Tampereen yliopistollinen sairaala
Tampere University Hospital

Julkaisut 2013
Publications 2013

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1 Aaltonen KJ et al. Do biologic drugs affect the need for and outcome of joint replacements in patients with rheumatoid arthritis? A register-based study.
2 Aatola H et al. Simplified definitions of elevated pediatric blood pressure and high adult arterial stiffness.
3 Abete P et al. Research update for articles published in EJCI in 2011.
4 Aho A et al. Äitien vertaistuki internetin keskustelupalstalla lapsen kuoleman jälkeen .
5 Aho AJ et al. Can electromyographic arousal be detected visually on the Datex-Ohmeda S/5™ anesthesia monitor?
6 Aho AL et al. Vertaistuen vaikutukset lapsen kuoleman kokeneiden vanhempien surureaktioihin.
7 Ahovuo-Saloranta A et al. Sealants for preventing dental decay in the permanent teeth.
8 Ahtiainen K et al. Autologous adipose stem cells and polylactide discs in the replacement of the rabbit temporomandibular joint disc.
9 Aidar M et al. Effect of genetic polymorphisms in CA6 gene on the expression and catalytic activity of human salivary carbonic anhydrase VI.
10 Airaksinen KE et al. Safety of pacemaker and implantable cardioverter–defibrillator implantation during uninterrupted warfarin treatment - The FinPAC study.
11 Aittoniemi J. Clostridium difficile-diagnostiikan nykyvaihe ja pulmat.
12 Ala-Houhala M. Narrow-­band ultraviolet b exposures improve vitamin d balance. Trials involving dermatological and haemodialysis patients and healthy subjects.
13 Ala-Houhala M et al. A Narrow-Band Ultraviolet B Course Improves Vitamin D Balance and Alters Cutaneous CYP27A1 and CYP27B1 mRNA Expression Levels in Haemodialysis Patients Supplemented with Oral Vitamin D.
14 Alarmo EL et al. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 expression in multiple normal and tumor tissues reveals its importance beyond development.
15 Ampuja M et al. BMP4 inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells and induces an MMP-dependent migratory phenotype in MDA-MB-231 cells in 3D environment.
16 Andersen MK et al. Zinc transporter type 8 autoantibodies (ZnT8A): prevalence and phenotypic associations in latent autoimmune diabetes patients and patients with adult onset type 1 diabetes.
17 Andre K et al. TPH1 A218C polymorphism and temperament in major depression.
18 Antalainen AK et al. Assessment of removed dental implants in Finland from 1994 to 2012.
19 Antonen J et al. A severe case of Puumala hantavirus infection successfully treated with bradykinin receptor antagonist icatibant.
20 Anttalaiinen U et al. Women with partial upper airway obstruction are not less sleepy than those with obstructive sleep apnea.
21 Anttila V et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new susceptibility loci for migraine.
22 Aret F et al. The phenotype of dysferlin-deficient mice is not rescued by adeno-associated virus-mediated transfer of anoctamin 5.
23 Armah GE et al. Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of two doses of a tetravalent rotavirus vaccine RRV-TV in Ghana with the first dose administered during the neonatal period.
24 Armin AL Olama a et al. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies to identify prostate cancer susceptibility loci associated with aggressive and non-aggressive disease.
25 Arola J, Paavonen T. Syöpäseulonnasta diagnoosiin ja hoitoon.
26 Aronsson CA et al. Use of dietary supplements in pregnant women in relation to sociodemographic factors - a report from The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study.
27 Arvola P. Kirurgian tulevaisuden tilaratkaisut.
28 Aspatwar A et al. Abnormal cerebellar development and ataxia in CARP VIII morphant zebrafish.
29 Aspatwar A et al. An update on carbonic anhydrase-related proteins VIII, X and XI.
30 Augello MA et al. Convergence of oncogenic and hormone receptor pathways promotes metastatic phenotypes.
31 Ballew JT et al. Antibody biomarker discovery through in vitro directed evolution of consensus recognition epitopes.
32 Barbieri CE et al. The mutational landscape of prostate cancer.
33 Barfod KW et al. Treatment of acute Achilles tendon rupture in Scandinavia does not adhere to evidence-based guidelines: a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of 138 departments.
34 Beit P et al. Evaluating the agreement of skeletal age assessment based on hand-wrist and cervical vertebrae radiography.
35 Berg J et al. Staff's perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour in four European forensic units: A qualitative interview study.
36 Berg J et al. Provision of Interventions in Adolescent Forensic Units - A European Perspective.
37 Berndt SI et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 11 new loci for anthropometric traits and provides insights into genetic architecture.
38 Bläuer M et al. Cryopreserved mouse pancreatic acinar cells from long-term explant outgrowth cultures maintain their secretory phenotype after thawing.
39 Bollhalder J et al. Dentofacial and upper airway characteristics of mild and severe class II division 1 subjects.
40 Bonanni P et al. Primary versus secondary failure after varicella vaccination: implications for interval between 2 doses.
41 Borchers P et al. Psychiatrists’ inner dialogues concerning workmates during need adapted treatment of psychosis.
42 Bruchmann A et al. Bcl-2 associated athanogene 5 (Bag5) is overexpressed in prostate cancer and inhibits ER-stress induced apoptosis.
43 Brummer TH et al. Antibiotic prophylaxis for hysterectomy, a prospective cohort study: cefuroxime, metronidazole, or both.
44 Bugiardini R et al. Coronary revascularisation in stable patients after an acute coronary syndrome: a propensity analysis of early invasive versus conservative management in a register-based cohort study.
45 Campbell-Thompson ML et al. The diagnosis of insulitis in human type 1 diabetes.
46 Cardoso F et al. A review of the treatment of endocrine responsive metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
47 Carlsson E et al. Neuron navigator 3 alterations in nervous system tumors associate with tumor malignancy grade and prognosis.
48 Cheng CY et al. Nine Loci for Ocular Axial Length Identified through Genome-wide Association Studies, Including Shared Loci with Refractive Error.
49 Christian P et al. Risk of childhood undernutrition related to small-for-gestational age and preterm birth in low- and middle-income countries.
50 Collin P, Kaukinen K. Keliakia.
51 Collin P, Kaukinen K. Celiac disease: clinch the diagnosis when it is just around the corner.
52 Cousminer DL et al. Genome-wide association and longitudinal analyses reveal genetic loci linking pubertal height growth, pubertal timing and childhood adiposity.
53 de GOFFAU Mc et al. Fecal microbiota composition differs between children with ß-cell autoimmunity and those without.
54 Deloukas P et al. Large-scale association analysis identifies new risk loci for coronary artery disease.
55 Den HOED M et al. Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders.
56 Do R et al. Common variants associated with plasma triglycerides and risk for coronary artery disease.
57 Dominquez CA et al. The DQB1.03:02 HLA haplotype is associated with increased risk of chronic pain after inguinal hernia surgery and lumbar disc herniation.
58 Ebbesen MS et al. Incorporation of 6-thioguanine nucleotides into DNA during maintenance therapy of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia-the influence of thiopurine methyltransferase genotypes.
59 Eeles R et al. Identification of 23 new prostate cancer susceptibility loci using the iCOGS custom genotyping array.
60 Eerola A et al. Cardiac troponin I in congenital heart defects with pressure or volume overload.
61 Elias-Sonnenschein LS et al. Genetic loci associated with Alzheimer's disease and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in a Finnish case-control cohort.
62 Elme A et al. Obesity and physical inactivity are related to impaired physical health of breast cancer survivors.
63 Elo P et al. Tulehduksellisen selkäkivun kuvantamisdiagnostiikka.
64 Eriksson K et al. Epilepsiat ja kuumekouristukset (lapset).
65 Erkkola M et al. Sociodemographic determinants of early weaning: a Finnish birth cohort study in infants with human leucocyte antigen-conferred susceptibility to type 1 diabetes.
66 Fashe T et al. Expression analysis of Tudor-SN protein in mouse tissues.
67 Flax VL et al. Responsive feeding and child interest in food vary when rural Malawian children are fed lipid-based nutrient supplements or local complementary food.
