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Julkaisut 2019 (alustava)
Publications 2019 (preliminary)

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1 Adams M et al. Preventive strategies and factors associated with surgically treated necrotising enterocolitis in extremely preterm infants: an international unit survey linked with retrospective cohort data analysis.
2 Adu-Afarwuah S et al. Maternal and Infant Supplementation with Small-Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Increases Infants' Iron Status at 18 Months of Age in a Semiurban Setting in Ghana: A Secondary Outcome Analysis of the iLiNS-DYAD Randomized Controlled Trial.
3 Ahmed A et al. Intestinal glucocorticoid synthesis enzymes in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients.
4 Ahovuo-Saloranta A et al. Basic characteristics and clinical value of FeNO in smoking asthmatics-a systematic review.
5 Andrén Aronsson C et al. Association of Gluten Intake During the First 5 Years of Life With Incidence of Celiac Disease Autoimmunity and Celiac Disease Among Children at Increased Risk.
6 Arola A, Poutanen T. Lapsen sydämen ultraäänidiagnostiikka.
7 Auvinen A et al. Headache, tinnitus and hearing loss in the international Cohort Study of Mobile Phone Use and Health (COSMOS) in Sweden and Finland.
8 Balaban DV et al. Hematologic Manifestations in Celiac Disease-A Practical Review.
9 Barua P et al. The impact of early life exposure to Plasmodium falciparum on the development of naturally acquired immunity to malaria in young Malawian children.
10 Bauer W et al. Age at Seroconversion, HLA Genotype, and Specificity of Autoantibodies in Progression of Islet Autoimmunity in Childhood.
11 Bendabenda J et al. Does anthropometric status at 6 months predict the over-dispersion of malaria infections in children aged 6-18 months? A prospective cohort study.
12 Booth N et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of PSA-based mass screening: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial combined with register data.
13 Caetano DOS Santos F et al. Automatic classification of IgA endomysial antibody test for celiac disease: a new method deploying machine learning.
14 Carlsson S et al. Could Differences in Treatment Between Trial Arms Explain the Reduction in Prostate Cancer Mortality in the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer?
15 Cheung Y et al. Development and evaluation of a quality of life measurement scale in English and Chinese for family caregivers of patients with advanced cancers.
16 Cheung Y et al. Mapping the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living Inventory to the Health Utility Index Mark III.
17 Cheung YBun et al. Measurement equivalence of the English, Chinese and Malay versions of the World Health Organization quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaires.
18 Collado M et al. Dysbiosis in Snoring Children: An Interlink to Comorbidities?
19 Csonka P, Lehtimäki L. Valved holding chamber drug delivery is dependent on breathing pattern and device design .
20 Csonka P, Lehtimäki L. In vitro drug delivery performance of five valved holding chambers with and without facemasks.
21 Cuthbertson D et al. Longitudinal analysis of risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adulthood.
22 Drost F et al. Predicting Biopsy Outcomes During Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: External Validation of the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study Risk Calculators in Five Large Active Surveillance Cohorts.
23 Ekman I et al. Circulating CXCR5-PD-1hi peripheral T helper cells are associated with progression to type 1 diabetes.
24 Ekman I et al. Early childhood CMV infection may decelerate the progression to clinical type 1 diabetes.
25 Endesfelder D et al. Time-Resolved Autoantibody Profiling Facilitates Stratification of Preclinical Type 1 Diabetes in Children.
26 Endén K et al. Telomere length regulators are activated in young men after pediatric kidney transplantation compared to healthy controls and survivors of childhood cancer-A cross-sectional study.
27 Fan Y et al. High prevalence of selected viruses and parasites and their predictors in Malawian children.
28 Frank N et al. The relationship between breastfeeding and reported respiratory and gastrointestinal infection rates in young children.
29 Fuchs V et al. Serology-based criteria for adult coeliac disease have excellent accuracy across the range of pre-test probabilities.
30 Gandhi M et al. EQ-5D-5L is More Responsive than EQ-5D-3L to Treatment Benefit of Cataract Surgery.
31 Gandhi M et al. Valuation of Health States Considered to Be Worse Than Death-An Analysis of Composite Time Trade-Off Data From 5 EQ-5D-5L Valuation Studies.
32 Garenne M et al. Concurrent wasting and stunting among under-five children in Niakhar, Senegal.
33 Haaramo A et al. Oral and Otorhinolaryngological Findings in Adults Who Were Diagnosed With Pediatric Onset Crohn's Disease: A Controlled Study.
