percutaneous coronary intervention has been solved?
204 Kivipelto M et al. Risk score for the prediction of dementia risk in 20 years among middle aged people: a longitudinal, population-based study.
205 Kiviranta P et al. Collagen network primarily controls Poisson's ratio of bovine articular cartilage in compression.
206 Kiviranta PH et al. N,N´-bisbenzylidenebenzene-1,4-diamines and N,N´-bisbenzylidenenaphthalene-1,4-diamines as sirtuin type 2 (SIRT2) inhibitors.
207 Klaukka T et al. Ulkuslääkitys kriittisessä tarkastelussa Ruotsissa.
208 Klemola L et al. Perceptions of health care professionals concerning development of clinical pathways.
209 Klemola L et al. Lonkka- ja sydänpotilaiden hoitoketjujen toimivuus ja niiden kehittäminen henkilökunnan näkökulmasta.
210 Koistinen T et al. Occupational sensitization to storage mites in the personnerl of a water-damaged grocery store.
211 Koivisto A. Genetic Components of Late-Onset Alzheimer´s Disease with Special Emphasis on ApoE, IL-6, CYP46, SERPINA3 and PPARgamma.
212 Koivisto AM et al. Association analysis of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma polymorphisms and late onset Alzhimer´s disease in the Finnish population.
213 Koivu A. Tiimityö ja työnohjaus työntekijän tukena.
214 Kokki H. Lasten sedaatio ja kivunhoito.
215 Kokki H et al. Interpleural bupivacaine and intravenous oxycodone for pain treatment after thoracotomy in children.
216 Kokki H et al. Comparison of oxycodone pharmacokinetics after buccal and sublingual administration in children.
217 Komi J et al. Effects of ospemifene and raloxifene on biochemical markers of bone turnover in postmenopausal women.
218 Kopakkala-Tani M et al. Ultrasound stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in bovine primary chondrocytes.
219 Kopelman P et al. Cetilistat (ATL-962), a novel lipase inhibitor: a 12-week randomized, placebo-controlled study of weight reduction in obese patients.
220 Koponen H. Psykoedukaatio - arvokas lisä psykoosien hoitoon.
221 Koponen H et al. Psykoosi- ja dementiapotilaiden oikeudellisen toimintakyvyn arviointi.
222 Koponen H et al. Vanhuksen itsemurha ja sen riskitekijät.
223 Korhonen K et al. Skin test reactivity to molds in pre-school children with newly diagnosed asthma.
224 Korhonen RK et al. Collagen network of articular cartilage modulates fluid flow and mechanical stresses in chondrocyte.
225 Korhonen V, Marttunen M. Mielialan vaihtelut ja mielialahäiriöt.
226 Korolainen M. Proteomic Analysis of Post-translationally Modified Proteins in Alzheimer´s Disease.
227 Korolainen MA et al. Oxidative modification of proteins in the frontal cortex of Alzheimer´s disease brain.
228 Korppi M et al. Simkania negevensis and newly diagnosed asthma: A case-control study in 1- to 6-year-old children.
229 Korvenoja A et al. Sensorimotor cortex localization: comparison of magnetoencephalography, functional MR imaging, and intraoperative cortical mapping.
230 Koskela A et al. Learning curve for add-on stereotactic core needle breast biopsy.
231 Koskela H, Kaipiainen-Seppänen O. Amyopaattiseen dermatomyosiittiin liittyvä interstitiaalinen keuhkosairaus .
232 Koskela H, Malinen A. Keuhkojen pieni pyörövarjo sattumalöydöksenä.
233 Koskela HO et al. Determinants of the bronchodilation response to salbutamol on histamine-induced bronchoconstriction.
234 Kouri P et al. Online discussions mirroring family life during pregnancy.
235 Kouri P et al. Pregnant families' discussions on the net - from virtual connections toward real-life community.
236 Kröger H. Pääkirjoitus.
237 Kröger H. Osteoporoottisten murtumien hoidon erityispiirteitä.
238 Kuikka JT. Fractal analysis of organ structure, function and interactions.
239 Kuikka P-I et al. Sensitivity of routine 1.0-tesla magnetic resonance imaging versus arthroscopy as gold standard in fresh traumatic chondral lesions of the knee in young adults.
240 Kuittinen T. Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Progenitor Cell Mobilisation, Toxicity of High-dose Therapy, and Progressive Disease After Transplantation.
241 Kuittinen T et al. Cardiac effects within 3 months of BEAC high-dose therapy in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation.
242 Kukkonen T et al. Functional outcome of distal bypasses for lower limb ischemia.
243 Kultti A et al. Hyaluronan synthesis induces microvillus-like cell surface protrusions.
244 Kumpulainen S et al. Surgical treatment of ovarian cancer in different hospital categories - a prospective nation-wide study in Finland.
