Tehohoidon vastuualue

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Ebeling F, Kuitunen A. Konsumptiokoagulopatian (DIC) hoito.
2 Efendijev I et al. The incidence and outcome of in-ICU cardiac arrest.
3 Freja E, Kuitunen A. Konsumptiokoagulopatian (DIC) diagnostiikka.
4 Giuseppe R et al. Copeptin levels are associated with organ dysfunction and death in the intensive care unit after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
5 Hakio N et al. Parents' experiences of family functioning, health and social support provided by nurses - A pilot study in paediatric intensive care.
6 Jokela K et al. Using a simplified pre-hospital 'MET' score to predict in-hospital care and outcomes.
7 Karhe L, Kaunonen M. Patient Experiences of Loneliness: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis.
8 Karlsson S. Kanylointikomplikaatiot ja lääkitysvirheet.
9 Karlsson S. Vaikean sepsiksen ja septisen sokin hoito.
10 Karlsson S. Sepsiksen, vaikean sepsiksen ja septisen sokin tunnistaminen .
11 Kaskinoro K et al. Electroencephalogram reactivity to verbal command after dexmedetomidine, propofol and sevoflurane-induced unresponsiveness.
12 Krag M et al. Prevalence and outcome of gastrointestinal bleeding and use of acid suppressants in acutely ill adult intensive care patients.
13 Krag M et al. Stress ulcer prophylaxis in the intensive care unit: an international survey of 97 units in 11 countries.
14 Laine O et al. Severe Puumala virus infection in a patient with a lymphoproliferative disease treated with icatibant.
15 Leppikangas H et al. Leikkaussalityön optimointi - hukkaa minimoimalla ja virtausta parantamalla.
16 Nisula S et al. Predictive value of urine interleukin-18 in the evolution and outcome of acute kidney injury in critically ill adult patients.
17 Poukkanen M et al. Predicting one-year mortality of critically ill patients with early acute kidney injury: data from the prospective multicenter FINNAKI study.
18 Sainio M et al. Simultaneous beat-to-beat assessment of arterial blood pressure and quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital and in-hospital settings.
19 Schramko A et al. The use of balanced HES 130/0.42 during complex cardiac surgery; effect on blood coagulation and fluid balance: a randomized controlled trial.
20 Sivula M et al. Systemic matrix metalloproteinase-8 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 levels in severe sepsis associated coagulatopathy.
21 Tirkkonen J. Detecting and reacting to in-hospital patient deterioration - Studies on the afferent and efferent limbs of the Rapid Response System.
22 Vuohelainen V et al. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase A increases recovery after experimental cardiac arrest.
23 Wong HR et al. Comparing the prognostic performance of ASSIST to interleukin-6 and procalcitonin in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock.

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016