34 Haataja P. Respiratory Morbidity and Atopic Dermatitis by School Age after Preterm, Term and Post-term Birth : A Nationwide register study.
35 Hakala JO et al. Physical Activity from Childhood to Adulthood and Cognitive Performance in Midlife.
36 Hallamaa L et al. The impact of maternal antenatal treatment with two doses of azithromycin and monthly sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine on child weight, mid-upper arm circumference and head circumference: A randomized controlled trial.
37 Hamari L et al. The effect of an active video game intervention on physical activity, motor performance, and fatigue in children with cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
38 Heijnsdijk EAM et al. The Impact of Design and Performance in Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening: Differences Between ERSPC Centers.
39 Heikkilä P, Korppi M. Oxygen administration in bronchiolitis: As humidified, or as heated and humidified?
40 Heikkilä P, Korppi M. High-flow oxygen therapy: Conclusion after adventures in the jungle of abbreviations.
41 Heiskanen JS et al. Determinants of left ventricular diastolic function-The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
42 Helandet H et al. Lasten ja nuorten krooninen väsymysoireyhtymä.
43 Hemming-Harlo M et al. Rotavirus Vaccination Does Not Increase Type 1 Diabetes and May Decrease Celiac Disease in Children and Adolescents.
44 Hippich M et al. Genetic Contribution to the Divergence in Type 1 Diabetes Risk Between Children From the General Population and Children From Affected Families.
45 Holster A et al. Interleukin-10 gene polymorphism rs1800896 is associated with post-bronchiolitis asthma at 11-13 years of age.
46 Hopia H, Heino-Tolonen T. Families in Paediatric Oncology Nursing: Critical Incidents From the Nurses' Perspective.
47 Hopia H et al. The voice of paediatric oncology nurses: A longitudinal diary study of professional development.
48 Hugosson J et al. A 16-yr Follow-up of the European Randomized study of Screening for Prostate Cancer.
49 Huhdanpää H et al. Sleep Difficulties in Infancy Are Associated with Symptoms of Inattention and Hyperactivity at the Age of 5 Years: A Longitudinal Study.
50 Jacobsen LM et al. Predicting progression to type 1 diabetes from ages 3 to 6 in islet autoantibody positive TEDDY children.
51 Johnson R et al. Metabolite-related dietary patterns and the development of islet autoimmunity.
52 Juonala M et al. Childhood Exposure to Passive Smoking and Bone Health in Adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
53 Jääskeläinen A et al. No Association Between Ljungan Virus Seropositivity and the Beta-cell Damaging Process in the Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention Study Cohort.
54 Kaartinen M et al. Associations between cooperation, reactive aggression and social impairments among boys with autism spectrum disorder.
55 Kalavainen M, Keskinen P. Lasten ja nuorten ateriat ja ruokalurytmi.
56 Kallionpää H et al. Early Detection of Peripheral Blood Cell Signature in Children Developing ß-Cell Autoimmunity at a Young Age.
57 Kamng'ona AW et al. The association of gut microbiota characteristics in Malawian infants with growth and inflammation.
58 Karila K et al. Intestinal failure associated cholestasis in surgical necrotizing enterocolitis and spontaneous intestinal perforation.
59 Karjalainen J et al. New evidence from plasma ceramides links apoE polymorphism to greater risk of coronary artery disease in Finnish adults.
60 Karjalainen J et al. The effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on serum metabolome - a population-based 10-year follow-up study.
61 Karppinen S et al. Prediction of leukocyte counts during paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia maintenance therapy.
62 Katila M et al. Parental reports showed that snoring in infants at three and eight months associated with snoring parents and smoking mothers.
63 Kaukinen K, Kurppa K. Keliakiadiagnoosiin ei selvissä tapauksissa tarvita tähystystä.
64 Kaukinen K et al. Keliakia. Käypä hoito suosituken päivitystiivistelmä.
65 Kauma S et al. The Phenotype of Celiac Disease Has Low Concordance between Siblings, Despite a Similar Distribution of HLA Haplotypes.
