Sisätautien klinikka

Julkaisut 2006
Publications 2006

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1 Aburawi EH et al. Lowered levels of serum albumin and HDL-cholesterol in children with a recent mild infection.
2 Arola OJ. Metabolinen asidoosi.
3 Arola OJ. Hyperglykemia.
4 Arola OJ. Diabeettinen ketoasidoosi.
5 Arola OJ. Hyperosmolaarinen ei-ketoottinen tila.
6 Arola OJ. Asidoosipotilas.
7 Arola OJ. Hyperglykeemisiä kriisitilanteita.
8 Barrett-Connor E et al. Effects of raloxifene on cardiovascular events and breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
9 Bhatt DL et al. Clopidogrel and aspirin versus aspirin alone for the prevention of atherothrombotic events.
10 Bonarjee VVS et al. Sex-based short- and long-term survival in patients following complicated myocardial infarction.
11 de Voogt WG et al. Verification of pacemaker automatic mode switching for the detection of atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardia with Holter recording.
12 Ducharme A et al. Prevention of atrial fibrillation in patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure by candesartan in the candesartan in heart failure: Assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program.
13 Elovainio M et al. Depressive symptoms and C-reactive protein: The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
14 Fan Y-M et al. The influence of hepatic lipase C-480T polymorphism on coronary flow reserve in young men is independent of the plasma cholesterol level.
15 Grénman S et al. A randomised phase III study comparing high-dose chemotherapy to conventionally dosed chemotherapy for stage III ovarian cancer: The Finnish Ovarian Cancer (FINOVA) study.
16 Guiducci L et al. [11C]palmitate kinetics across the splanchnic bed in arterial, portal and hepatic venous plasma during fasting and euglycemic hyperinsulinemia.
17 Haapamäki MM et al. Value of blood tests including serum group IIA phospholipase A2 and bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein in Crohn's disease.
18 Hakanen AJ et al. Reduction in fluoroquinolone susceptibility among non-typhoidal strains of Salmonella enterica isolated from Finnish patients.
19 Hakanen M et al. Development of overweight in an atherosclerosis prevention trial starting in early childhood. The STRIP study.
20 Hannukainen JC et al. Relationship between local perfusion and FFA uptake in human skeletal muscle - no effect of increased physical activity and aerobic fitness.
21 Heiro M et al. Infective endocarditis in a Finnish teaching hospital: a study on 326 episodes treated during 1980-2004.
22 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Mitä nyt sydänpotilaalle kipulääkkeeksi?
23 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. NSAID use and the risk of hospitalization for first myocardial infarction in the general population: a nationwide case-control study from Finland.
24 Helin-Salmivaara A et al. Kaikkien tulehduskipulääkkeiden käyttöön liittyy lisääntynyt ensimmäisen sydäninfarktin vaara: väestöpohjainen suomalaistutkimus.
25 Hillege HL et al. Renal function as a predictor of outcome in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure.
26 Hohenthal U et al. Measurement of complement receptor I on neutrophils in bacterial and viral pneumonia.
27 Ikegaya H et al. Identification of a genomic subgroup of BK polyomavirus spread in European populations.
28 Ilanne-Parikka P et al., toim. Diabetes, 4. - 5. p.
29 Inkinen O. Metabolinen alkaloosi.
30 Iozzo P et al. 18F-FDG assessment of glucose disposal and production rates during fasting and insulin stimulation: a validation study.
31 Islam Md.S et al. Polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotesinogen (AGT) genes and their associations with blood pressure and carotid artery intima media thickness among healthy Finnish young adults - the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
32 Jalava P et al. Ki67 immunohistochemistry: a valuable marker in prognostication but with a risk of misclassification: proliferation subgroups formed based on Ki67 immunoreactivity and standardized mitotic index.
33 Jantunen E et al. Autologous stem cell transplantation in elderly (>60 years) patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: a nation-wide analysis.
34 Jantunen E et al. Early treatment-related mortality in adult autologous stem cell transplant recipients: a nation-wide survey of 1482 transplanted patients.
35 Jantunen E et al. Autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: the Finnish experience.
36 Jantunen E et al. Late non-relapse mortality among adult autologous stem cell transplant recipients: a nation-wide analysis of 1482 patients transplanted in 1990-2003.
37 Juonala M et al. Obesity in youth is not an independent predictor of carotic IMT in adulthood. The cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
38 Juonala M et al. Miksi sepelvaltimotauti on edelleen enemmän itä- kuin länsisuomalaisten vaiva?
39 Juonala M et al. Young adults with family history of coronary heart disease have increased arterial vulnerability to metabolic risk factors: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
40 Juonala M et al. Vanhempien varhainen sepelvaltimotauti altistaa metabolisten riskitekijöiden haittavaikutuksille.
41 Juonala M et al. Elevated blood pressure in adolescent boys predicts endothelial dysfunction. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
42 Juonala M et al. Childhood C-reactive protein in predicting CRP and carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood.