245 Kurl S et al. Metabolic syndrome and the risk of stroke in middle-aged men.
246 Kurola J. Evaluation of Pharyngeal Devices for Prehospital Airway Management.
247 Kuukasjärvi P et al. Overview of systematic reviews on invasive treatment of stable coronary artery disease.
248 Kvist T et al. Lääkäreiden ja potilaiden arviot hoidon laadusta - samanlaisuutta ja erilaisuutta?
249 Kvist T et al. Hoidon laatu ja siihen yhteydessä olevat tekijät.
250 Kälviäinen R, Mervaala E. Epilepsiapotilaan tutkiminen.
251 Kälviäinen R, Tomson T. Optimizing treatment of epilepsy during pregnancy.
252 Kälviäinen R, Äikiä M. Epilepsia.
253 Kärjä V, Alafuzoff I. Protein p62 common in invaginations in benign meningiomas - a possible predictor of malignancy.
254 Kärkkäinen S et al. Novel mutations in the lamin A/C gene in heart transplant recipients with end stage dilated cardiomyopathy.
255 Laakso M. Metformiini: vanha lääke, uusi vaikutusmekanismi.
256 Laakso M. Mutations in the PPARgamma gene relevant for diabetes and the metabolic syndrome.
257 Laakso M, Kovanen PT. Metabolic syndrome: To be or not to be?
258 Laakso M. Linkkejä muistihäiriö- ja dementiasivuille.
259 Laakso S et al. Kliinisen tutkimuksen luotettavuus polven artroskooppisen löydöksen ennustamisessa.
260 Laaksonen DE, Niskanen L. Metabolinen oireyhtymä ja diabetes - lihavuuden hoidon ykköskohteet.
261 Laanterä S et al. Imetysohjaus perhevalmennuksessa terveydenhuollon asiantuntijoiden kuvaamana: tavoitteena toimintamallin kehittäminen.
262 Laasanen MS et al. Quantitative ultrasound imaging of spontaneous repair of porcine cartilage.
263 Lagouge M et al. Resveratrol improves mitochondrial function and protects against metabolic disease by activating SIRT1 and PGC-1alpha.
264 Lahtinen L et al. Increased expression and activity of urokinase-type plasminogen activator during epileptogenesis.
265 Lahtinen P et al. Pain after cardiac surgery. A prospective cohort study of 1-year incidence and intensity.
266 Laisalmi M et al. Effects of cigarette smoking on serum fluoride concentrations and renal function integrity after 1 MAC-h sevoflurane anaesthesia.
267 Laitinen I et al. Non-specific binding of [(18)F]FDG to calcifications in atherosclerotic plaques: experimental study of mouse and human arteries.
268 Laitinen J et al. Evaluation of exposure to 1-alkoxy-2propanols and 1-(2-methoxy-1-methylethoxy)-2-propanol by the analysis of the parent compounds in urine.
269 Laitinen MH et al. Fat intake at midlife and risk of dementia and Alzheimer´s disease: A population-based study.
270 Lammentausta E et al. Prediction of mechanical properties of trabecular bone using quantitative MRI.
271 Lammentausta E et al. T2 relaxation time and delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) of human patellar cartilage at 1.5 T and 9.4 T: relationships with tissue mechanical properties.
272 Lammi MJ et al. Proteomic analysis of cartilage- and bone-associated samples.
273 Lang H, Partanen J. Auditiiviset herätevastetutkimukset.
274 Lanki T et al. Can we identify sources of fine particles responsible for exercise-induced ischemia on days with elevated ari pollution? The ULTRA study.
275 Lappalainen K et al. Sieni-infektion paikallinen mikonatsolihoito ei sovellu varfariinia saavalle.
276 Lappalainen K et al. Sieni-infektion paikallinen mikonatsolihoito ei sovellu varfariinia saavalle.
277 Laukkanen A et al. Ihon okasolusyöpä ja sen esiasteet.
278 Laukkanen E et al., toim. Nuoren psyykkisten ongelmien kohtaaminen.
279 Laukkanen JA et al. Systolic blood pressure response to exercise testing is related to the risk of acute myocardial infarction in middle-aged men.
280 Laukkanen JA et al. Peak oxygen pulse during exercise as a predictor for coronary heart disease and all cause death.
281 Laukkanen O. Genes Regulating Insulin Secretion and Insulin Signaling as Candidate Genes for Type 2 Diabetes in Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance.
282 Lehmusvaara S et al. Utility of cell-permeable peptides for enhancement of virus-mediated gene transfer to human tumor cells.
283 Lehto S et al. Midbrain binding of (123I)nor-beta-CIT in atypical depression.
284 Lehto-Salo P, Marttunen M. Käytöshäiriöt ja niiden hoito.
285 Lehtonen J. Psykoanalyyttisen psykoterapian ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä.
286 Lehtonen J. Infant-mother matrix as a source of mental organization in the infant: Contributions from the neurophysiology of nursing.
287 Lehtonen J. Foreword.
288 Lehtonen J. Aivotutkimus ja psykoanalyysi.
289 Lehtonen J. In search of the early mental organization of the infant: contributions from the neurophysiology of nursing.
290 Lehtonen J. Mikä on psykoterapian tarve julkisessa terveydenhuollossa?
291 Lehtonen J. Voidaanko aivotutkimuksen ja psykoanalyysin tietämystä yhdistää?
292 Lehtonen J et al. Nascent body ego: metapsychological and neurophysiological aspects.
293 Leino E. Julkisen terveydenhuollon muutosaika kuntoutuksen haasteena.
294 Leinonen T et al. Expression of matrix metalloproteinases 7 and 9 in non-smal cell lung cancer relation to clinicopathological factors,ß-catenin and prognosis.