66 Keskinen P. Tyypin 1 diabeteksen ehkäisy.
67 Keskinen P. Diabetes on yleinen sairaus lapsilla ja nuorilla.
68 Keskinen P. Miksi lapsi sairastuu diabetekseen?
69 Keskinen P. Diabeteksen syntyä selventävät seurantatutkimukset Suomessa.
70 Keskinen P. Lapsen ja nuorten insuliinihoidon aloitus.
71 Keskinen P. Lapsen ja nuoren insuliinin tarpeen arviointi.
72 Keskinen P. Lapsen insuliinihoitomallin valinta.
73 Keskinen P. Lapsen monipistoshoito.
74 Keskinen P. Monipistoshoidon toteutus lapselle ja nuorelle.
75 Keskinen P. Kaksi- ja kolmipistoshoito lapsilla.
76 Keskinen P. Pikainsuliini tilapäiskäytössä lapsilla.
77 Keskinen P. Väärän insuliiniannoksen pistäminen ja insuliinipistoksen unohtaminen .
78 Keskinen P. Diabetekseen liittyvät erityistilanteet koulussa.
79 Keskinen P. Diabetesta sairastavan lapsen hoidon tavoitteet ja seuranta.
80 Keskinen P, Kalavainen M. Diabetesta sairastava lapsi päiväkodissa ja koulussa.
81 Keskinen P et al. Insuliinin pistosvälineet, pistostekniikka ja pistospaikat lapsilla.
82 Keskinen P et al. Pistospelko.
83 Keto-Timonen R et al. Shopping Detail Information and Home Freezer Sampling Confirmed the Role of Commercial, Modified-Atmosphere Packaged Meatballs as a Vehicle for Listeriosis in Finland.
84 Kinnunen PT et al. Anticoagulants and cancer mortality in the Finnish randomized study of screening for prostate cancer.
85 Korhonen L et al. Rhinoviruses in infancy and risk of immunoglobulin E sensitization.
86 Korppi M. Therapeutic strategies for pediatric bronchiolitis.
87 Korppi M. Review shows paediatric protracted bacterial bronchitis needs an accurate diagnosis and strictly targeted extended antibiotics.
88 Korppi M. Weaning off high-flow oxygenation in bronchiolitis.
89 Korppi M et al. Review shows substantial variations in the use of medication for infant bronchiolitis between and within countries.
90 Korppi M et al. Interferon-y and interleukin-12 production in relation to gene polymorphisms in bacillus Calmette-Guérin osteitis.
91 Kortekangas E et al. A Prospective Study on Child Morbidity and Gut Microbiota in Rural Malawi.
92 Koskela M et al. Methylprednisolone or cyclosporine a in the treatment of Henoch-Schönlein nephritis: a nationwide study.
93 Koskinen J et al. Utility of Different Blood Pressure Measurement Components in Childhood to Predict Adult Carotid Intima-Media Thickness.
94 Krischer JP et al. Predicting Islet Cell Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes: An 8-Year TEDDY Study Progress Report.
95 Kurppa K et al. Letter: the end of duodenal biopsies in coeliac disease? Authors' reply.
96 Kurppa K, Kaukinen K. Gluteenin rajoitus ruokavaliossa ennen keliakiatutkimuksia.
97 Kurppa K, Kaukinen K. HLA-määritys keliakian ensilinjan diagnostiikassa.
98 Kwan YHeng et al. Development and calibration of a novel social relationship item bank to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Singapore.
99 Kärki A et al. Sleep architecture is related to birth season in 1-month-old infants.
100 Laaksonen J et al. Discovery of mitochondrial DNA variants associated with genome-wide blood cell gene expression: a population-based mtDNA sequencing study.
101 Lamichhane S et al. Cord-Blood Lipidome in Progression to Islet Autoimmunity and Type 1 Diabetes.
102 Lamichhane S et al. Circulating metabolites in progression to islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes.
103 Lammi M et al. The use of abdominal imaging studies in children visiting emergency department was variable and unsystematic.
104 Lampasona V et al. Islet Autoantibody Standardization Program 2018 Workshop: Interlaboratory Comparison of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibody Assay Performance.
105 Laurikka P et al. Dietary Factors and Mucosal Immune Response in Celiac Disease Patients Having Persistent Symptoms Despite a Gluten-free Diet.
106 Lauttia J et al. Atypical Pattern of Frontal EEG Asymmetry for Direct Gaze in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
107 Leerink J et al. Biomarkers to diagnose ventricular dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors: a systematic review.
108 Lehto KM et al. Presence of Giardia lamblia in stools of six- to 18-month old asymptomatic Malawians is associated with children's growth failure.