43 Juutilainen A et al. Proteinuria and metabolic syndrome as predictors of cardiovascular death in non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic men and women.
44 Järveläinen H et al. A role for decorin in cutaneous wound healing and angiogenesis.
45 Järvisalo MJ et al. Determinants of short-term variation in arterial flow-mediated dilatation in healthy young men.
46 Kaitosaari T et al. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size in healthy prepubertal children: The STRIP study.
47 Kaitosaari T et al. Low-saturated fat dietary counseling starting in infancy improves insulin sensitivity in 9-year-old healthy children. The special Turku coronary risk factor intervention project for children (STRIP) study.
48 Kallio K et al. Impact of repeated lifestyle counselling in an atherosclerosis prevention trial on parental smoking and children's exposure to tobacco smoke.
49 Kalliokoski R. The Effects of Fabry Disease on Myocardial Blood Flow and Peripheral Vasculature. With Special Reference to Enzyme Replacement Therapy.
50 Kalliokoski RJ et al. Structural and functional changes in peripheral vasculature of Fabry patients.
51 Kalliokoski RJ et al. The effect of 12-month enzyme replacement therapy on myocardial perfusion in patients with Fabry disease.
52 Kankaanpää M et al. Myocardial triglyceride content and epicardial fat mass in human obesity: relationship to left ventricular function and serum free fatty acid levels.
53 Kantola I. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoito.
54 Kantola I. Uupuvatko terveydenhuollon työntekijät.
55 Kantola I. Voidaanko tyypin 2 diabeteksen kehittymistä estää verenpainelääkkeillä?
56 Kantola I. Muuttuuko kohonneen verenpaineen hoito?
57 Kantola I. Kohoneen verenpaineen hoito.
58 Karjalainen PP et al. Titanium and nitride oxide-coated stents and paclitaxel-eluting stents for coronary revascularization in an unselected population.
59 Karjalainen PP et al. Real world experience with the TITAN(R) stent: a 9-month follow-up report from The Titan PORI Registry.
60 Karvonen MK et al. Nutrient intake, weight and leu7pro polymorphism in prepro-neuropeptide Y in children.
61 Kauhava L et al. Population-based mammography screening results in substantial savings in treatment costs for fatal breast cancer.
62 Kauhava L et al. Mammografiaseulonta säästää rintasyövän hoitokustannuksia rintasyöpäkuolleisuuden vähentyessä.
63 Kauppinen-Mäkelin R et al. Quality of life in treated patients with acromegaly.
64 Keltikangas-Järvinen L et al. Childhood hyperactivity as a predictor of carotid artery intima media thickness over a period of 21 years: The cardiovascular risk in young finns study.
65 Kivimäki M et al. Early socioeconomic position and blood pressure in childhood and adulthood. The Cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
66 Kivimäki M et al. Socioeconomic circumstances in childhood and blood pressure in adulthood: the cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
67 Kivimäki M et al. Socioeconomic position in childhood and adult cardiovascular risk factors, vascular structure, and function: cardiovascular risk in young Finns study.
68 Kjeldsen SE et al. Effects of valsartan compared to amlodipine on preventing type 2 diabetes in high-risk hypertensive patients: the VALUE trial.
69 Koistinen J. Elvytetyn sydänpotilaan jatkohoito.
70 Koivuviita N et al. Munuaisten vajaatoiminta ja kardiovaskulaariset sairaudet.
71 Korkeila PJ et al. Transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of thrombosis associated with permanent transvenous pacemaker electrodes.
72 Koskivirta I et al. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 4 (TIMP4) is involved in inflammatory processes of human cardiovascular pathology.
73 Kotilainen E et al. Spinal epidural lipomatosis caused by corticosteroid treatment in ulcerative colitis.
74 Kotilainen P et al. Aetiological diagnosis of infective endocarditis by direct amplification of rRNA genes from surgically removed valve tissue. An 11-year experience in a Finnish teaching hospital.
75 Kotilainen P et al. Myopericarditis in a patient with Campylobacter enteritis: A case report and literature review.
76 Kupila L et al. Brain abscess caused by Mycoplasma hominis: A clinically recognizable entity?
77 Kupila L et al. Etiology of aseptic meningitis and encephalitis in an adult population.
78 Kuuliala K et al. Polymorphism at position +896 of the toll-like receptor 4 gene interferes with rapid response to treatment in rheumatoid arthritis.