68 Frisch M et al. Cultural bias in the AAP's 2012 Technical Report and Policy Statement on male circumcision.
69 Fröjd S et al. Depression Predicts Smoking among Adolescent Girls but Not among Boys.
70 Gaily E et al. Dravet syndrome: new potential genetic modifiers, imaging abnormalities, and ictal findings.
71 Gandhi M et al. Child development at 5 years of age predicted mathematics ability and schooling outcomes in Malawian adolescents.
72 Geelhoed -Duijvestijn P et al. Effects of patient-reported non-severe hypoglycemia on healthcare resource use, work-time loss, and wellbeing in insulin-treated patients with diabetes in seven European countries.
73 Guedeney A et al. Social withdrawal behavioral in infancy: A history of the concept and a review of published studies using the alarm distress baby scale.
74 Gunell M et al. Antimicrobial resistance in Finland - Finres 1997 -2010.
75 Haahtela T et al. Astma. Käypä hoito -suosituksen päivitystiivistelmä.
76 Haapala T et al. Shoulder operation counselling in day-surgery patients in finland: patients' perspective.
77 Haapasalo T et al. Peroxiredoxins and their expression in ependymomas.
78 Haapio S et al. Ensisynnyttäjien synnytyspelot raskauden alkuvaiheessa.
79 Haataja P et al. Prevalence of ventricular conduction blocks in the resting electrocardiogram in a general population: the Health 2000 Survey.
80 Haddad BR et al. STAT5A/B gene locus undergoes amplification during human prostate cancer progression.
81 Hadjivassiliou M et al. Transglutaminase 6 antibodies in the diagnosis of gluten ataxia.
82 Hakala M et al. Good medium-term efficacy of tocilizumab in DMARD and anti-TNF-a therapy resistant reactive amyloidosis.
83 Hakala T et al. A core needle biopsy provides more malignancy-specific results than fine-needle aspiration biopsy in thyroid nodules suspicious for malignancy.
84 Hakkarainen E et al. Error detection and response adjustment in youth with mild spastic cerebral palsy: an event-related brain potential study.
85 Hakulinen C et al. Childhood family factors predict developmental trajectories of hostility and anger: a prospective study from childhood into middle adulthood.
86 Hakulinen C et al. Serotonin receptor 1B genotype and hostility, anger and aggressive behavior through the lifespan: the Young Finns study.
87 Hammerstad SS et al. Inflammation and increased myxovirus resistance protein A expression in thyroid tissue in the early stages of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
88 Hammerstad SS et al. Detection of enterovirus in the thyroid tissue of patients with graves' disease.
89 Hamon M et al. Consensus document on the radial approach in percutaneous cardiovascular interventions: position paper by the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions and Working Groups on Acute Cardiac Care** and Thrombosis of the European Soci .
90 Hannula-Jouppi K et al. Genetic susceptibility to non-necrotizing erysipelas/cellulitis.
91 Harju AK et al. Carbonic anhydrase III: a neglected isozyme is stepping into the limelight.
92 Hautamäki-Lamminen K et al. Identifying cancer patients with greater need for information about sexual issues.
93 Havulinna J et al. The suture loop holding capacity of flexor digitorum profundus tendon within and outside the digital tendon sheath.
94 Heervä E et al. Neurofibromatosis 1-related osteopenia often progresses to osteoporosis in 12 years.
95 Heikinheimo O et al. Onko raskaudenkeskeytyslain uudistaminen tarpeen.
96 Heikkilä HK et al. Involvement in bullying and suicidal ideation in middle adolescence: a 2-year follow-up study.
97 Heino J et al. Päivystyspsykiatrinen lääkehoito.
98 Heinonen I et al. Sedentary behaviours and obesity in adults: the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
99 Heinonen L et al. Transsukupuolisten henkilöiden elämäntyytyväisyys ennen sukupuolen korjausprosessia, sen aikana ja sen jälkeen.
100 Heinonen PK. Rectovesical ligament and fusion defect of the uterus with or without obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis.
101 Heinonen PK. Pregnancies in women with uterine malformation, treated obstruction of hemivagina and ipsilateral renal agenesis.
102 Heliövaara-Peippo S et al. Quality of life and costs of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system or hysterectomy in the treatment of menorrhagia: a 10-year randomized controlled trial.
103 Helve O et al. Lastentautien erikoislääkärikoulutuksen arviointi.
104 Hemming M et al. Major reduction of rotavirus, but not norovirus, gastroenteritis in children seen in hospital after the introduction of RotaTeq vaccine into the National Immunization Programme in Finland.
105 Hemming M, Vesikari T. Genetic diversity of G1P[8] rotavirus VP7 and VP8* antigens in Finland over a 20-year period: No evidence for selection pressure by universal mass vaccination with RotaTeq® vaccine.
106 Hietanen H et al. Ankle blood pressure and dementia: a prospective follow-up study.
107 Hillman J et al. Clinical significance of treatment delay in status epilepticus.
108 Himanen SL, Alakuijala A. "Onko minulla narkolepsia?" -päiväväsymysoireen tutkiminen.
109 Honkanen H et al. Human enterovirus 71 strains in the background population and in hospital patients in Finland.
110 Honkanen H et al. Human rhinoviruses including group C are common in stool samples of young Finnish children.
111 Hoppu S et al. Parenteraalinen ravitsemus vuodeosastolla.
112 Hoppu S, Ollikainen J. Isoäidin väsymys ja vaatepulmat.
113 Hoppu S et al. Elvytetyn potilaan ennusteen parantaminen.
114 Horikoshi M et al. New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism.
115 Hruby A et al. Higher Magnesium Intake Is Associated with Lower Fasting Glucose and Insulin, with No Evidence of Interaction with Select Genetic Loci, in a Meta-Analysis of 15 CHARGE Consortium Studies.
116 Huhti L et al. Characterization and immunogenicity of norovirus capsid-derived virus-like particles purified by anion exchange chromatography.
117 Huhtinen H, Rimpelä A. Nuorison energiajuomien käyttö ja kofeiiniin liittyvät oireet.
118 Huotari-Orava R. Salapoliisin työtä mikroskoopin ääressä - ihobiopsia johdatti kuppadiagnoosiin.
119 Huovinen E et al. Excess healthcare costs of a large waterborne outbreak in Finland.
120 Hurme M. Vanhusten immuniteetti.
121 Huttunen R. Mitä ongelmamikrobikantajuus merkitsee.
122 Huttunen R et al. Obesity and nosocomial infections.
123 Huttunen R, Syrjänen J. Obesity and the risk and outcome of infection.
124 Huttunen R, Syrjänen J. Resistentin bakteerin kantaja elää epätietoisuudessa.
125 Huttunen R et al. Resistentit bakteeri t- haaste sairaalan jokaisessa potilaskontaktissa.
126 Huttunen R et al. Current concepts in the diagnosis of blood stream infections. Are novel molecular methods useful in clinical practice?
127 Huttunen R et al. Resistentin bakteerin - haasteet saiaraalan jokaisessa potilaskontaktissa.
128 Huttunen TT et al. Surgical treatment of clavicular fractures in Finland - A register based study between 1987 and 2010.
129 Hytönen M et al. Sivuontelotulehdus.
130 Häkkinen M et al. Analysis of free, mono- and diacetylated polyamines from human urine by LC-MS/MS.
131 Hällfors J et al. Scrutiny of the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 smoking behavior locus reveals a novel association with alcohol use in a Finnish population based study.
132 Hämäläinen M et al. Dexamethasone-eluting Vascular Stents.
133 Hänninen MR et al. Target organ damage and masked hypertension in the general population: the Finn-Home study.
134 Ihlberg L et al. Early clinical outcome of aortic transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation in the Nordic countries.
135 Ijäs P et al. Haptoglobin 2 allele associates with unstable carotid plaque and major cardiovascular events.
136 Ikonen L et al. 2D and 3D self-assembling nanofiber hydrogels for cardiomyocyte culture.
137 Illi A et al. No support for a role for BDNF gene polymorphisms rs11030101 and rs61888800 in major depressive disorder or antidepressant response in patients of Finnish origin.
138 Ilmarinen P. Eosinophil as a target for pathophysiological factors and pharmacological compounds.
139 Ilmarinen T et al. Towards a defined, serum- and feeder-free culture of stratified human oral mucosal epithelium for ocular surface reconstruction.
140 Ilonen J et al. Patterns of ß-cell autoantibody appearance and genetic associations during the first years of life.
141 Inkilä J et al. Interprofessional collaboration in the detection of and early intervention in child maltreatment: employees' experiences.