295 Lensu S et al. Assessment by c-Fos immunostaining of changes in brain neural activity induced by 2, 3, 7, 8 -tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and leptin in rats.
296 Lepistö J et al. Nuoren päihdehäiriöiden hoito.
297 Lepola U, Koponen H. Mielenterveysongelmat ja seksuaalisuus.
298 Leppänen P et al. Short and long-term effects of hVEGF-A165 in Cre-activated transgenic mice.
299 Liimatainen T et al. Ultra-short echo time spectroscopic imaging in rats: implications for monitoring lipids in glioma gene therapy.
300 Liimatainen T et al. Identification of mobile cholesterol compounds in experimental gliomas by (1)H MRS in vivo: Effects of ganciclovir-induced apoptosis on lipids.
301 Lindström J et al. Sustained reductione in the incidence of type 2 diabetes by lifestyle intervention: follow-up of the Finnish diabetes prevention study.
302 Lindström J et al. High-fibre, low-fat diet predicts long-term weight loss and decreased type 2 diabetes risk: the Finnish diabetes prevention study.
303 Linnankivi T et al. Cerebroretinal microangiopathy with calcifications and cysts.
304 Lintula H. Acute Abdominal Pain in Children with Special Reference to Surgical Techniques and Effects of Opioid Analgesia on Diagnostic Accuracy.
305 Lisowska A et al. Unresponsive or non-compliant steatorrhea in cystic fibrosis?
306 Liu Y et al. ApoE polymorphism and acute stroke: a study with diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MRI and MR angiography.
307 Lorenz C et al. Automated perfusion-weighted MRI using laocalized arteria input functions.
308 Lorenz C et al. Effect of using local arterial input functions on cerebral blood flow estimation.
309 Lukasiuk K et al. Chapter 11 Epileptogenesis-related genes revisited.
310 Lumiaho A, Laakso M. Autosomissa vallitsevasti periytyvä munuaisten monirakkulatauti.
311 Lundell L et al. Changes of gastric mucosal architecture during long.-term omeprazole therapy: results of a randomized clinical trial.
312 Lundin J et al. Generalisability of survival estimates for patients with breast cancer - A comparsion across two population-based series.
313 Luukkonen S, Punnonen K. Serum pro-hepcidin concentrations and their responses to oral iron supplementation in healthy subjects manifest considerable inter-individual variation.
314 Mager U et al. Association between ghrelin gene variations and blood pressure in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
315 Mager U et al. Association of the Leu72Met polymorphism of the ghrelin gene with the risk of type 2 diabetes in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance in the Finnish diabetes prevention study.
316 Majamaa-Voltti KAM et al. A 3-year clinical follow-up of adult patients with 3243A>G in mitochondrial DNA.
317 Malm T et al. Beta-amyloid infusion results in delayed and age-dependent learning deficits without role of inflammation or beta-amyloid deposits .
318 Mannila A et al. Cerebrospinal fluid distribution of ketoprofen after intravenous administration in young children.
319 Martikainen P et al. Human brain tissue microarrays as a platform to investigate diseases of the nervous system.
320 Marttunen M. Päihteiden käyttöön puututtava ajoissa.
321 Marttunen M. Itsemurhavaara nuoruusiässä.
322 Marttunen M. Unesta elinvoimaa.
323 Marttunen M. Mielen terveys .
324 Marttunen M. Ahdistuksen, masennuksen ja kriisin kohtaaminen.
325 Marttunen M. Itsetuhoinen käyttäytyminen.
326 Matell R, Pirttilä T. Myasthenia gravis (MG).
327 Matinlauri I et al. High serum soluble CD30 does no predict acute rejection in liver transplant patients.
328 Matinlauri IH et al. Changes in liver graft rejections over time.
329 Meairs S et al. Stroke research priorities for the next decade - A representative view of the European scientific community.
330 Merkkola P et al. Incomplete circle of Willis and right axillary artery perfusion.
331 Mervaala E. Epilepsiakirurgisen potilaan tutkimukset.
332 Mervaala E. Aikuisen epilepsia.
333 Mervaala E. EEG:n pitkäaikaiserekikisteröinti ja video-EEG.
334 Mervaala E. Lääkkeet ja intoksikaatio.
335 Mervaala E, Jäntti V. Status epilepticus ja hoidon seuranta.
336 Metsävainio Km. Vesi- ja elektrolyyttiaineenvaihdunta.
337 Miettinen H. Lonkan avaskulaarinen kaputnekroosi - Avascular necrosis of the femoral head core decompression.
338 Miettinen M et al. Measurement of oedema in irritant-exposed skin by a dielectric technique.
339 Miettinen R. Harhattomat stereologiset menetelmät rakenteiden mikroskooppisessa kvantitaatiossa.
340 Miettinen TA, Gylling H. Plant stanol and sterol esters in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. a review.
341 Miettinen TA et al. Liver transplantation in a patient with sitosterolemia and cirrhosis.
342 Miettinen TA et al. Reply (to Serum plant sterols and atherosclerosis: Is there a place for statin -ezetimibe combination?).