79 Laaksonen MS et al. Effects of exhaustive stretch-shortening cycle exercise on muscle blood flow during exercise.
80 Laaksonen MS et al. The association between muscle EMG and perfusion in knee extensor muscles.
81 Laaksonen R et al. Genetic variant of the SREBF-1 gene is significantly related to cholesterol synthesis in man.
82 Lautamäki R. Myocardial Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease. Special Reference to the Effects of Insulin and Rosiglitazone.
83 Lautamäki R et al. Insulin improves myocardial blood flow in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease.
84 Lautamäki R et al. Liver steatosis coexists with myocardial insulin resistance and coronary dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes.
85 Lautamäki R et al. The effect of PPARgamma-agonism on LDL subclass profile in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease.
86 Lehtimäki T et al. The effects of adult-type hypolactasia on body height growth and dietary calcium intake from childhood into young adulthood: A 21-year follow-up study - The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
87 Lund J et al. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A: A biomarker in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
88 Lund J et al. Hypertrofisen obstruktiivisen kardiomyopatian alkoholiablaatio.
89 Löppönen M et al. Dementia associates with undermedication of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly: a population-based study.
90 Malmberg M et al. Cardiomyocyte apoptosis and duration of aortic clamping in pig model of open heart surgery.
91 McMurray JJV et al. Resource utilization and costs in the candesartan in heart failure: Assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme.
92 McMurray JJV et al. Relationship of dose of background angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor to the benefits of candesartan in the candesartan in heart failure: Assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM)-added trial.
93 Mäkinen J et al. Comparison of two commercially available DNA line probe assays for detection of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
94 Mäntymäki H et al. Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus ilman ST-nousua - miten hoito on kehittynyt?
95 Möttönen T et al. Efficacy of combination therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: comment on the review by Smolen et al.
96 Naghavi M et al. From vulnerable plaque to vulnerable patient - Part III: Executive summary of the screening for heart attack prevention and education (SHAPE) task force report.
97 Niiranen TJ et al. Prevalence and determinants of isolated clinic hypertension in the Finnish population: the Finn-HOME study.
98 Niiranen TJ et al. Comparison of agreement between clinic and home-measured blood pressure in the Finnish population: the Finn-HOME Study.
99 Niiranen TJ et al. A comparison of home measurement and ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure in the adjustment oft antihypertensive treatment.
100 Nordström DC et al. Classic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in combination with infliximab. The Finnish experience.
101 Nuutila J et al. Quantitative analysis of complement receptors, CR1 (CD35) and CR3 (CD11b), on neutrophils improves distinction between bacterial and viral infections in febrile patients: Comparison with standard clinical laboratory data.
102 Nuutila J et al. CR1/CD35 on human neutrophils as a marker of bacterial pneumonia.
103 O'Meara E et al. Clinical correlates and consequences of anemia in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure. Results of the candesartan in heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) Program.
104 Okin PM et al. Impact of diabetes mellitus on regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy and the prediction of outcome during antihypertensive therapy. The losartan intervention for endpoint (LIFE) reduction in hypertension study.
105 Okin PM et al. Electrocardiographic strain pattern and prediction of new-onset congestive heart failure in hypertensive patients. The losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study.
106 Olkinuora JT et al. Effects of celiprolol and simvastatin on the calculated risk of coronary heart disease (the Celisimva study).
107 Olsen MH et al. Reductions in albuminuria and in electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy independently improve prognosis in hypertension: the LIFE study.
108 Olsson LG et al. Atrial fibrillation and risk of clinical events in chronic heart failure with and without left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Results from the candesartan in heart failure-assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program.
109 Parvinen I et al. Service screening mammography reduces breast cancer mortality among elderly women in Turku.
110 Pertovaara M et al. Autoimmunity and atherosclerosis: functional polymorphism of PTPN22 is associated with phenotypes related to the risk of atherosclerosis. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
111 Pirilä L et al. Fatal myocardial necrosis caused by Staphylococcus lugdunensis and cytomegalovirus in a patient with scleroderma.
112 Puolakka K et al. Monetary value of lost productivity over a five year follow up in early rheumatoid arthritis estimated on the basis of official register data on patients' sickness absence and gross income: experience from the FIN-RACo trial.
113 Pärkkä JP et al. Comparison of MRI and Positron Emission Tomography for measuring myocardial perfusion reserve in healthy humans.
114 Qin Q-P et al. Immunoassays developed for pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) in pregnancy may not recognize PAPP-A in acute coronary syndromes.
115 Raatikainen P et al. Eteisvärinä.
116 Rautava E et al. Association of reduces physical activity and quantitative ultrasound measurements: A 6-year follow-up study of adolescent girls.
