Yleishallinnon vastuualue

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Alanen HM et al. Acute Psychogeriatric Inpatient Treatment Improves Neuropsychiatric Symptoms but Impairs the Level of Functioning in Patients with Dementia.
2 Askola R et al. Forensic psychiatric patients' narratives of their offense.
3 Brasaite I et al. Healthcare professionals' knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding patient safety: a systematic literature review.
4 Gaulton KJ et al. Genetic fine mapping and genomic annotation defines causal mechanisms at type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci.
5 Hakio N et al. Parents' experiences of family functioning, health and social support provided by nurses - A pilot study in paediatric intensive care.
6 Ikonen R et al. Preterm Infants' Mothers' Experiences With Milk Expression and Breastfeeding: An Integrative Review.
7 Jouhki M et al. Supporting and Sharing-Home Birth: Fathers' Perspective.
8 Kantanen K et al. The development and pilot of an instrument for measuring nurse managers´ leadership and management competencies.
9 Karhe L, Kaunonen M. Patient Experiences of Loneliness: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis.
10 Karhe L, Kaunonen M. Patients' Experiences of Loneliness in a Professional Caring Relationship .
11 Karila A et al. Eriytettyjen talousyksiköiden ohjauksen ongelma - Perussopimukset sairaanhoitopiirien talouden hallinnassa.
12 Kaunonen M et al. Database nurse staffing indicators: explaining risks of staff job dissatisfaction in outpatient care.
13 Kauppi E et al. Kielteiset muutokset perheen toiminnassa lapsen kuoleman jälkeen.
14 Kettula-Pihlaja T et al. Haikaran ohilento - Lapsettomuudesta selviytyminen lasten kuvaamana.
15 Leikkola P et al. Coping support as rated by back surgery patients .
16 Locke AE et al. Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology.
17 Maijala R et al. Internet delivered question and answer column for patients with schizophrenia.
18 Mulder R et al. Hoitohenkilökunnan monikulttuurinen osaaminen -pilottitutkimus.
19 Nikkola R, Åstedt-Kurki P. Polven nivelrikkoa sairastavan iäkkään potilaan kokemus terveydenhuollossa kuulluksi tulosta ja avunsaannista.
20 Palonen M et al. Discharge education for older people and family members in emergency department: A cross-sectional study.
21 Pehkonen S et al. Äitien imetyksestä selviytyminen ja imetystuen saanti neuvolasta lapsen ollessa kuuden viikon ikäinen .
22 Pers T et al. Biological interpretation of genome-wide association studies using predicted gene functions.
23 Pitkänen A et al. Enhancing nurses' participation in implementing evidence-based practice.
24 Pitkänen A et al. The impact of an eLearning course on nurses´attitudes towards mental illness.
25 Rahmioglu N et al. Genome-wide enrichment analysis between endometriosis and obesity-related traits reveals novel susceptibility loci.
26 Raito K et al. Evaluating a bereavement follow-up intervention for grieving mothers after the death of a child.
27 Rautio N et al. Changes in glucose metabolism in people with different glucose metabolism disorders at baseline: follow-up results of a Finnish national diabetes prevention programme.
28 Rautio N et al. Changes in lifestyle modestly reduce the estimated cardiovascular disease risk in one-year follow-up of the Finnish diabetes prevention program (FIN-D2D).
29 Saltevo J et al. The Relationship between Thyroid Function and Depressive Symptoms-the FIN-D2D Population-Based Study.
30 Shungin D et al. New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.
31 Sjöblom S et al. Myönteiset muutokset parisuhteessa lapsen kuoleman jälkeen.
32 Sorsa M et al. Bracketing as a skill in conducting unstructured qualitative interviews.
33 Uotila J et al. Mittariston kehittäminen hoitoprosessin arvioimiseksi.
34 Vuorenmaa M et al. Perceived influence, decision-making and access to information in family services as factors of parental empowerment: a cross-sectional study of parents with young children.
35 Wikström K et al. National diabetes prevention program (DEHKO): awareness and self-reported lifestyle changes in Finnish middle-aged population.
36 Zydziunaite V et al. Head nurses' decision-making when managing ethical dilemmas .

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016