343 Ming Z et al. Excessive texting in pathophysiology of first carpometacarpal joint arthritis.
344 Mousavinasab F et al. Common polymorphisms (single-nucleotide polymorphisms SNP+45 and SNP+276) of the adiponectin gene regulate serum adiponectin concentrations and blood pressure in young Finnish men.
345 Mousavinasab F et al. The pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPAR gamma 2 gene influences sex hormone binding globulin level and its relationship to the development of the metabolic syndrome in young Finnish men.
346 Mustonen T et al. Cerebral perfusion heterogeneity and complexity in patients with acute subarachnoid haemorrhage.
347 Mäenpää JU et al. Sequential gemcitabine-carboplatin followed by paclitaxel-carboplatin in the first-line treatment of advanced ovarian cancer: A phase II study.
348 Mäkelä JP et al. Magnetoencephalography in neurosurgery.
349 Mäkelä M et al. Enteral virus infections in early childhood and enhanced type 1 diabetes-associated antibody response to dietary insulin.
350 Mäkelä M et al. Rotavirus-specific T cell responses and cytokine mRNA expression in children with diabetes-associated autoantibodies and type 1 diabetes.
351 Mäkeläinen P et al. Nivelreumaa sairastavan potilaan ohjaus ja ohjauksen yhteys koettuun toimintakykyyn.
352 Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen A et al. Dementoituvan ihmisen oikeudellinen toimintakyky ja sen lääketieteellinen arviointi.
353 Mäkinen PI et al. Stable RNA interference: comparison of U6 and H1 promoters in endothelial cells and in mouse brain.
354 Mäkitie AA et al. Oropharyngeal carcinoma and its treatment in Finland between 1995-1999: a nationwide study.
355 Mäntylä T et al. Targeted magnetic resonance imaging of Scavidin-receptor in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro.
356 Mäntyselkä P et al. Ammatinharjoittajaksi perusterveydenhuoltoon - vai ei?
357 Mättö M et al. hCAR-EGFP fusion receptor in human follicular lymphoma B cells - A model for adenoviral gene therapy for B cell malignancies.
358 Määttä A-M et al. Transcriptional targeting of virus-mediated gene transfer by the human hexokinase II promoter.
359 Määttä M et al. Immunolocalization of EMMPRIN (Cd147) in the human eye and detection of soluble form of EMMPRIN in ocular fluids.
360 Möttönen T et al. Efficacy of combination therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: Comment on the review by Smolen et al.
361 Nagy L et al. Water dissection technique of Toth for opening neurosugicalcleavage planes.
362 Nairismägi J et al. Status epilepticus in 12-day-old rats leads to temporal lobe neurodegeneration and volume reduction: A histologic and MRI study.
363 Nairismägi J et al. Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of mossy fiber plasticity in vivo.
364 Naukkarinen H et al. Deramciclane in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: A placebo-controlled, double-blind, dose-finding study.
365 Niemelä S et al. Childhood predictors of drunkenness in late adolescence among males: a 10-year population-based follow-up study.
366 Nieminen HJ et al. Acoustic properties articular cartilage under mechanical stress.
367 Nieminen P et al. Statistical methodologies in psychopharmacology: A review.
368 Niiranen K et al. Mice with targeted disruption of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferese gene maintain nearly normal tissue polyamine homeostasis but show signs of insulin resistance upon aging.
369 Niskanen L et al. Serum uric acid as a harbinder of metabolic outcome in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance.
370 Niskanen M et al. Neurologinen sairaus ja anestesia .
371 Nissi MJ et al. T2 relaxation time mapping reveals age- and species-related diversity of collagen network architecture in articular cartilage.
372 Nissinen MJ et al. Effects of plant stanol esters supplied in a fat free milieu by pastilles on cholesterol metabolism in colectomized human subjects.
373 Nordström DC et al. Classic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in combination with infliximab. The Finnish experience .
374 Nurmi A et al. Antioxidant pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate activates Akt-GSK signaling and is neuroprotective in neonatal hypoxia–ischemia.
375 Nuutinen J et al. Assessing the outcome of stroke: a comparison between MRI and clinical strole scales.
376 Nuutinen U et al. Inhibition of P13-kinase-Akt pathway enhances dexamethasone-induced apoptosis in a human follicular lymphoma cell line.
377 Nyrke T, Pääkkönen A. Visuaaliset herätepotentiaalit (VEP).
378 Nälsén C et al. Dietary (n-3) fatty acids reduce plasma F2-isoprostanes but not prostaglandin F2alfa in healthy humans.
379 Ojala R. Mitä verestä mitatut laboratoriotulokset kertovat?
380 Ojala R. Mitkä lääkkeet pidentävät QT-aikaa?
381 Ojala R, Laitinen K. Milloin lääkkeen haittavaikutuksesta pitää ilmoittaa Lääkelaitoksen haittavaikutusrekisteriin?
382 Ojala T et al. The effect of small doses of botulinum toxin A on neck-shoulder myofascial pain syndrome: A double-blind, randomized, and controlled crossover trial.
383 Ojala TA et al. Needle-electromyography findings of trigger points in neck-shoulder area before and after injection treatment.
384 Oksala NKJ et al. Antireflux surgery and esophageal mucosal DNA damage.
385 Oksala NKJ et al. Heat shock protein 60 response to exercise in diabetes. Effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation.