109 Leinonen H et al. Daily Life Restrictions are Common and Associated with Health Concerns and Dietary Challenges in Adult Celiac Disease Patients Diagnosed in Childhood.
110 Lim CG et al. A randomized controlled trial of a brain-computer interface based attention training program for ADHD.
111 Lin XBernice et al. Exposure Therapy With Personalized Real-Time Arousal Detection and Feedback to Alleviate Social Anxiety Symptoms in an Analogue Adult Sample: Pilot Proof-of-Concept Randomized Controlled Trial.
112 Lindfors K et al. Coeliac disease.
113 Lohi O. Lapsen syöpä on erilainen myös geenien tasolla.
114 Lounassalo I et al. Associations of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Trajectories with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption from Childhood to Adulthood: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
115 Loy SLing et al. Associations of Circadian Eating Pattern and Diet Quality with Substantial Postpartum Weight Retention.
116 Lähdeaho ML et al. Safety and efficacy of AMG 714 in adults with coeliac disease exposed to gluten challenge: a phase 2a, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
117 Malham M et al. Editorial: suicide and IBD-a call to action. Authors' reply.
118 Malham M et al. The incidence of cancer and mortality in paediatric onset inflammatory bowel disease in Denmark and Finland during a 23-year period: a population-based study.
119 Malm M et al. Development of T cell immunity to norovirus and rotavirus in children under five years of age.
120 Mansikka E et al. Gluten Challenge Induces Skin and Small Bowel Relapse in Long-Term Gluten-Free Diet-Treated Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
121 Marcinkevage J et al. Washington State's Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program: Improving Affordability of Healthy Foods for Low-Income Patients.
122 Markkanen S et al. Craniofacial and occlusal development in 2.5-year-old children with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.
123 Mehtonen J et al. Data-driven characterization of molecular phenotypes across heterogeneous sample collections.
124 Mononen N et al. Whole blood microRNA levels associate with glycemic status and correlate with target mRNAs in pathways important to type 2 diabetes.
125 Morales-Muñoz I et al. The role of parental circadian preference in the onset of sleep difficulties in early childhood.
126 Murtola T et al. Serum cholesterol and prostate cancer risk in the Finnish randomized study of screening for prostate cancer.
127 Mustonen N et al. Early childhood infections and the use of antibiotics and antipyretic-analgesics in Finland, Estonia and Russian Karelia.
128 Myatt M et al. Improving screening for malnourished children at high risk of death: a study of children aged 6-59 months in rural Senegal.
129 Mäkinen M et al. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations at Birth in Children Screened for HLA-DQB1 Conferred Risk for Type 1 Diabetes.
130 Natukka T et al. Incidence trends of adult malignant brain tumors in Finland, 1990-2016.
131 Neo SH et al. Translation and Validation of the 10-Item FAMCARE Scale to Assess Satisfaction of Family Caregivers With Care Given to Cancer Patients.
132 Niemi P et al. Association between snoring and deciduous dental development and soft tissue profile in 3-year-old children.
133 Nkhoma M et al. Lipid based nutrient supplements during pregnancy may improve foetal growth in HIV infected women - A cohort study.
134 Nurminen S et al. Extraintestinal manifestations were common in children with coeliac disease and were more prevalent in patients with more severe clinical and histological presentation.
135 Nyholm I et al. Long-term Single-centre Outcomes After Proctocolectomy With Ileoanal Anastomosis for Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis.
136 Oaks BM et al. Prenatal Iron Deficiency and Replete Iron Status Are Associated with Adverse Birth Outcomes, but Associations Differ in Ghana and Malawi.
137 Ojanen M et al. Intelectin 3 is dispensable for resistance against a mycobacterial infection in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
138 Ovaskainen K et al. Planned home deliveries in Finland, 1996-2013.
139 Panagopoulou P et al. Parental age and the risk of childhood acute myeloid leukemia: results from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium.
140 Pietikäinen J et al. Sleeping problems during pregnancy-a risk factor for postnatal depressiveness.
141 Pitkänen O et al. The role of the sapovirus infection increased in gastroenteritis after national immunisation was introduced.
