Leikkaus- ja anestesiatoiminnan vastuualue

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Aho A et al. Comparison of Bispectral Index and Entropy values with electroencephalogram during surgical anaesthesia with sevoflurane†.
2 Jensen LL et al. Paediatric ventilation treatment of acute lung injury in Nordic intensive care units.
3 Jokela K et al. Using a simplified pre-hospital 'MET' score to predict in-hospital care and outcomes.
4 Jokela R et al. Anestesialääkäreiden ikääntyminen on tasaantunut.
5 Järventausta K et al. S-ketamine for the treatment of depression.
6 Kantanen A et al. Incidence and mortality of super-refractory status epilepticus in adults.
7 Leppikangas H et al. Leikkaussalityön optimointi - hukkaa minimoimalla ja virtausta parantamalla.
8 Pakkanen T et al. Severe traumatic brain injury- physician provided pre-hospital care and early neurosurgical treatment are associated with improved survivalal.
9 Pakkanen T et al. One-year outcome after prehospital intubation.
10 Perner A et al. Scandinavian clinical practice guideline on choice of fluid in resuscitation of critically ill patients with acute circulatory failure.
11 Pokkinen SM et al. Less postoperative pain after laparoscopic hysterectomy than after vaginal hysterectomy.
12 Pokkinen SM et al. Persistent posthysterectomy pain: A prospective, observational study.
13 Rajamäki TJ et al. Diabetes is associated with persistent pain after hip and knee replacement.
14 Sikiö M et al. MR image texture in Parkinson's disease: a longitudinal study.
15 Turunen AJ et al. Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Graft Preservation Injury in Clinical Renal Transplantation.
16 Yli-Hankala A. Kesto-otsikkona auditointi.
17 Yli-Hankala A. Tahaton hereillä olo.
18 Yli-Hankala A. ASA-riskiluokitus on suomennettu uudelleen.
19 Yli-Hankala A, Scheinin H. Voiko anestesian syvyyttä mitata aivosähkökäyrällä?

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016