386 Oksman M et al. Impact of different saturated fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid and cholesterol containing diets on beta-amyloid accumulation in APP/PS1 transgenic mice.
387 Oksman M et al. Brain reward in the absence of alpha-synuclein.
388 Ollikainen M et al. Jononpurkuprojekti Kuopion yliopistollisessa sairaalassa 2002-2003. Mitä tapahtui suonikohjupotilaille ja miten projekti koettiin?
389 Otonkoski T et al. Noninvasive diagnosis of focal hyperinsulinism of infancy with [18F]-DOPA positron emission tomography.
390 Paavola L et al. Maternal sensitivity, infant co-operation and early linguistic development: Some predictive relations.
391 Paavola L et al. Characteristics of mother-infant communicative interaction. Relations to the ratings of maternal sensitivity and infant co-operation.
392 Paavonen J, Heinonen S. EVO-tutkimusrahoituksen uusjako uhkaa lopettaa kliinisen lääketieteellisen tutkimuksen.
393 Pajala M et al. A prospective 1-years follow-up study in patients with functional or organic dyspepsia: changes in gastrointestinal symptoms, mental distress and fear of serious illness.
394 Pajanen H et al. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon työntekijöiden yhteistyö lastenneuvoloiden asiakkaiden arvioimana.
395 Palo R et al. Development of permanent national register of blood component use utilizing electronic hospital information systems.
396 Pantoni L et al. Postmortem examination of vascular lesions in cognitive impairment - A survey among neuropathological services.
397 Papp A et al. Dielectric measurement in experimental burns: a new tool for burn depth determination.
398 Papp A, Valtonen P. Tissue substance P levels in acute experimental burns.
399 Partanen J. Kliinis-neurofysiologinen lausunto.
400 Partanen J, Pääkkönen A. Viitearvojen käyttö.
401 Partanen J, Sainio K. Infektiot, metaboliset sairaudet ja dementiat.
402 Parviainen I. Burns, inhalation and electrical injuries.
403 Parviainen I. Palovammapotilaan nestehoito.
404 Parviainen I. Vaikea-asteisia palovammoja saanut potilas.
405 Parviainen I et al. Practical sources of error in measuring pulmonary artery occlusion pressure: a study in participants of a special intensivist training program of The Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (SSAI).
406 Parviainen I, Uusaro A. Septisen sokkipotilaan verenkierron tukihoito.
407 Parviainen I et al. Propofol in the treatment of refractory status epilepticus.
408 Peiponen S et al. The association of parental alcohol abuse and depression with severe emotional and behavioural problems in adolescents: A clinical study.
409 Pelkonen M. The Relationship of Smoking Habits, Physical Activity and Chronic Bronchitis to Pulmonary Function and of Pulmonary Function and Chronic Bronchitis to Mortality.
410 Pelkonen M et al. Thirty-year cumulative incidence of chronic bronchitis and COPD in relation to 30-year pulmonary function and 40-year mortality: A follow-up in middle-aged rural men.
411 Pelli H et al. Duodenal diazepam-binding protein expression and plasma cholecystokinin after alcoholic pancreatitis.
412 Peltola P et al. Visceral obesity is associated with high levels of serum squalene.
413 Pennanen C. Brain Atrophy in Mild Cognitive Impairment. MRI Volumetric and Voxel-based Method Study.
414 Pennanen C et al. The effect of apolipoprotein polymorphism on brain in mild cognitive impairment: A voxel-based morphometric study.
415 Pentti K et al. Hormone replacement therapy and mortality in 52- to 70-year-old women: the Kuopio Osteoporosis Risk Factor and Prevention Study.
416 Penttilä I et al. Sydänmerkkiaineiden laatu Labquality Oy:n tulosten valossa.
417 Penttinen P et al. Co-cultivation of Streptomyces californicus and Stachybotrys chartarum stimulates the production of cytostatic compound(s) with immunotoxic properties.
418 Perola O. Hospital Water Supply as a Source of Nosocomial Infections.
419 Pesonen T. Trends in Suicidality in Eastern Finland, 1988-1997.
420 Pietilä A-M et al., toim. Näkökulmia preventiivisen hoitotieteen tutkimukseen.
421 Pietilä J et al. Bilateral comparison of corneal flap dimensions with the Moria M2 reusable head and single use head microkeratomes.
422 Pihlajamäki J et al. Common polymorphisms of calpain-10 are associated with abdominal obesity in subjects at high risk of type 2 diabetes.
423 Piippo-Savolainen E. Wheezy Babies - Wheezy Adults? Asthma, Bronchial Reactivity and Lung Function in Adulthood After Hospitalisation for Bronchiolitis in Early Life.
424 Piippo-Savolainen E et al. Early predictors for adult asthma and lung function abnormalities in infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis: A prospective 18- to 20-year follow-up.
425 Pirskanen M et al. School health nurses and substance use among adolescents - towards individual identification and early intervention.
426 Pirttilä T, ed. The Fourth Kuopio Alzheimer Symposium. Microteknia, Kuopio, Finland, February 2-4, 2006. Program and Abstracts.