142 International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium et al. Network-based multiple sclerosis pathway analysis with GWAS data from 15,000 cases and 30,000 controls.
143 Isomaa R et al. Capturing clinically significant eating pathology in adolescence.
144 Isomaa R et al. How low is low? Low self-esteem as an indicator of internalizing psychopathology in adolescence.
145 Jaatinen P et al. Effects of Lifelong Ethanol Consumption on Brain Monoamine Transmitters in Alcohol-Preferring Alko Alcohol (AA) Rats.
146 Jahnukainen K et al. Bone marrow remission status predicts leukemia contamination in ovarian biopsies collected for fertility preservation.
147 Jahnukainen T et al. Prednisone in the treatment of tubulointerstitial nephritis in children.
148 Jalkanen V et al. SuPAR and PAI-1 in critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients.
149 Jehkonen M et al. Neglect-oire aivoverenkierron häiriön jälkeen - potilaan neuropsykologinen kuntoutus.
150 Jokela M et al. Hartia-lantiodystrofioiden (LGMD) kasvava kirjo - uusia tautigeenejä löytyy myös Suomesta.
151 Jolly SS et al. Effect of Radial Versus Femoral Access on Radiation Dose and the Importance of Procedural Volume : A Substudy of the Multicenter Randomized RIVAL Trial.
152 Joronen K et al. Draamaohjelman vaikutus oppilaiden sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja kiusaamiskokemuksiin alakoulussa.
153 Josefsson K et al. Parental care-giving and home environment predicting offspring's temperament and character traits after 18 years.
154 Juhola J et al. Combined effects of child and adult elevated blood pressure on subclinical atherosclerosis: the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium.
155 Junttila E et al. Repolarization Abnormalities in Patients with Subarachnoid and Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Predisposing Factors and Association with Outcome.
156 Junttila I et al. Inflammasomi - tulehdusreaktion keskeinen säätelijä.
157 Junttila I et al. Inflammasomi-tulehdusreaktion keskeinen säätelijä.
158 Junttila IS et al. Efficient cytokine-induced IL-13 production by mast cells requires both IL-33 and IL-3.
159 Juonala M et al. Higher maternal body mass index is associated with an increased risk for later type 2 diabetes in offspring.
160 Jussila A et al. High and increasing prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in Finland with a clear North-South difference.
161 Jussila A et al. Malignancies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide register study in Finland.
162 Juuti-Uusitalo K et al. Aquaporin expression and function in human pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal pigmented epithelial cells.
163 Jylhä M et al. Trends of functioning and health in nonagenarins: The vitality 90+ study.
164 Jylhävä J. Cell-free DNA as a novel biomarker of aging. Characterization and genetic regulation.
165 Jylhävä J et al. Characterization of the role of distinct plasma cell-free DNA species in age-associated inflammation and frailty.
166 Jyrkkiö S et al. Hoitoja on annettu oikeudenmukaisesti.
167 Jämsen E et al. Comorbid diseases as predictors of survival of primary total hip and knee replacements: a nationwide register-based study of 96 754 operations on patients with primary osteoarthritis.
168 Jämsen E et al. Predictors of mortality following primary hip and knee replacement in the aged. A single-center analysis of 1,998 primary hip and knee replacements for primary osteoarthritis.
169 Jämsen E et al. The decline in joint replacement surgery in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with a concomitant increase in the intensity of anti-rheumatic therapy.
170 Jänis MT et al. Beyond LDL-C lowering: distinct molecular sphingolipids are good indicators of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) deficiency.
171 Järvelä LS et al. Endothelial function in long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: effects of a home-based exercise program.
172 Järvelä M et al. Inflammatory response to acute exposure to welding fumes during the working day.
173 Järventausta K et al. Effects of S-Ketamine as an Anesthetic Adjuvant to Propofol on Treatment Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy in Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Randomized Pilot Study .
174 Järvinen O et al. Quality of life 12 years after on-pump and off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting.
175 Jääskeläinen P et al. Two founder mutations in the alpha-tropomyosin and the cardiac myosin-binding protein C genes are common causes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the Finnish population.
176 Kaikkonen JE et al. Childhood serum fatty acid quality is associated with adult carotid artery intima media thickness in women but not in men.
177 Kaipio ML et al. Mismatch negativity abnormality in traumatic brain injury without macroscopic lesions on conventional MRI.
178 Kajander H et al. Immunoglobulin G4-positive ascending thoracic aortitis may be prone to dissection.
179 Kajander OA et al. Iatrogenic inverted takotsubo syndrome following intravenous adrenaline injections for an allergic reaction.
180 Kalliokoski S et al. Celiac Disease-Specific TG2-Targeted Autoantibodies Inhibit Angiogenesis Ex Vivo and In Vivo in Mice by Interfering with Endothelial Cell Dynamics.
181 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Sukupuoli-identiteetin häiriö lapsilla ja nuorilla.
182 Kaltiala-Heino R et al. Why do girls freak out? Exploring female rage among adolescents admitted to adolescent forensic psychiatric inpatient care.
183 Kamper-Jørgensen M et al. Cigarette smoking and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma and its subtypes: a pooled analysis from the International Lymphoma Epidemiology Consortium (InterLymph).
184 Kampman O, Leinonen E. Efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy: is it in the BDNF gene.
185 Kampman O et al. Temperamentti ja persoonallisuushäiriöt masennuksen muovaajina.
186 Kangas P et al. Metabolic syndrome may be associated with increased arterial stiffness even in the absence of hypertension: a study in 84 cases and 82 controls.
187 Kannus P. Lonkkamurtumat Suomessa vv.1970-2011.
188 Kapanen M et al. Estimation of adequate setup margins and threshold for position errors requiring immediate attention in head and neck cancer radiotherapy based on 2D image guidance.
189 Karjalainen A et al. Estimated intake levels for Finnish children of methylmercury from fish.
190 Karjalainen K et al. Mental disorders associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs: a register-based study.
191 Karppa H et al. Pneumococcemia in children - a retrospective study before universal pneumococcal vaccinations.
192 Karppelin M et al. Recurrent cellulitis with benzathine penicillin prophylaxis is associated with diabetes and psoriasis.
193 Kasperaviciute D et al. Epilepsy, hippocampal sclerosis and febrile seizures linked by common genetic variation around SCN1A.
194 Kaukinen K et al. Long-term consumption of oats in adult celiac disease patients.
195 Kaukinen K et al. Gluteeniherkkyys ilman keliakiaa - faktaa vai fiktiota.
196 Kaukinen K et al. Gluteenin välttäminen vai gluteeniton ruokavalio.
197 Kaukola T et al. Perinatal immunoproteins predict the risk of cerebral palsy in preterm children.
198 Kaukonen K-M et al. Age of red blood cells and outcome in acute kidney injury.
199 Kayentao K et al. Intermittent preventive therapy for malaria during pregnancy using 2 vs 3 or more doses of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and risk of low birth weight in Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis.
200 Kekki O-M et al. Sensitization to Malassezia in children with atopic dermatitis combined with food allergy.
201 Kellokumpu-Lehtinen P, Tammela T. Uusilla lääkkeillä parempaa hoitoa eturauhassyöpään.
202 Kellokumpu-Lehtinen P et al. Weekly paclitaxel--an effective treatment for advanced breast cancer.
203 Kellokumpu-Lehtinen P et al. Bi-weekly Paclitaxel and Capecitabine as a Second- or Third-line Treatment for Advanced Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study.
204 Kellokumpu-Lehtinen PL et al. 2-weekly versus 3-weekly docetaxel to treat castration-resistant advanced prostate cancer: a randomised, phase 3 trial.
205 Kero AE et al. Cardiovascular morbidity in long-term survivors of early-onset cancer: a population-based study.
206 Kervinen K et al. Clinical outcome after crush versus culotte stenting of coronary artery bifurcation lesions: the Nordic Stent Technique Study 36-month follow-up results.
207 Ketoja J et al. Risky drinking and its detection among medical students.
208 Ketola S et al. No evidence of long-term benefits of arthroscopicacromioplasty in the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome: Five-year results of a randomised controlled trial.
