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Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Ala-Houhala M et al. A Narrow-Band Ultraviolet B Course Improves Vitamin D Balance and Alters Cutaneous CYP27A1 and CYP27B1 mRNA Expression Levels in Haemodialysis Patients Supplemented with Oral Vitamin D.
2 Antonen J et al. A severe case of Puumala hantavirus infection successfully treated with bradykinin receptor antagonist icatibant.
3 Arvola P. Kirurgian tulevaisuden tilaratkaisut.
4 Fashe T et al. Expression analysis of Tudor-SN protein in mouse tissues.
5 Geelhoed -Duijvestijn P et al. Effects of patient-reported non-severe hypoglycemia on healthcare resource use, work-time loss, and wellbeing in insulin-treated patients with diabetes in seven European countries.
6 Hakala M et al. Good medium-term efficacy of tocilizumab in DMARD and anti-TNF-a therapy resistant reactive amyloidosis.
7 Hannula-Jouppi K et al. Genetic susceptibility to non-necrotizing erysipelas/cellulitis.
8 Huovinen E et al. Excess healthcare costs of a large waterborne outbreak in Finland.
9 Huttunen R. Mitä ongelmamikrobikantajuus merkitsee.
10 Huttunen R et al. Obesity and nosocomial infections.
11 Huttunen R, Syrjänen J. Obesity and the risk and outcome of infection.
12 Huttunen R, Syrjänen J. Resistentin bakteerin kantaja elää epätietoisuudessa.
13 Huttunen R et al. Resistentit bakteeri t- haaste sairaalan jokaisessa potilaskontaktissa.
14 Huttunen R et al. Current concepts in the diagnosis of blood stream infections. Are novel molecular methods useful in clinical practice?
15 Jaatinen P et al. Effects of Lifelong Ethanol Consumption on Brain Monoamine Transmitters in Alcohol-Preferring Alko Alcohol (AA) Rats.
16 Kangas P et al. Metabolic syndrome may be associated with increased arterial stiffness even in the absence of hypertension: a study in 84 cases and 82 controls.
17 Karppelin M et al. Recurrent cellulitis with benzathine penicillin prophylaxis is associated with diabetes and psoriasis.
18 Koskela J et al. Association of resting heart rate with cardiovascular function: a cross-sectional study in 522 Finnish subjects.
19 Koski AM et al. The effectiveness of teriparatide in the clinical practice-attenuation of the bone mineral density outcome by increasing age and bisphosphonate pretreatment.
20 Kotila SM et al. Clostridium difficile contamination of public tap water distribution system during a waterborne outbreak in Finland.
21 Laine J et al. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus epidemic restricted to one health district in Finland: A population-based descriptive study in Pirkanmaa, Finland, years 2001-2011.
22 Lameris AL et al. Expression profiling of claudins in the human gastrointestinal tract in health and during inflammatory bowel disease.
23 Leirisalo-Repo M et al. Infliximab for 6 months added on combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: 2-year results from an investigator-initiated, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the NEO-RACo Study).
24 Mustonen J et al. The pathogenesis of nephropathia epidemica: New knowledge and unanswered questions.
25 Mäkelä S et al. Munuaissiirto elävältä luovuttajalta: luovuttaja ja vastaanottajan kriteerit .
26 Mäkinen H et al. Do the 2010 ACR/EULAR or ACR 1987 classification criteria predict erosive disease in early arthritis?
27 Mäkinen H et al. Miten tuoretta nivelreumaa hoidetaan Suomessa.
28 Oksi J et al. Cat scratch disease caused by Bartonella grahamii in an immunocompromised patient.
29 Outinen TK et al. Plasma levels of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor associate with the clinical severity of acute Puumala hantavirus infection.
30 Pakarinen TK et al. Effect of immobilization, off-loading and zoledronic acid on bone mineral density in patients with acute Charcot neuroarthropathy: a prospective randomized trial.
31 Pemovska T et al. Individualized systems medicine strategy to tailor treatments for patients with chemorefractory acute myeloid leukemia .
32 Rantala S. Beetahemolyyttisten streptokokkien aiheuttamat bakteriat aikuisilla.
33 Rantalaiho V et al. Decline in work disability caused by early rheumatoid arthritis: results from a nationwide Finnish register, 2000-8.
34 Rantalaiho V et al. Changing sulphasalazine to methotrexate does not improve the 2-year outcomes of the initial single DMARD treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis: subanalysis of the FIN-RACo trial .
35 Rantalaiho V, Sihvonen S. Nivelreuman lääkehoidot ovat kehittyneet, paraneeko pitkäaikaisennuste.
36 Rautio N et al. Predictors of Success of a Lifestyle Intervention in Relation to Weight Loss and Improvement in Glucose Tolerance Among Individuals at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: The FIN-D2D Project .
37 Rautio N et al. Financial satisfaction and its relationship to depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults: Results from the FIN-D2D survey.
38 Rintala TM et al. Interrelation between adult persons with diabetes and their family: a systematic review of the literature.
39 Roppainen T et al. Reumapotilaita hoitavan hoitohenkilökunnan työn hallinta sekä työn hallintaa estävät ja edistävät tekijät.
40 Seppälä J et al. Association between vitamin b12 levels and melancholic depressive symptoms: a Finnish population-based study.
41 Silvennoinen O et al. New insights into the structure and function of the pseudokinase domain in JAK2 .
42 Silvennoinen R et al. Assessment of molecular remission rate after bortezomib plus dexamethasone induction treatment and autologous stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.
43 Smith P et al. Psychosocial correlates of atrial natriuretic peptide: a marker of vascular health.
44 Sutinen J et al. HIV -lääkitys on mullistanut käsitykset tartuttavuudesta .
45 Syrjänen J et al. Keski-ikäisen naisen kuume, ihottuma ja korvien veribullat.
46 Tikkakoski AJ et al. Hemodynamic alterations in hypertensive patients at rest and during passive head-up tilt.
47 Uotila T et al. Outcome of reactive arthritis after an extensive Finnish waterborne gastroenteritis outbreak: a 1-year prospective follow-up study.
48 Uusitalo-Seppälä R et al. Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) Is Associated with Severe Sepsis and Fatal Disease in Emergency Room Patients with Suspected Infection: A Prospective Cohort Study.
49 Vaheri A et al. Hantavirus infections in Europe and their impact on public health.
50 Vaheri A et al. Uncovering the mysteries of hantavirus infections.
51 Varmavuo V et al. CD34+ cell subclasses and lymphocyte subsets in blood grafts collected after various mobilization methods in myeloma patients.
52 Vidqvist KL et al. Disease activity of idiopathic juvenile arthritis continues through adolescence despite the use of biologic therapies.
53 Virtanen JM et al. Prognostic impact of pretransplant iron overload measured with magnetic resonance imaging on severe infections in allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

Julkaisutietokanta 19.1.2016 Publications Data Base 19.1.2016