427 Pirttilä T. Muistihäiriöistä ja dementiasta - missä mennään?
428 Pirttilä T. Kliininen tutkimus.
429 Pirttilä T. Laboratoriotutkimukset.
430 Pirttilä T. Biologiset merkkiaineet.
431 Pirttilä T, Elovaara I. Immunofarmakologiaa.
432 Pirttilä T, Erkinjuntti T. Alzheimerin taudin kliininen kuva ja diagnoosi.
433 Pirttilä T et al. MS-taudin oireet, taudinkuva ja toteaminen.
434 Pirttilä T, Soilu-Hänninen M. Perifeerisen hermon immunologia.
435 Pirttilä TJ, Pitkänen A. Cystatin C expression is increased in the hippocampus following photothrombotic stroke in rat .
436 Pitkänen A. New data suggest that discontinuation of status epilepticus is not necessary for antiepileptogenic effect in immature brain.
437 Pitkänen A, Mcintosh TK. Animal models of post-traumatic epilepsy.
438 Pitkänen O, Kaukinen S. Sydämen ja verenkierron fysiologia anestesian kannalta.
439 Plantinga RF et al. Visual impairment in Finnish Usher syndrome type III.
440 Poutanen K et al. The role of carbohydrates in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes.
441 Poutanen T et al. Diastolic dysfunction without left ventricular hypertrophy is an early finding in children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-causing mutations in the beeta-myosin heavy chain, alfa-tropomyosin, and myosin-binding protein C genes.
442 Poutanen T et al. Normal mitral and aortic valve areas assessed by three- and two-dimensional echocardiography in 168 children and young adults.
443 Pulkkanen KJ, Yla-Herttuala S. Adenovirus-mediated HSV-tk gene therapy for malignant glioma: Clinical experience.
444 Puolakka K et al. Monetary value of lost productivity over a five year follow up in early rheumatoid arthritis estimated on the basis of official register data on patients' sickness absence and gross income: experience from the FIN-RACo trial.
445 Puranen MH et al. Myeloid sarcoma: Case report with an unusual presentation in radicular cyst capsule.
446 Purhonen S. Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting. With Special Reference to Supplemental Oxygen, Different Antiemetics and Anesthesia Regimens.
447 Purhonen S et al. Efficacy and costs of 3 anesthetic regimens in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
448 Purhonen S et al. Supplemental 80% oxygen does not attenuate postoperative nausea and vomiting after breast surgery.
449 Puustjärvi T et al. Penetration of topically applied levofloxacin 0.5% and ofloxacin 0.3% into the vitreous of the non-inflamed human eye.
450 Pätilä T et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor C-induced collateral formation in a model of myocardial ischemia.
451 Raamat R et al. Simultaneous application of differential servo-oscillometry and volume-clam plethysmography for continuous non-invasive recording of the finger blood pressure response to a hand postural change.
452 Raatikainen K, Heinonen S. Lihavuus on vaaraksi raskaudelle.
453 Raatikainen K et al. Transition from overweight to obesity worsens pregnancy outcome in a BMI-depentent manner.
454 Raatikainen K et al. Does unemployment in family affect pregnacy outcome in conditions of high quality maternity care?
455 Raatikainen K et al. Induced abortion: not an independent risk factor for pregnancy outcome, but a challelge for health counseling.
456 Raatikainen K et al. Good outcome of teenages pregnancies in high-quality maternity care.
457 Randell KM et al. Fracture risk and bone density of peri- and early postmenopausal women with uterine leiomyomas.
458 Ranta-aho PO et al. On correlation between single-trial ERP and GSR responses: a principal component regression approach.
459 Rantala M et al. Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates resistant to Telihromycin.
460 Rastas S et al. Association between blood pressure and survival over 9 years in a general population aged 85 and older.
461 Rautsi O et al. Type I interferon response against viral and non-viral gene transfer in human tumor and primary cell lines.
462 Reinikainen M et al. Keuhkovaltimokatetri solmussa.
463 Reinikainen M et al. Excess mortality in winter in Finnish intensive care.
464 Rekonen P et al. Deep sclerectomy for the treatment of exfoliation and primary open-angle glaucoma.
465 Riekkinen O et al. Influence of overlying soft tissues on trabecular bone acoustic measurement at various ultrasound frequencies.
466 Riikonen R. Childhood convulsive status epilepticus.
467 Riikonen R. Insulin-like growth factor delivery across the blood-brain barrier.
468 Riikonen R. Therapy and outcome of infants with infantile spasms.
469 Riikonen R et al. Cerebrospinal fluid insulin-like growth factors IGF-1 and IGF-2 in infantile autism.
470 Rikkonen T et al. Distance of walking in childhood and femoral bne density in perimenopausal women.
471 Rissanen A et al. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, free human chorionic gonadotrophin and nuchal translucency as predictors of miscarriage.
472 Rissanen A et al. Prolonged bihemispheric alterations in unfolded protein response related gene expression after experimental stroke.
473 Rissanen M-L et al. Itseään viiltelevän nuoren monet ongelmat.
474 Rissanen M-L et al. Nuoren itsensä viiltäminen tai polttaminen - kirjallisuuskatsaus.
475 Rissanen V, Ollikainen L. Sairaaloiden kuntalaskutuksen vaihtoehdot.
476 Ristikankare M et al. Sedation, topical pharyngeal anesthesia and cardiorespiratory safety during gastroscopy.
477 Ritvanen T et al. Responses of the autonomic nervous system during periods of perceived high and low work stress in younger and older female teachers.