209 Khabarova Y. Adult-type hypolactasia in north-west russia.
210 Khan J et al. Serum lipid levels are associated with the severity of acute pancreatitis.
211 Khan J et al. Is alcoholic pancreatitis associated with enteroviral infection?
212 Khanna A et al. Chk1 targeting reactivates PP2A tumor suppressor activity in cancer cells.
213 Kholová I et al. The Lymphatics in Normal and Pathological Heart Valves.
214 Kiiski H et al. Healthy human CSF promotes glial differentiation of hESC-derived neural cells while retaining spontaneous activity in existing neuronal networks.
215 Kiljander T et al. Comparison of the effects of esomeprazole and fundoplication on airway responsiveness in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.
216 Kilpeläinen T et al. Prostate cancer mortality in the Finnish randomized screening trial.
217 King A et al. Glaucoma.
218 King A et al. Authors' reply to Georgalas and colleagues.
219 Kinnunen K et al. LDLR-/-ApoB100/100 mice with insulin-like growth factor II overexpression reveal a novel form of retinopathy with photoreceptor atrophy and altered morphology of the retina.
220 Kivelä AJ et al. Carbonic anhydrase IX in malignant pleural mesotheliomas: a potential target for anti-cancer therapy.
221 Kleber ME et al. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 3 Genomic Loci Significantly Associated With Serum Levels of Homoarginine: The AtheroRemo Consortium.
222 Koivisto J et al. Assessment of effective radiation dose of an extremity CBCT, MSCT and conventional X ray for knee area using MOSFET dosemeters.
223 Koivisto J et al. Characterization of MOSFET dosimeter angular dependence in three rotational axes measured free-in-air and in soft-tissue equivalent material.
224 Koivisto T et al. Päihdelääkärien asenteet potilaitaan kohtaan.
225 Koivunen M et al. Occupational Stress and Implementation of Information Technology Among Nurses Working on Acute Psychiatric Wards.
226 Koivusilta LK et al. From childhood socio-economic position to adult educational level - do health behaviours in adolescence matter? A longitudinal study.
227 Kojo K et al. Risk factors for skin cancer among Finnish airline cabin crew.
228 Kokkonen A et al. Incidence of rheumatoid arthritis-related ankle replacement and ankle arthrodesis.
229 Kolehmainen P et al. Human parechovirus and the risk of type 1 diabetes.
230 Kondrashova A et al. The 'Hygiene hypothesis' and the sharp gradient in the incidence of autoimmune and allergic diseases between Russian Karelia and Finland.
231 Koponen P et al. IL10 polymorphisms, rhinovirus-induced bronchiolitis, and childhood asthma.
232 Korhonen L et al. Enterovirus infections in early childhood and the risk of atopic disease--a nested case-control study.
233 Korhonen N et al. Fall-induced deaths among older adults: nationwide statistics in Finland between 1971 and 2009 and prediction for the future.
234 Korhonen N et al. Incidence of fall-related traumatic brain injuries among older Finnish adults between 1970 and 2011.
235 Korhonen N et al. Continuous decline in incidence of hip fracture: nationwide statistics from Finland between 1970 and 2010.
236 Korhonen P et al. Detection of concurrent atrial ischemia with continuous monitoring of dynamic PR-segment changes in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
237 Korhonen R et al. Attenuation of TNF production and experimentally induced inflammation by PDE4 inhibitor rolipram is mediated by MAPK phosphatase-1.
238 Korhonen T et al. The impact of lobular and ductal breast cancer histology on the metastatic behavior and long term survival of breast cancer patients.
239 Kork A-A et al. Terveyskioskikokeilut - jotain uutta, jotain vanhaa.
240 Korpi M et al. Lonkkamurtumapotilaiden arviointi geriatrian poliklinikalla.
241 Korppi M. Intravenous penicillin-still the first-line therapy for pediatric community-acquired pneumonia.
242 Korppi M. Responses to Bronchodilators at <24 months of age are not associated with later asthma.
243 Korppi M. Post-bronchiolitis asthma risk-hospitalized infants need more precise risk definition.
244 Korppi M. Whooping cough--still a challenge.
245 Korppi M et al. Universal pneumococcal vaccination of <2-year-olds decreased pneumococcal bacteremia and antibiotic resistance in <5-year-olds.
246 Korppi M et al. Limited impact of EU Paediatric Regulation on Finnish clinical trials highlights need for Nordic collaboration.
247 Koskela J et al. Association of resting heart rate with cardiovascular function: a cross-sectional study in 522 Finnish subjects.
248 Koski AM et al. The effectiveness of teriparatide in the clinical practice-attenuation of the bone mineral density outcome by increasing age and bisphosphonate pretreatment.
249 Koskinen E et al. Assessing the state of chronic spinal cord injury using diffusion tensor imaging.
250 Kosola J et al. Elevated concentration of oxidized LDL together with poor cardiorespiratory and abdominal muscle fitness predicts metabolic syndrome in young men.
251 Kosonen P et al. Intravascular ultrasound assessed incomplete stent apposition and stent fracture in stent thrombosis after bare metal versus drug-eluting stent treatment the Nordic Intravascular Ultrasound Study (NIVUS).
252 Kostensalo I et al. Effect of femoral head size on risk of revision for dislocation after total hip arthroplasty: a population-based analysis of 42,379 primary procedures from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register.
253 Kote-Jarai Z et al. Fine-mapping identifies multiple prostate cancer risk loci at 5p15, one of which associates with TERT expression.
254 Kotila SM et al. Clostridium difficile contamination of public tap water distribution system during a waterborne outbreak in Finland.
255 Kranse R et al. Excess all-cause mortality in the evaluation of a screening trial to account for selective participation.
256 Kresanov P et al. The associations of oxidized high-density lipoprotein lipids with risk factors for atherosclerosis: The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
257 Kujala UM et al. Long-term leisure-time physical activity and serum metabolome.
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260 Kuokkanen H et al. Reconstruction of the vulva with sensate gluteal fold flaps.
261 Kuparinen T et al. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-dependent and -independent changes in the aging of the human immune system: a transcriptomic analysis.
262 Kuusisto KM et al. Copy number variation analysis in familial BRCA1/2-negative Finnish breast and ovarian cancer.
263 Kyllönen L. Effects of biochemical and mechanical signals on osteogenic differentiation of adipose stem cells in vitro.
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265 Kähärä K et al. Reactions to acute psychotic symptoms in a rural community.
266 Kämppä N et al. Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, soluble Fas and hepatocyte growth factor as predictors of mortality in nonagenarians: the Vitality 90+ study.
267 Kärkkäinen S. SH2 and SH3 domain interactions and characterization of a novel SH3-protein POSH2.
268 Kääriäinen M, Kuokkanen H. Primary closure of the abdominal wall after "open abdomen" situation.
269 Kääriäinen T et al. Lumbar paraspinal and biceps brachii muscle function and movement perception in lumbar spinal stenosis.
270 Köttgen A et al. Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations.
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274 Laine A et al. Senescence sensitivity of breast cancer cells is defined by positive feedback loop between CIP2A and E2F1.
275 Laine AP et al. Transmission disequilibrium analysis of 31 type 1 diabetes susceptibility loci in Finnish families.
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281 Laitinen V et al. HOXB13 G84E mutation in Finland: population-based analysis of prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer risk.
282 Lameris AL et al. Expression profiling of claudins in the human gastrointestinal tract in health and during inflammatory bowel disease.
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284 Lappalainen S et al. Comparative immunogenicity in mice of rotavirus VP6 tubular structures and virus-like particles.
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288 Laurila EM, Kallioniemi A. The diverse role of miR-31 in regulating cancer associated phenotypes.
289 Laurila PP et al. Genomic, transcriptomic, and lipidomic profiling highlights the role of inflammation in individuals with low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
290 Laurila R et al. The expression patterns of gremlin 1 and noggin in normal adult and tumor tissues.
291 Lee HS et al. Next-generation sequencing for viruses in children with rapid-onset type 1 diabetes.
292 Lehmusvaara S et al. Goserelin and bicalutamide treatments alter the expression of microRNAs in the prostate.
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295 Lehto P et al. The everyday life of adult family members of working aged survivors of stroke during the first year after the stroke - an integrative review.
296 Lehtonen J-M et al. Increasing operating room productivity by duration categories and a newsvendor model.
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299 Leinonen KA et al. Loss of PTEN Is Associated with Aggressive Behavior in ERG-Positive Prostate Cancer.
