Keuhkosairauksien avohoito

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Häggblom J et al. Prevalence of PI*Z and PI*S alleles of alpha-1 trypsin deficiency in Finland.
2 Ilmarinen P et al. The polyamine spermine promotes survival and activation of human eosinophils.
3 Jämsen E et al. Kun tauti paranee, mutta potilas ei.
4 Kaunisto J et al. Re-evaluation of diagnostic parameters is crucial for obtaining accurate data on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
5 Koskela K et al. Pulmonary inflammation in foundry workers.
6 Laine O, Peltonen S. Trompoottiset mikroangiopatiat .
7 Mattila T et al. Association between all-cause and cause-specific mortality and the GOLD stages 1-4: A 30-year follow-up among Finnish adults.
8 Nurmela K et al. Identification of alcohol abuse and transition from long-term unemployment to disability pension.
9 Rannisto S et al. Leg-length discrepancy is associated with low back pain among those who must stand while working.
10 Rimpilä V et al. Transcutaneous carbon dioxide during sleep-disordered breathing.
11 Roth R et al. Maternal anxiety about a child's diabetes risk in the TEDDY study: the potential role of life stress, postpartum depression, and risk perception.
12 Salminen A. Peripheral hypoxia and autonomic responses in restless legs syndrome.
13 Sauni R et al. Effective information campaign for management of exposure to hand-arm vibration in the metal and construction industries.
14 Sauni R et al. Work disability after diagnosis of hand-arm vibration syndrome.
15 Tuomisto L et al. Prognosis of new-onset asthma diagnosed at adult age.
16 Yang J et al. Factors associated with longitudinal food record compliance in a paediatric cohort study.

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016