478 Ronkainen A et al. Cervical spine surgery in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: longterm mortality and its determinants.
479 Ronkainen J et al. Long-term outcome 19 years after childhood IgA nephritis: a retrospective cohort study.
480 Ronkainen J et al. Early prednisone therapy in Henoch-Schönlein purpura: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
481 Rosenberg J et al. Olkaleikkauspotilaiden sairaalahoito- ja päivärahakustannukset Suomessa vuosina 2000-2002.
482 Roy H et al. VEGF-A, VEGF-D, VEGF receptor-1, VEGF receptor-2, NF-kappaB, and RAGE in atherosclerotic lesions of diabetic Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits.
483 Roy H et al. VEGF-A, VEGF-D, VEGF receptor-1, VEGF receptor-2, NF-kappaB, and RAGE in atherosclerotic lesions of diabetic Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits [FJ Express Full-Length Article].
484 Roy H et al. Biology of vascular endothelial growth factors.
485 Ruokonen E, Parviainen I. Tehohoidon infektiot.
486 Ruotsalainen E et al. Levofloxacin does not decrease mortality in Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia when added to the standard treatment: a prospective and randomized clinical trial of 381 patients.
487 Ruotsalainen E et al. Changes in inflammatory cytokines are related to impaired glucose tolerance in offspring of type 2 diabetic subjects.
488 Ruuttu T et al. Psychometric properties of the defense style questionnaire (DSQ-40) in adolescents.
489 Räty H et al. Common-sense descriptions of depression as social representations.
490 Räty H et al. Three years later: a follow-up study of parents' assessments of their children`s competencies.
491 Räty JK et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of viral particle biodistribution in vivo.
492 Rönkkö S et al. Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in the chamber angle of normal eyes and patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and exfoliation glaucoma.
493 Saarakkala S et al. Quantitative ultrasound imaging detects degenerative changes in articulas cartilage surface and subchondral bone.
494 Saarela T. Susceptibility Genes of Diabetes and Endothelial Dysfunction in Preeclampsia.
495 Saarela T et al. Plasma cell membrane glycoprotein-1 K121Qmpolymorphism in preeclampsia.
496 Saarela T et al. Adiponectin gene haplotype is associated with preeclampsia.
497 Saarela T et al. Polymorphisms of interleukin-6, hepatic lipase and calpain-10 genes, and preeclampsia.
498 Saarelainen H et al. Pregnancy-related hyperlipidemia and endothelial function in healthy women.
499 Saarinen P. Itsemurhan postventio.
500 Saarinen P. Arkaaista estetiikkaa.
501 Saarinen P. Koli - mielen arkaainen vaaramaisema. "Vain tosi on pysyväistä." Eero Järnefelt".
502 Saaristo A et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C accelerates diabetic wound healing.
503 Saavalainen P et al. Naming skills of children born preterm in comparison with their term peers at the ages of 9 and 16 years.
504 Sallinen H et al. A highly reproducible xenograft model for human ovarian carcinoma and application of MRI and ultrasound in longitudinal follow-up.
505 Salmenniemi U. Metabolic and Genetic Abnormalities Clustering with Intra-abdominal Obesity.
506 Salmenperä M et al. Keuhkoleikkauspotilaan anestesia.
507 Salomaa V et al. The effect of correcting for troponins on trends in coronary heart disease events in Finland during 1993-2002: the FINAMI study.
508 Sapountzi-Krepia D et al. Legislative measures regarding the protection of motherhood in Greece: from the creation of the modern greek state until the decade of 1940 (in Greek).
509 Sapountzi-Krepia D, Vehviläinen-Julkunen K. Maternity care in Greece (in Greek).
510 Savonen KP et al. Heart rate response during exercise test and cardiovascular mortality in middle-aged men.
511 Scheen AJ et al. Efficacy and tolerability of rimonabant in overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled study.
512 Scheinin H, Uusaro A. Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon kliinisen tutkimuksen perusteita.
513 Scholte op Reimer W et al. Smoking behaviour in European patients with established coronary heart disease.
514 Schwab U et al. Impact of sugar beet pectin and polydextrose on fasting and postprandial glycemia and fasting concentrations of serum total and lipoprotein lipids in middle-aged subjects with abnormal glucose metabolism.
515 Schwab U et al. Orally administered betaine has an acute and dose-dependent effect on serum betaine and plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy humans.
516 Schwab US et al. Effects of hempseed and flaxseed oils on the profile of serum lipids, serum total and lipoprotein lipid concentrations and haemostatic factors.
517 Seitsonen S et al. Analysis of variants in the complement factor H, the elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 4 and the hemicentin 1 genes of age-related macular degeneration in the Finnish population.
518 Seppänen A et al. Collagen XVII is expressed in human CNS neurons.
519 Seppänen R et al. Videoaineistot lapsiperheiden elämänhallinnan tutkimuksessa.
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521 Shemer I et al. Non-fibrillar beta-amyloid abates spike-timing-dependent synaptic potentiation at excitatory synapses in layer 2/3 of the neocortex by targeting postsynaptic AMPA receptors.
