Muun sairaanhoitotoiminnan yksikkö (hoitotiede)

Julkaisut 2006
Publications 2006

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1 Antila H et al. Ketoprofen and tramadol for analgesia during early recovery after tonsillectomy in children.
2 Axelin A et al. Facilitated tucking by parents' in pain management of preterm infants - a randomized crossover trial.
3 Grandell-Niemi H et al. Finnish nurses` and nursing students` mathematical skills.
4 Hannula L et al. Imetyksestä selviytyminen ja lisäruoan käyttö synnytyssairaalassa - äitien näkökulma.
5 Heikkinen A et al. Privacy and occupational health services.
6 Heikkinen A et al. Ethical codes in nursing practice: the viewpoint of Finnish, Greek and Italian nurses.
7 Heikkinen A et al. Understanding privacy in occupational health services .
8 Heikkinen A et al. Yksityisyys ja työterveyshuolto.
9 Heikkinen K et al. Potilasohjaus tutkimuskohteena suomalaisissa hoitotieteellisissä opinnäytetöissä.
10 Johansson K. Empowering Orthopaedic Patients Through Education.
11 Johansson K et al. Hoitotiede Turun yliopistossa.
12 Kanerva A-M. Tietoinen suostumus päiväkirurgisen potilaan hoidossa. Analyysi tietoisen suostumuksen toteutumisesta ja sairaanhoitajan osuudesta.
13 Kiviniemi K. Are You Anxious, Afraid or Tense? Perioperative Anxiety and Empowering Nursing Prior, During and After Planned Caesarean Delivery.
14 Leino-Kilpi H. 30th anniversary commentary on Esterhuizen P. (1996) Is the professional code still the cornerstone of clinical nursing practice? .
15 Piirtola M, Era P. Force platform measurements as predictors of falls among older people - a review.
16 Ruotsalainen T. Sisätautipotilaan hoidon laatu. Potilas laadun arvioijana.
17 Saarikoski M et al. Group supervision in facilitating learning and teaching in mental health clinical placements: a case example of one student group.
18 Salminen L et al. Suomalainen terveysalan koulutustutkimus vuosina 1984-2004.
19 Suhonen R, Leino-Kilpi H. Adult surgical patients and the information provided to them by nurses: A literature review.
20 Suhonen R et al. Patient characteristics in relation to perceptions of how individualized care is delivered- research into the sensitivity of the individualized care scale.
21 Tadd V et al. The value of nurses' codes: European nurses' views .
22 Teeri S et al. Long-term nursing care of elderly people: indentifying ethically problematic experiences among patients, relatives and nurses in Finland.
23 Vaartio H et al. Nursing advocacy: how is it defined by patients and nurses, what does it involve and how is it experienced?

Julkaisutietokanta 23.10.2007 Publications Data Base 23.10.2007