300 Leirisalo-Repo M et al. Infliximab for 6 months added on combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis: 2-year results from an investigator-initiated, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (the NEO-RACo Study).
301 Lempainen J et al. Associations of polymorphisms in non-HLA loci with autoantibodies at the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes: INS and IKZF4 associate with insulin autoantibodies.
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303 Leppänen T et al. Down-Regulation of Protein Kinase C? Inhibits Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression through IRF1.
304 Leskelä R et al. Association between allergic rhinitis and lung function in school children with asthma.
305 Levin MJ et al. Varicella-zoster virus-specific antibody responses in 50-59-year-old recipients of zoster vaccine.
306 Liimatainen S et al. High concentration of immunoglobulin A is associated with temporal lobe epilepsy.
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308 Liimatainen SP et al. The concentration of cell-free DNA in focal epilepsy.
309 Lindberg N et al. Kun nuori uhkaa koulusurmalla.
310 Lindfors PL et al. Occurrence of violence among 12-18-year-old adolescents in 1999 and 2009 in Finland.
311 Linko R et al. Plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and adverse outcome in critically ill patients with ventilatory support.
312 Linnakoski I et al. Comparison of above-the-knee prosthetic femoro-popliteal bypass versus percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting for treatment of occlusive superficial femoral artery disease.
313 Lisko I et al. Are body mass index, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio associated with leptin in 90-year-old people?
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315 Lohi O et al. Lasten akuutin lymfoblastileukemian hoito tulevaisuudessa.
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318 Loi S et al. Somatic mutation profiling and associations with prognosis and trastuzumab benefit in early breast cancer.
319 Losoi H et al. Psychometric properties of the Finnish version of the Resilience Scale and its short version.
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321 Luntamo M et al. The effect of antenatal monthly sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, alone or with azithromycin, on foetal and neonatal growth faltering in Malawi: a randomised controlled trial.
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326 Lähdeaho ML et al. Peptide hormones in infants with feeding disorders.
327 Maeng M et al. Long-Term Results After Simple Versus Complex Stenting of Coronary Artery Bifurcation Lesions : Nordic Bifurcation Study 5-Year Follow-Up Results.
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330 Margvelashvili A et al. Tooth wear and dentoalveolar remodeling are key factors of morphological variation in the Dmanisi mandibles.
331 Markus HS et al. Evidence HDAC9 genetic variant associated with ischemic stroke increases risk via promoting carotid atherosclerosis.
332 Marttila S et al. Transcriptional analysis reveals gender-specific changes in the aging of the human immune system.
333 Mattila E et al. Burden of Illness and Use of Health Care Services Before and After Celiac Disease Diagnosis in Children.
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336 Meigal AY et al. Non-Linear EMG Parameters for Differential and Early Diagnostics of Parkinson's Disease.
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338 Melén K et al. No Serological Evidence of Influenza A H1N1pdm09 Virus Infection as a Contributing Factor in Childhood Narcolepsy after Pandemrix Vaccination Campaign in Finland.
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340 Metsälä J et al. Mother´s and offspring´s use of antibiotics and infant allergy to cow´s milk.
341 Metsälä J et al. Mother's and offspring's use of antibiotics and infant allergy to cow's milk.
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343 Mokka J et al. Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty with Large Diameter Metal-on-Metal Heads: Short-Term Survivorship of 8059 Hips from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register.
344 Molander P et al. Achievement of deep remission during scheduled maintenance therapy with TNFa-blocking agents in IBD.
345 Morón B et al. CYP3A4-catalyzed simvastatin metabolism as a non-invasive marker of small intestinal health in celiac disease.
346 Murtola TJ et al. High-grade prostate cancer and biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy among men using 5a-reductase inhibitors and alpha-blockers.
347 Mustanoja S et al. Akuutin aivovaltimotukoksen endovaskulaarinen hoito.
348 Mustila T et al. Pragmatic controlled trial to prevent childhood obesity in maternity and child health care clinics: pregnancy and infant weight outcomes (the VACOPP Study).
349 Mustonen J et al. The pathogenesis of nephropathia epidemica: New knowledge and unanswered questions.
350 Myller JP et al. Satisfaction with maxillary sinus surgery might be influenced by risk factors.
351 Myllymäki H. Negative regulation of drosophila immune response.
352 Myllymäki H, Rämet M. Transcription factor zfh1 downregulates Drosophila Imd pathway.
353 Mäenpää T et al. Family-school nurse partnership in primary school health care.
354 Mäkelä K et al. Impact of EPR systems on information flow in finnish health centers.
355 Mäkelä KM et al. Genome-wide association study pinpoints a new functional apolipoprotein B variant influencing oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels but not cardiovascular events: AtheroRemo Consortium.
356 Mäkelä S et al. Munuaissiirto elävältä luovuttajalta: luovuttaja ja vastaanottajan kriteerit .
357 Mäki K et al. Hoitajan toivo - näkökulmia johtamiseen.
358 Mäkinen H et al. Do the 2010 ACR/EULAR or ACR 1987 classification criteria predict erosive disease in early arthritis?
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361 Mäkinen M et al. Fluorescent probes as a tool for cell population tracking in spontaneously active neural networks derived from human pluripotent stem cells.
362 Mäntymaa M et al. Miksi pienokaiseni ei syö?
363 Määttä K et al. Contribution of SLC7A1 genetic variant to hypertension, the TAMRISK study.
364 Määttä KM et al. A functional variant in the serine-threonine kinase coding gene is associated with hypertension: a case-control study in a Finnish population, the Tampere adult population cardiovascular risk study.
365 Määttänen I et al. Testosterone and temperament traits in men: Longitudinal analysis.
366 Nadalutti CA. The effects of transglutaminase 2 modulation on endothelial cell biology. focus on celiac disease pathogenesis.
367 Nadalutti CA et al. Thioredoxin is involved in endothelial cell extracellular transglutaminase 2 activation mediated by celiac disease patient IgA.
368 Nathwani BN et al. Intranodular clusters of activated cells with T follicular helper phenotype in nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: a pilot study of 32 cases from Finland.
369 Nettleton JA et al. Meta-analysis investigating associations between healthy diet and fasting glucose and insulin levels and modification by loci associated with glucose homeostasis in data from 15 cohort.
370 Niela-Vilén H et al. Early physical contact between a mother and her NICU-infant in two university hospitals in Finland.
371 Niemi P et al. Hiv-positiivisten huumeiden käyttäjien kuolleisuus.
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373 Nieminen J et al. Orthopaedic reconstruction of complex pelvic bone defects. Evaluation of various treatment methods.
374 Nikkola I et al. Mother's experience of the support from a bereavement follow-up intervention after the death of a child.
375 Nikkola J et al. Abstinence after First Acute Alcohol-Associated Pancreatitis Protects Against Recurrent Pancreatitis and Minimizes the Risk of Pancreatic Dysfunction .
376 Nisula S et al. Incidence, risk factors and 90-day mortality of patients with acute kidney injury in Finnish intensive care units: the FINNAKI study.
377 Nordfors K et al. Carbonic Anhydrase IX in Adult and Pediatric Brain Tumors.
378 Nordfors K et al. Expression of claudins relates to tumour aggressivity, location and recurrence in ependymomas.
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380 Nuolivirta K et al. Toll-like receptor-2 subfamily genotypes are not associated with severity of bronchiolitis or post-bronchiolitis wheezing in infants.
381 Nuorti P, Korppi M. Lasten pneumokokkirokotukset - menestystarina alkanut myös Suomessa.
382 Nurminen R et al. Fine mapping of 11q13.5 identifies regions associated with prostate cancer and prostate cancer death.
383 Nwaru B et al. Introduction of complementary foods in infancy and atopic sensitization at the age of 5 years: timing and food diversity in a Finnish birth cohort.
384 Nwaru BI et al. Timing of infant feeding in relation to childhood asthma and allergic diseases.
385 Nynäs P et al. Hengitysteiden reaktiiviset toimintahäiriöt RADS ja RUDS äkillisen työperäisen kemikaalialtistuksen seurauksena.
386 Oikonen M et al. Ideal cardiovascular health in young adult populations from the United States, Finland, and Australia and its association with cIMT: the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium.