142 Popp A et al. Diagnosing Celiac Disease: Towards Wide-Scale Screening and Serology-Based Criteria?
143 Popp A, Mäki M. Gluten-Induced Extra-Intestinal Manifestations in Potential Celiac Disease-Celiac Trait.
144 Popp A, Mäki M. Changing Pattern of Childhood Celiac Disease Epidemiology: Contributing Factors.
145 Poukka M et al. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia With INPP5D-ABL1 Fusion Responds to Imatinib Treatment.
146 Poutanen T, Hiippala A. Lasten EKG:n tulkinta.
147 Prado EL et al. Path analyses of risk factors for linear growth faltering in four prospective cohorts of young children in Ghana, Malawi and Burkina Faso.
148 Puolanne AM et al. Is home monitoring of inflammatory bowel disease feasible? A randomized controlled study.
149 Pussinen P et al. Association of Childhood Oral Infections With Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Adulthood.
150 Pylväläinen J et al. Charlson Comorbidity Index Based On Hospital Episode Statistics Performs Adequately In Predicting Mortality, But Its Discriminative Ability Diminishes Over Time.
151 Pyykkö J et al. Cross-cultural analysis of attention disengagement times supports the dissociation of faces and patterns in the infant brain.
152 Pyykkö J et al. Early development of visual attention in infants in rural Malawi.
153 Pöllänen P et al. Characteristics of Slow Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in Children With Increased HLA-Conferred Disease Risk.
154 Pölönen P et al. Hemap: An Interactive Online Resource for Characterizing Molecular Phenotypes across Hematologic Malignancies.
155 Rauhavirta T et al. Transglutaminase 2 and Transglutaminase 2 Autoantibodies in Celiac Disease: a Review.
156 Remes T et al. Radiation-Induced Meningiomas After Childhood Brain Tumor: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Screening Study.
157 Riikonen R et al. Prospective study confirms that bronchiolitis in early infancy increases the risk of reduced lung function at 10-13 years of age.
158 Riikonen R et al. Preliminary communication suggests overweight was associated with reduced lung function in adolescence after infant bronchiolitis.
159 Roth R et al. The association between stressful life events and respiratory infections during the first 4 years of life: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young study.
160 Ruohtula T et al. Maturation of Gut Microbiota and Circulating Regulatory T Cells and Development of IgE Sensitization in Early Life.
161 Ruuska SMaria et al. Growth of children with biliary atresia living with native livers: impact of corticoid therapy after portoenterostomy.
162 Saarela T. Kenet kuuluu lähettää perinnöllisyysnevontaan?
163 Saha M. Insuliinipumppu lapsilla ja nuorilla.
164 Saha M. Lapsen diabeteksen oireet.
165 Saha M. Diabetesta sairastavan lapsen hoidon aloitus.
166 Saha M. Lapsen diabetes muuttaa perheen arkea.
167 Saha M. Lasten ja nuorten verenglukoosin tavoitetasot.
168 Saha M. Lapsen sairauspäivät.
169 Saha M. Diabetesta sairastavan lapsen harrastukset ja leirit.
170 Saha M. Tyypin 2 diabetes ja metabolinen oireyhtymä lapsilla ja nuorilla.
171 Saha M, Härmä-Rodriquez S. Lasten ja nuorten verenglukoosin omaseuranta.
172 Saha M, Härmä-Rodriquez S. Verenglukoosin mittaaminen ja mittausvälineet lapsilla ja nuorilla.
173 Saha M et al. Lapsen ja nuoren liikunta diabeteksessa.
174 Saha M et al. Lapsen ja nuoren liikuntaharrastukset diabeteksessa.
175 Saha M et al. Lapsen hypoglykemian ehkäisy.
176 Saha M et al. Lapsen hypoglykemian tunnistaminen ja hoito.
177 Saha M et al. Lapsen tai nuoren insuliinisokki ja sen hoito.
178 Salin K et al. Associations of partnering transition and socioeconomic status with a four-year change in daily steps among Finnish adults.
179 Salin K et al. Smoking and Physical Activity Trajectories from Childhood to Midlife.
180 Salonen A et al. Increased incidence of distal humeral fracture surgery and decreased incidence of respective corrective osteotomy among Finns aged 0 to 18 years between 1987 and 2016: a population-based study.
181 Schmidt F et al. Development of atopic sensitization in Finnish and Estonian children: A latent class analysis in a multicenter cohort.
182 Sen 1 et al. Persistent Alterations in Plasma Lipid Profiles Before Introduction of Gluten in the Diet Associated With Progression to Celiac Disease.