117 Roivainen A, Yli-Kerttula T. Whole-body distribution of 11C-choline and uptake in knee synovitis.
118 Ruotsalainen E et al. Levofloxacin does not decrease mortality in staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia when added to the standard treatment: a prospective and randomized clinical trial of 381 patients.
119 Rönnemaa T. Diabeteksen vaikutukset elimistössä.
120 Saarelainen H et al. Pregnancy-related hyperlipidemia and endothelial function in healthy women.
121 Salomaa V et al. The effect of correcting for troponins on trends in coronary heart disease in Finland during 1993-2002: the FINAMI study.
122 Saraste A et al. Coronary flow reserve and heart failure in experimental coxsackievirus myocarditis. A transthoracic Doppler echocardiography study.
123 Shinozaki K et al. Efficient infection of tumor endothelial cells by a capsid-modified adenovirus.
124 Siirilä-Waris K et al. Characteristics, outcomes, and predictors of 1-year mortality in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure.
125 Soinio M. Nutrition Related Factors and High-Sensitivity C-reactive Protein as Predictors of Coronary Heart Disease Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
126 Soinio M et al. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and coronary heart disease mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. A 7-year follow-up study.
127 Sokka T et al. Remission as the treatment goal - the FIN-RACo trial.
128 Steigen TK et al. Randomized study on simple versus complex stenting of coronary artery bifurcation lesions. The Nordic bifurcation study.
129 Stone GW et al. Bivalirudin for patients with acute coronary syndromes.
130 Strandberg M et al. Carotid sonography and transesophageal echocardiography in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack in the territory of the carotid artery.
131 Strandberg M et al. Clinical practicality and predictive value of transoesophageal echocardiography in early cardioversion of atrial fibrillation.
132 Sundell J et al. Short-term changes in inflammatory response protein (hsCRP) do not parallel with changes in coronary vasoreactivity in obese men.
133 Sundell J et al. Positive family history of coronary artery disease is associated with reduced myocardial vasoreactivity in healthy men.
134 Suominen E et al. Head and neck cancer cells are efficiently infected by Ad5/35 hybrid virus.
135 Talvia S et al. Longitudinal trends in consumption of vegetables and fruit in Finnish children in an atherosclerosis prevention study (STRIP).
136 Thelen KM et al. Effect of pravastatin on plasma sterols and oxysterols in men.
137 Thompson K et al. Is septal glucose metabolism altered in patients with left bundle branch block and ischemic cardiomyopathy?
138 Toivanen A et al. Antibiotics in the treatment of reactive arthritis.
139 Tolvanen T et al. Human radiation dosimetry of (11C)MeAIB, a new tracer for imaging of system A amino acid transport.
140 Tuunanen H et al. Free fatty acid depletion acutely decreases cardiac work and efficiency in cardiomyopathic heart failure.
141 Tuunanen H et al. Decreased myocardial free fatty acid uptake in patients with idiopatic dilated cardiomyopahty: Evidence of relationship with insulin resistance and left ventricular dysfunction.
142 Ukkonen H. Miten titraan sydämen vajaatoimintalääkityksen kohdalleen?
143 Uusimaa P et al. Aortic valve insufficiency in patients with chronic rheumatic diseases.
144 Viikari J. Hyperkolesterolemian moderni hoito ja kokonaisriskin arviointi siihen liittyen.
145 Viikari J. Statiinien käyttö perusterveydenhuollossa.
146 Viikari J. Rosuvastatiinien turvallisuus farmakoepidemiologisten tutkimusten valossa.
147 Viikari J. Karkaavatko hyperkolesterolemian hoidon aiheet käsistä?
148 Viikari JSA et al. Trends in cardiovascular risk factor levels in Finnish children and young adults from the 1970s. The Cardiovascular Rrisk in Young Finns Study.
149 Viiri LE et al. Relations of APOE promoter polymorphisms to LDL cholesterol and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in young adults.
150 Virtanen R, Airaksinen J. Sepelvaltimotautikohtaus päivystäjän haasteena.
151 Volanen I et al. Increased aortic intima-media thickness in 11-year-old healthy children with persistent chlamydia pneumoniae seropositivity.
152 Vuopio-Varkila J, Kotilainen P. Metisilliiniresistentti Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
153 Wittfooth S et al. Immunofluorometric point-of-care assays for the detection of acute coronary syndrome-related noncomplexed pregnancy-associated plasma protein A.
154 Yang X et al. Risk of obesity in relation to physical activity tracking from youth to adulthood.
155 Yrjänäinen H et al. Persistent joint swelling and borrelia-specific antibodies in Borrelia garinii-infected mice after eradication of vegetative spirochetes with antibiotic treatment.

Julkaisutietokanta 23.10.2007 Publications Data Base 23.10.2007