387 Oksa S. Toremifene in premenstrual mastagia.
388 Oksala N et al. Association of Neuroimmune Guidance Cue Netrin-1 and Its Chemorepulsive Receptor UNC5B With Atherosclerotic Plaque Expression Signatures and Stability in Human(s): Tampere Vascular Study (TVS).
389 Oksala N et al. Complementary prediction of cardiovascular events by estimated apo- and lipoprotein concentrations in the working age population. The Health 2000 Study.
390 Oksanen KE et al. An adult zebrafish model for preclinical tuberculosis vaccine development.
391 Oksi J et al. Cat scratch disease caused by Bartonella grahamii in an immunocompromised patient.
392 Oresic M et al. Cord serum lipidome in prediction of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes.
393 Outinen TK et al. Plasma levels of soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor associate with the clinical severity of acute Puumala hantavirus infection.
394 Paajanen H et al. A prospective randomized controlled multicenter trial comparing antibiotic therapy with appendectomy in the treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis (APPAC trial).
395 Paane-Tiainen T. Miksi it-ohjelmien mukautumien terveydenhuollon arkeen kangertelee?
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397 Paarlahti P et al. Predictors of persistent symptoms and reduced quality of life in treated coeliac disease patients: a large cross-sectional study.
398 Paassilta M et al. Evaluation of asthma risk index application in treating early childhood.
399 Paassilta M et al. Milk oral immunotherapy-effective but still experimental.
400 Paci M et al. Computational Models of Ventricular- and Atrial-Like Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes.
401 Pakarinen MP et al. Long-term controlled outcomes after autologous intestinal reconstruction surgery in treatment of severe short bowel syndrome.
402 Pakarinen MP et al. Surgical treatment and outcomes of severe pediatric intestinal motility disorders requiring parenteral nutrition.
403 Pakarinen TK et al. Effect of immobilization, off-loading and zoledronic acid on bone mineral density in patients with acute Charcot neuroarthropathy: a prospective randomized trial.
404 Pallasmaa N et al. Variation in cesarean section rates is not related to maternal and neonatal outcomes.
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409 Pan P et al. Cloning, characterization, and sulfonamide and thiol inhibition studies of an a-carbonic anhydrase from Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease.
410 Pan P et al. Anion inhibition studies of the a-carbonic anhydrase from the protozoan pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease.
411 Parker BC et al. The tumorigenic FGFR3-TACC3 gene fusion escapes miR-99a regulation in glioblastoma.
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414 Parkkola A et al. Extended family history of autoimmune diseases and phenotype and genotype of children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
415 Parkkola A et al. Extended family history of type 1 diabetes and phenotype and genotype of newly diagnosed children.
416 Parsa A et al. Common variants in mendelian kidney disease genes and their association with renal function.
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419 Patcas R et al. Illusions of fusions: assessing cervical vertebral fusion on lateral cephalograms, multidetector computed tomographs, and cone-beam computed tomographs.
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422 Patil R et al. Sarcopenia prevalence: reply to comment by Perez-Zepeda et al.
423 Patil R et al. Sarcopenia and osteopenia among 70-80-year-old home-dwelling Finnish women: prevalence and association with functional performance.
424 Paukkeri EL et al. Anti-inflammatory properties of a dual PPARgamma/alpha agonist muraglitazar in in vitro and in vivo models.
425 Pauniaho SL et al. High prevalence of sacrococcygeal teratoma in Finland - a nationwide population-based study.
426 Pekkanen L et al. Decreased disability is associated with improved perceived quality of life following spinal fusion.
427 Pekkanen L et al. Disability and health-related quality of life in patients undergoing spinal fusion: a comparison with a general population sample.
428 Pekkarinen PT et al. Impaired intestinal tolerance in the absence of a functional complement system.
429 Pelto J et al. Novel polypyrrole-coated polylactide scaffolds enhance adipose stem cell proliferation and early osteogenic differentiation.
430 Peltoniemi HH et al. Stem cell enrichment does not warrant a higher graft survival in lipofilling of the breast: a prospective comparative study.
431 Pennanen P. Hormonal regulation of endocrine-resistant breast cancer.
432 Penttilä S et al. ANO5-Related Muscle Diseases.
433 Peräsaari J et al. HLA associations with tubulointerstitial nephritis with or without uveitis in Finnish pediatric population: a nation-wide study.
434 Pessi T et al. Bacterial signatures in thrombus aspirates of patients with myocardial infarction.
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436 Pienimäki JP et al. Mekaaninen trombektomia akuutin aivoverenkierron häiriön hoidossa.
437 Pietilä J et al. Laser in situ keratomileusis enhancements with the Ziemer FEMTO LDV femtosecond laser following previous LASIK treatments.
438 Piha J et al. Lapsen seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön epäilyn tutkiminen.
439 Pitkänen AM et al. Is There an Association between Temperament and Apolipoprotein E? A Replication of a 1993 Young Finns Study.
440 Pohjola V et al. Alcohol use disorder, smoking and dental fear among adults in Finland.
441 Pollheimer P et al. Reversible biofunctionalization of surfaces with a switchable mutant of avidin.
442 Popp A et al. Fingertip rapid point-of-care test in adult case-finding in coeliac disease.
443 Popp A et al. Prospective antibody case finding of coeliac disease in type-1 diabetes children: need of biopsy revisited.
444 Poukkanen M et al. Acute kidney injury in patients with severe sepsis in Finnish Intensive Care Units.
445 Poukkanen M et al. Hemodynamic variables and progression of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with severe sepsis: data from the prospective observational FINNAKI study.
446 Pradhapan P et al. Cardiomyocyte MEA Data Analysis (CardioMDA) - A Novel Field Potential Data Analysis Software for Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes.
447 Pulakka A et al. Feasibility and validity of the ActiGraph GT3X accelerometer in measuring physical activity of Malawian toddlers.
448 Puolakka K et al. Mental health promotion in a school community by using the results from the Well-being Profile: an action research project.
449 Puolakka T et al. Epätavallinen erysipelas.
450 Puupponen-Pimiä R et al. Effects of ellagitannin-rich berries on blood lipids, gut microbiota, and urolithin production in human subjects with symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
451 Puura K et al. Associations between maternal interaction behavior, maternal perception of infant temperament, and infant social withdrawal.
452 Pynnönen L et al. Validation of Intraluminal and Intraperitoneal microdialysis in ischemic small intestine.
453 Pyysalo L et al. Long-term excess mortality of patients with treated and untreated unruptured intracranial aneurysms.
454 Pyysalo MJ et al. The connection between ruptured cerebral aneurysms and odontogenic bacteria.
455 Pöyhönen A et al. Empirical evaluation of grouping of lower urinary tract symptoms: principal component analysis of Tampere Ageing Male Urological Study data.
456 Pöyhönen L et al. Variant MBL2 genotypes producing low mannose-binding lectin may increase risk of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin osteitis in vaccinated newborns.
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461 Raisamo S et al. Does self-rated addiction and the heaviness of smoking index predict notice replacement therapy product use in adolescent smokers?
462 Raiskila T et al. The Impact of an Early Eclectic Rehabilitative Intervention on Symptoms in First Episode Depression among Employed People.
463 Raiskila T et al. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is common among occupational health care clients with depression.
464 Raitakari OT et al. Computationally estimated apolipoproteins B and A1 in predicting cardiovascular risk.
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466 Raitoharju E et al. A comparison of the accuracy of Illumina HumanHT-12 v3 Expression BeadChip and TaqMan qRT-PCR gene expression results in patient samples from the Tampere Vascular Study.
467 Rajala N et al. Replication factors transiently associate with mtDNA at the mitochondrial inner membrane to facilitate replication.
468 Randall JC et al. Sex-stratified genome-wide association studies including 270,000 individuals show sexual dimorphism in genetic loci for anthropometric traits.
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472 Rantalaiho V et al. Changing sulphasalazine to methotrexate does not improve the 2-year outcomes of the initial single DMARD treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis: subanalysis of the FIN-RACo trial .
473 Rantalaiho V, Sihvonen S. Nivelreuman lääkehoidot ovat kehittyneet, paraneeko pitkäaikaisennuste.
474 Rantalainen T et al. Differential effects of exercise on tibial shaft marrow density in young female athletes.
475 Rantanen T et al. CIP2A expression and prognostic role in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma.
476 Rantanen T et al. Reflux symptoms and side effects among patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease at baseline, during treatment with PPIs, and after Nissen fundoplication.
