Suusairauksien klinikka

Julkaisut 2006
Publications 2006

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1 Fabricius L et al. Influence of residual bacteria on periapical tissue healing after chemomechanical treatment and root filling of experimentally infected monkey teeth.
2 Forssell H, Svensson P. Atypical facial pain and burning mouth syndrome.
3 Happonen R-P. Turun yliopiston uudistuva hammaslääkärikoulutus.
4 Haukioja A et al. Oral adhesion and survival of probiotic and other lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in vitro.
5 Heikinheimo K et al. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) gene family members in developing and neoplastic odontogenic tissues.
6 Ignatius E et al. Teledentistry in dental specialist education in Finland.
7 Ihalin R et al. Origin, structure, and biological activities of peroxidases in human saliva.
8 Laaksonen J-P. Control Mechanisms of Speech Production. Evidence from Acoustic Studies of Speech after Neural and Muscular Manipulations of the Tongue.
9 Le Bell Y et al. Subjective reactions to intervention with artificial interferences in subjects with and without a history of temporomandibular disorders.
10 Lindholm P et al. Preoperative hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy and radical surgery in advanced head and neck cancer: A prospective phase II study.
11 Lähteenmäki M. Anesthesia and Oral Mucosal Host Defense Assessed in Human Saliva.
12 Meretoja VV et al. Crosslinked poly(epsilon-caprolactone/D,L-lactide)/bioactive glass composite scaffolds for bone tissue enineering.
13 Muhonen A et al. The effect of irradiation and hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on extracellular matrix of the condylar cartilage after mandibular distraction osteogenesis in the rabbit.
14 Niemi M et al. Effects of transitory lingual nerve impairment on speech: an acoustic study of sibilant sound /s/.
15 Niemi M et al. Acoustic comparison of vowel sounds produced before and after orthognathic surgery for mandibular advancement.
16 Niemi PM et al. Psychological factors and responses to artificial interferences in subjects with and without a history of temporomandibular disorders.
17 Pinnola M, Karjalainen S. Typpioksiduuli-happi- ja yleisanestesiahammashoidon kustannukset sekä vaikutus myöhempään hoidettavuuteen.
18 Rautava J. Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Epithelial Dysplasia of the Oral Cavity. Etiological, Clinical, Biological and Prognostic Considerations.
19 Siudikiene J et al. Dental caries and salivary status in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, related to the metabolic control of the disease.
20 Suvinen T et al. Purentaelimen kivut ja toimintahäiriöt - hammaslääketieteen biopsykososiaalinen "ongelma"? Osa I Biolääketieteelliset, psykologiset ja biopsykososiaaliset etiologiset mallit.
21 Suvinen T et al. Purentaelimen kivut ja toimintahäiriöt - miten poikkitieteellistä ja moniammatillista tutkimusta voi hyödyntää käytännön työssä? Osa II Biopsykososiaalinen terapeuttinen malli kliinisessä työskentelyssä.
22 Syrjänen S et al. Suusyöpä . Päivitetty Käypä hoito -suositus (8.12.).
23 Söderling E et al. The effect of liquorice extract-containing starch gel on the amount and microbial composition of plaque.
24 Välimaa H. Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Orolabial Herpes Simplex Virus Infection.
25 Öwall B et al. Specialisation and specialist education in prosthetic dentistry in Europe.

Julkaisutietokanta 23.10.2007 Publications Data Base 23.10.2007