522 Siegemund T et al. Thioflavins released from nanoparticles target fibrillar amyloid beta in the hippocampus of APP/PS1 transgenic mice.
523 Sierpowska J et al. Interrelationships between electrical proberties and microstructure of human trabecular bone.
524 Sierpowska J et al. Effect of human trabecular bone composition on its electrical properties.
525 Siiriä-Waris K et al. Characteristics, outcomes, and predictors of 1-year mortality in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure.
526 Siirtola A et al. Cholesterol absorption and synthesis in pediatric kidney, liver, and heart transplant recipients.
527 Siitonen N et al. Association of sequence variations in the gene encoding adoponectin receptor 1 (ADIPOR1) with body size and insulin levels. The Finnish diabetes prevention study.
528 Sillanpää M et al. Temporal changes in the incidence of epilepsy in Finland: nationwide study.
529 Sillanpää P et al. CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 genetic polymorphisms, smoking and breast cancer risk in a Finnish caucasian population.
530 Sillanpää SM et al. Prognostic significance of matrix metalloproteinase-7 in epithelial ovarian cancer and its relation to beta-catenin expression.
531 Siloaho M. Utilization of Quality Management Systems in Finnish Medical Laboratories .
532 Siloaho M et al. The effects of quality-management systems on external quality-assesment performance in Finnish clinical chemistry laboratories.
533 Simonen PP et al. The distribution of squalene and non-cholesterol sterols in lipoproteins in type 2 diabetes.
534 Simunaniemi T et al. Nivelreumapotilaat ongelmaryhmä sarveiskalvon siirroissa. Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan tulokset 10 vuodelta.
535 Sinikallio S et al. Depression and associated factors in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
536 Sinikallio S et al. Somatic comorbidity and younger age are associated with life dissatisfaction among patients with lumbar spinal stenosis before surgical treatment.
537 Sipola P et al. Myocardial late gadolinium enhancement is associated with raised serum amino-terminal propeptide of type III collagen concentrations in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy attributable to the Asp175Asn mutation in the alpha tropomyosin gene:
538 Sirola J et al. Maintenance of muscle strength may counteract weight-loss-related postmenopausal bone loss - a population based approach.
539 Sirola J et al. Association of grip strength change with menopausal bone loss and related fractures: A population-based follow-up study.
540 Sirola J et al. Mikkelin Osteoporoosi -indeksi (MOI) ennustaa osteoporoottisia murtumia.
541 Sirviö K et al. Lapsiperheiden osallisuus terveyden edistämisessä - virikkeitä antava haastattelu asiakastilanteiden arvioinnissa.
542 Skommer J et al. HA 14-1, a small molecule Bcl-2 antagonist, induces apoptosis and modulates action of selected anticancer drugs in follicular lymphoma B cells.
543 Skommer J et al. Cellular foundation of curcumin-induced apoptosis in follicular lymphoma cell lines.
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548 Soininen H. Mikä on näyttö yli 80-vuotiaiden dementian hoidosta.
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550 Soininen H, Hänninen T. Muistihäiriöiden oirediagnostiikka.
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552 Soinio M et al. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes: a 7-year follow-up study.
553 Sonninen R et al. Gene expression profiling in the hippocampus of rats subjected to focal cerebral ischemia and enriched environment housing.
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555 Stark H et al. Aspergillus fumigatus challenge increases cytokine levels in nasal lavage fluid.
556 Stroke PREVENTION By Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (sparcl) Investigators. High-dose atorvastatin after stroke of transient ischemic attack.
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558 Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim, ja Chirurgi Plastici Fenniaen Asettama Työryhmä. Ihomelanooma.
559 Suomalaisen Lääkäriseura Duodecimin ja, Suomen Neurologinen Yhdistys ry:n asettama työryhmä. Aivoinfarkti. Käypä-hoito -suositus.
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564 Suuronen T et al. Characterization of the pro-inflammatory signaling induced by protein acetylation in microglia.
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566 Tarvainen MP et al. A principal component regression approach for estimating ventricular repolarization duration variability.
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574 The Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Commonly studied single-nucleotide polymorphism and breast cancer: results from the breast cancer association consortium.
575 The DREAM Trial Investigators. Effect of ramipril on the incidence of diabetes.
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579 Timonen KL et al. Effects of ultrafine and fine particulate and gaseous air pollution on cardiac autonomic control in subjects with coronary artery disease: The ULTRA study.
580 Tolmunen T et al. :Association between Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Depressive Symptoms.
581 Tolmunen T et al. Low maximal oxygen uptake is associated with elevated depressive symptoms inmiddle-aged men.
582 Tolmunen T et al. Ravinto ja mielialahäiriöt.
583 Tolonen U, Partanen J. EEG-tutkimuksen kliininen käyttö: aiheet ja EEG-häiriön löydöstyypit.
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631 Wikström AM et al. Serum insulin-like factor 3 levels during puberty in healthy boys and boys with Klinefelter syndrome.
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650 Ågren JJ et al. Postprandial lipemic response and lipoprotein composition in subjects with low or high cholesterol absorption efficiency.

Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala Kuopio University Hospital
Julkaisutietokanta 15.6.2007 Publications Data Base 15.6.2007