477 Ratasvuori M et al. Insight opinion to surgically treated metastatic bone disease: Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Skeletal Metastasis Registry report of 1195 operated skeletal metastasis.
478 Rauhala HE et al. Silencing of the ARP2/3 complex disturbs pancreatic cancer cell migration.
479 Rauhavirta T et al. Are transglutaminase 2 inhibitors able to reduce gliadin-induced toxicity related to celiac disease? A proof-of-concept study.
480 Rauhio A et al. Association of the FTO and ADRB2 genes with body composition and fat distribution in obese women.
481 Rautio N et al. Predictors of Success of a Lifestyle Intervention in Relation to Weight Loss and Improvement in Glucose Tolerance Among Individuals at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: The FIN-D2D Project .
482 Rautio N et al. Financial satisfaction and its relationship to depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults: Results from the FIN-D2D survey.
483 Reito A et al. Results of metal-on-metal hip resurfacing in patients 40 years old and younger.
484 Reito A et al. High prevalence of adverse reactions to metal debris in small-headed ASR™ hips.
485 Renko J et al. Bacterial DNA signatures in carotid atherosclerosis represent both commensals and pathogens of skin origin.
486 Revencu N et al. Germline Mutations in RASA1 Are Not Found in Patients with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome or Capillary Malformation with Limb Overgrowth.
487 Richardson K et al. Gain-of-function lipoprotein lipase variant rs13702 modulates lipid traits through disruption of a microRNA-410 seed site.
488 Rieckmann P et al. Future MS care: a consensus statement of the MS in the 21st Century Steering Group.
489 Rietveld CA et al. GWAS of 126,559 individuals identifies genetic variants associated with educational attainment.
490 Riihimäki O et al. Increased prevalence of major congenital anomalies in births with placental abruption.
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492 Rintala T-M et al. Everyday life of a family with diabetes as described by adults with type 1 diabetes.
493 Rintala TM et al. Interrelation between adult persons with diabetes and their family: a systematic review of the literature.
494 Roihuvuo-Leskinen H et al. The association of adult kidney size with childhood vesicoureteral reflux.
495 Roppainen T et al. Reumapotilaita hoitavan hoitohenkilökunnan työn hallinta sekä työn hallintaa estävät ja edistävät tekijät.
496 Rosenström T et al. Body-image dissatisfaction is strongly associated with chronic dysphoria.
497 Rosenström T et al. Longitudinal course of depressive symptoms in adulthood: linear stochastic differential equation modeling.
498 Rossi M et al. Lesion contrast differences in MRI sequences in multiple sclerosis: Correlation to clinical disability.
499 Rossi M et al. Clinical MRI for iron detection in Parkinson's disease.
500 Rosti-Otajärvi E, Hämäläinen P. Behavioural symptoms and impairments in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
501 Rosti-Otajärvi E et al. Patient-related factors may affect the outcome of neuropsychological rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis.
502 Rosti-Otajärvi E et al. Neuropsychological rehabilitation has beneficial effects on perceived cognitive deficits in multiple sclerosis during nine-month follow-up.
503 Ruonala V et al. EMG signal morphology in essential tremor and Parkinson's disease.
504 Ruotsalainen M et al. Adolescent asthma after rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis.
505 Ruotsalainen M et al. No association between overweight and asthma or allergy in adolescence after wheezing in infancy.
506 Russo JJ et al. An international survey of clinical practice during primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-elevation myocardial infarction with a focus on aspiration thrombectomy.
507 Ruuskanen A et al. Gliadin antibodies in older population and neurological and psychiatric disorders.
508 Ruuskanen O et al. Specific antibody deficiency in children with recurrent respiratory infections: a controlled study with follow-up.
509 Räty S et al. Cyst fluid SPINK1 may help to differentiate benign and potentially malignant cystic pancreatic lesions.
510 Saarela V et al. Variability of Heidelberg Retina Tomograph parameters during exercise.
511 Saarela V et al. The Northern Finland Birth Cohort Eye Study: Design and baseline characteristics.
512 Saarela V et al. Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome in children: a prospective multicenter study.
513 Saarelainen S. Preoperative assessment of endometrial carcinoma.
514 Saarelainen SK et al. Predictive value of serum human epididymis protein 4 and cancer antigen 125 concentrations in endometrial carcinoma.
515 Saarelainen SK et al. Predictive value of serum human epididymis protein 4 and cancer antigen 125 concentrations in endometrial carcinoma.
516 Saariaho AS et al. Alexithymia and depression in a chronic pain patient sample.
517 Saarinen J. Laskimoperäinen turvotus.
518 Sainio M et al. Real-time audiovisual feedback system in a physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service in Finland: the quality results and barriers to implementation.
519 Sainio M et al. Association of arterial blood pressure and CPR quality in a child using three different compression techniques. A case report.
520 Sainio M et al. Deeper chest compression - More complications for cardiac arrest patients.
521 Salin S et al. Nurses' perceptions of their relationships with informal carers in institutional respite care for older people.
522 Salmi M et al. Accuracy of medical models made by additive manufacturing (rapid manufacturing).
523 Salminen AV et al. Disconnection between Periodic Leg Movements and Cortical Arousals in Spinal Cord Injury.
524 Salminen-Tuomaala M et al. Spouses' coping alongside myocardial infarction patients.
525 Salmivesi S et al. Milk oral immunotherapy is effective in school-aged children.
526 Salonen AJ et al. Advanced prostate cancer treated with intermittent or continuous androgen deprivation in the randomised FinnProstate Study VII: quality of life and adverse effects.
527 Salonen AJ et al. Reply from Autors re: Nicolas Mottet: Intermittent Androgen-deprivation in Prostate Cancer.
528 Salonen J et al. Proteomic Changes during B Cell Maturation: 2D-DIGE Approach.
529 Salonen KM et al. Autoantibodies against zinc transporter 8 are related to age, metabolic state and HLA DR genotype in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes.
530 Salonen P et al. Effect of social support on changes in quality of life in early breast cancer patients: a longitudinal study.
531 Salunen R et al. Perusterveydenhuollon ja erikoissairaanhoidon välinen yhteistyö.
532 Sandell SM et al. 'Pathognomonic' muscle imaging findings in DNAJB6 mutated LGMD1D.
533 Savolainen S et al. Vanhempien selviytymisessä auttavat tekijät lapsen kuoleman jälkeen.
534 Scheinin H, Långsjö J. Why does bispectral index monitoring not perform better?
535 Schlitt A et al. The Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Stent Implantation: In-Hospital-Data from the Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Coronary Artery Stenting Study .
536 Schröder F et al. Reply from Authors re: Behfar Ehdaie, Karim A Touijer. 5-Alpha reductase inhibitors in prostate cancer.
537 Schröder F et al. Dutasteride treatment over 2 years delays prostate-specific antigen progression in patients with biochemical failure after radical therapy for prostate cancer: results from the randomised, placebo-controlled Avodart After ...
538 Sciarra A et al. Intermittent androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer: a critical review focused on phase 3 trials.
539 Seppä V-P et al. Novel electrode configuration for highly linear impedance pneumography.
540 Seppälä J et al. Association between vitamin b12 levels and melancholic depressive symptoms: a Finnish population-based study.
541 Serlo JA et al. Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors in Finland during 1990-2009: a population-based study.
542 Shalaby A. The effect of adenosine or diazoxide on apoptosis, aquaporin-7 and glycocalyx integrity during myocardial protection in coronary bypass surgery.
543 Sibolt G et al. Post-stroke depression and depression-executive dysfunction syndrome are associated with recurrence of ischaemic stroke.
544 Sibolt G et al. Poststroke dementia is associated with recurrent ischaemic stroke.
545 Silbernagel G et al. High intestinal cholesterol absorption is associated with cardiovascular disease and risk alleles in ABCG8 and ABO: evidence from the LURIC and YFS cohorts and from a meta-analysis.
546 Siljander HT et al. Insulin secretion and sensitivity in the prediction of type 1 diabetes in children with advanced ß-cell autoimmunity.
547 Sillanpää N. Role of perfusion imaging in acute stroke.
548 Sillanpää N et al. Location of the clot and outcome of perfusion defects in acute anterior circulation stroke treated with intravenous thrombolysis.