183 Shi Y et al. Mapping the medical outcomes study HIV health survey (MOS-HIV) to the EuroQoL 5 Dimension (EQ-5D-3 L) utility index.
184 Siljander H et al. Microbiome and type 1 diabetes.
185 Silvis K et al. Maternal dietary supplement use and development of islet autoimmunity in the offspring: TEDDY study.
186 Simre K et al. Early-life exposure to common virus infections did not differ between coeliac disease patients and controls.
187 Singh P et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Point of Care Tests for Diagnosing Celiac Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
188 Smith LB et al. Further Support for Psychological Symptoms in Pediatric Celiac Disease.
189 Somji SS et al. Effect of dose reduction of supplemental zinc for childhood diarrhoea: study protocol for a double-masked, randomised controlled trial in India and Tanzania.
190 Sormunen E et al. Body mass index trajectories in childhood and adolescence - Risk for non-affective psychosis.
191 Stanfill B et al. Extending Classification Algorithms to Case-Control Studies.
192 Starck C et al. Fertility and marital status in adults with childhood onset epilepsy: A population-based cohort study.
193 Stenroos A et al. Treatment of Unstable Pediatric Tibia Shaft Fractures in Finland.
194 Stewart R et al. Associations between antenatal depression and neonatal outcomes in Malawi.
195 Syrjälä E et al. A Joint Modeling Approach for Childhood Meat, Fish and Egg Consumption and the Risk of Advanced Islet Autoimmunity.
196 Taavela J et al. Histological, immunohistochemical and mRNA gene expression responses in coeliac disease patients challenged with gluten using PAXgene fixed paraffin-embedded duodenal biopsies.
197 Talibov M et al. Parental occupational exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of leukaemia in the offspring: findings from the Childhood Leukaemia International Consortium (CLIC).
198 Taskinen M et al. Lasten ja nuorten aikuisten akuutin lymfoblastileukemian hoito kehittyy.
199 Tuohinen S et al. Syöpäpotilaan sydän - tutkimukset ja hoidon optimointi.
200 Tuohino T et al. Short Sleep Duration and Later Overweight in Infants.
201 Tuokkola J et al. Nutritional risk screening-a cross-sectional study in a tertiary pediatric hospital.
202 Turtinen M et al. Characteristics of familial type 1 diabetes: effects of the relationship to the affected family member on phenotype and genotype at diagnosis.
203 Törmänen S, Korppi M. Toll-like receptor 1 and 10 variations increase asthma risk and review highlights further research directions.
204 Uusitalo U et al. Early Probiotic Supplementation and the Risk of Celiac Disease in Children at Genetic Risk.
205 Valanne S et al. Immune-inducible non-coding RNA molecule lincRNA-IBIN connects immunity and metabolism in Drosophila melanogaster.
206 Vatanen T et al. Genomic variation and strain-specific functional adaptation in the human gut microbiome during early life.
207 Vatanen T et al. Publisher Correction: Genomic variation and strain-specific functional adaptation in the human gut microbiome during early life.
208 Vehik K et al. Prospective virome analyses in young children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes.
209 Viisanen T et al. FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cell Compartment Is Altered in Children With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes but Not in Autoantibody-Positive at-Risk Children.
210 Virranniemi M et al. The effect of screening-to-labor interval on the sensitivity of late-pregnancy culture in the prediction of group B streptococcus colonization at labor: A prospective multicenter cohort study.
211 Virtanen VB et al. Noncoding RET variants explain the strong association with Hirschsprung disease in patients without rare coding sequence variant.
212 Vähämurto L et al. Coronary heart disease risk factor levels in eastern and western Finland from 1980 to 2011 in the cardiovascular risk in Young Finns study.
213 Wolthers B et al. Insulin-dependent diabetes: A chronic complication to acute pancreatitis in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
214 Wu F et al. Youth and Long-Term Dietary Calcium Intake With Risk of Impaired Glucose Metabolism and Type 2 Diabetes in Adulthood.
215 Wuttke M et al. A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals.
216 Yang GMeijuan et al. Validation of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool in Patients with Advanced Cancer.
217 Yu J et al. Using pharmacokinetics for tailoring prophylaxis in people with hemophilia switching between clotting factor products: A scoping review.
218 Yung CFu et al. Kawasaki Disease following administration of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in young children.

Julkaisutietokanta 31.12.2020 Publications Data Base 31.12.2020