549 Siltanen S. Contribution of the ARLTS1 gene to prostate cancer susceptibility.
550 Siltanen S et al. ARLTS1 and prostate cancer risk--analysis of expression and regulation.
551 Silvennoinen R et al. Assessment of molecular remission rate after bortezomib plus dexamethasone induction treatment and autologous stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients.
552 Simpson C et al. Genetic heterogeneity in Finnish hereditary prostate cancer using ordered subset analysis.
553 Sintonen H et al. Nicaraguan migration and the prevalence of adolescent childbearing in Costa Rica.
554 Sipilä K et al. Association of depressiveness with chronic facial pain: a longitudinal study.
555 Siukola A. Sickness absence and working conditions in the food industry.
556 Skilton MR et al. Fetal growth, omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids, and progression of subclinical atherosclerosis: preventing fetal origins of disease? The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.
557 Smith CE et al. Lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 variants and dietary fatty acids: meta-analysis of European origin and African American studies.
558 Smith P et al. Psychosocial correlates of atrial natriuretic peptide: a marker of vascular health.
559 Soininen P et al. Does experienced seclusion or restraint affect psychiatric patients' subjective quality of life at discharge?
560 Solakivi T et al. Delta-6-desaturase gene polymorphism is associated with lipoprotein oxidation in vitro.
561 Sorsa MA, Åstedt-Kurki P. Lived experiences in help-seeking from the perspective of a mother with a dual diagnosis.
562 Spatola B et al. Antibody repertoire profiling using bacterial display identifies reactivity signatures of celiac disease.
563 Staff S et al. Preservation of nucleic acids and tissue morphology in paraffin-embedded clinical samples: comparison of five molecular fixatives.
564 Staudt CB et al. Upper airway changes in Pierre Robin sequence from childhood to adulthood.
565 Stephens SH et al. Distinct loci in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster are associated with onset of regular smoking.
566 Stoll G et al. Deletion of TOP3ß, a component of FMRP-containing mRNPs, contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders.
567 Strauss L et al. Seminal vesicles and urinary bladder as sites of aromatization of androgens in men, evidenced by a CYP19A1-driven luciferase reporter mouse and human tissue specimens.
568 Strbian D et al. Relationship between onset-to-door time and door-to-thrombolysis time: a pooled analysis of 10 dedicated stroke centers.
569 Strbian D et al. Ultra-early intravenous stroke thrombolysis: do all patients benefit similarly?
570 Strbian D et al. Validation of the DRAGON score in 12 stroke centers in anterior and posterior circulation.
571 Sunela K. Long-term survival in renal cell cancer patients. Symptoms, diagnostics and prognostic factors.
572 Sunela K et al. Influence of Body Mass Index and Smoking on the Long-Term Survival of Patients With Renal Cell Cancer.
573 Suni JH et al. Neuromuscular Exercise and Counseling Decrease Absenteeism Due to Low Back Pain in Young Conscripts: A Randomized, Population-Based Primary Prevention Study.
574 Suomalainen P et al. Double-bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction: a review of literature.
575 Suomalainen P et al. Comparison of tunnel placements and clinical results of single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction before and after starting the use of double-bundle technique.
576 Suominen T et al. Udd Distal Myopathy.
577 Suominen V et al. Fenestrated and chimney endografts for juxtarenal aneurysms: early and midterm results.
578 Suoranta S et al. 3D texture analysis reveals imperceptible MRI textural alterations in the thalamus and putamen in progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 1, EPM1.
579 Sutinen J et al. HIV -lääkitys on mullistanut käsitykset tartuttavuudesta .
580 Syrjänen J et al. Keski-ikäisen naisen kuume, ihottuma ja korvien veribullat.
581 Syrjänen L et al. Characterization, bioinformatic analysis and dithiocarbamate inhibition studies of two new a-carbonic anhydrases, CAH1 and CAH2, from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
582 Syrjänen L et al. Cloning, characterization, and inhibition studies of a ß-carbonic anhydrase from Leishmania donovani chagasi, the protozoan parasite responsible for leishmaniasis.
583 Taavela J et al. Validation of morphometric analyses of small-intestinal biopsy readouts in celiac disease.
584 Taavela J et al. Degree of damage to the small bowel and serum antibody titers correlate with clinical presentation of patients with celiac disease.
585 Talaslahti T et al. Change in antipsychotic usage pattern and risk of relapse in older patients with schizophrenia.
586 Tammela O. Applications of consensus methods in the improvement of care of paediatric patients: a step forward from a 'good guess'.
587 Tammela TLJ. Editorial comment: Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia.
588 Tammentie T et al. Public health nurses in Finland help to prevent postnatal depression.
589 Tamminen K et al. Pre-existing immunity to norovirus GII-4 virus-like particles does not impair de novo immune responses to norovirus GII-12 genotype.
590 Tamminen K et al. Trivalent combination vaccine induces broad heterologous immune responses to norovirus and rotavirus in mice.
591 Tanaka T et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of observational studies shows common genetic variants associated with macronutrient intake.
592 Taranukhin A. Janus-faced taurine. Neuroprotection and toxicity.
593 Tarnanen S et al. The early changes in trunk muscle strength and disability following lumbar spine fusion.
594 Taskinen B et al. Zebavidin - an avidin-like protein from zebrafish.
595 Taverniti V et al. S-layer protein mediates the stimulatory effect of Lactobacillus helveticus MIMLh5 on innate immunity.
596 Teittinen KJ et al. Expression of small nucleolar RNAs in leukemic cells.
597 Tenhunen M et al. Emfit movement sensor in evaluating nocturnal breathing.
598 Terkelsen CJ et al. 2012 ESC STEMI guidelines and reperfusion therapy: Evidence base ignored, threatening optimal patient management.
599 Thönen A et al. Occurrence of cervical invasive root resorption in first and second molar teeth of orthodontic patients eight years after bracket removal.
600 Tiainen K et al. Predictors of mortality in men and women aged 90 and older: a nine-year follow-up study in the Vitality 90+ study.
601 Tikkakoski AJ et al. Hemodynamic alterations in hypertensive patients at rest and during passive head-up tilt.
602 Tikkanen M et al. Decreasing perinatal mortality in placental abruption.
603 Tikkanen MJ et al. Dyslipidemiat.
604 Tinkanen H, Pellas E. Keliakia ja lisääntymisterveys.
605 Tirkkonen J, Hoppu S. Elvytys vuodeosastolla - yllättävä hätätilanne vai ennakoitavissa oleva tapahtuma.
606 Tirkkonen J et al. Vital dysfunctions after intensive care discharge: prevalence and impact on patient outcome.
607 Tirkkonen J et al. Factors associated with delayed activation of medical emergency team and excess mortality: An Utstein-style analysis.
608 Tirkkonen L et al. Osteogenic medium is superior to growth factors in differentiation of human adipose stem cells towards bone-forming cells in 3D culture.
609 Toft N et al. Risk group assignment differs for children and adults 1-45 yr with acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated by the NOPHO ALL-2008 protocol.
610 Toivonen S et al. Comparative analysis of targeted differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells reveals variability associated with incomplete transgene silencing in retrovirally derived hiPSC lines.
611 Tolvanen ME et al. Analysis of evolution of carbonic anhydrases IV and XV reveals a rich history of gene duplications and a new group of isozymes.
612 Tossavainen H et al. Resonance assignments of the 56 kDa chimeric avidin in the biotin-bound and free forms.
613 Tuohimaa P, Järvilehto M. A Unified Hypothesis for the Pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Atherosclerosis: The Role of Microvascular Flow Insufficiency and Functional Hypoxia.
614 Tuomisto S et al. Evaluation of postmortem bacterial migration using culturing and real-time quantitative PCR.
615 Turpeinen H et al. Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 7 (PCSK7) Is Essential for the Zebrafish Development and Bioavailability of Transforming Growth Factor ß1a (TGFß1a).
616 Turpeinen H et al. Genetics of the first seven proprotein convertase enzymes in health and disease.
617 Turunen AW et al. Fish consumption, omega-3 fatty acids, and environmental contaminants in relation to low-grade inflammation and early atherosclerosis.
618 Turunen K et al. Health behavior after intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
619 Turunen K et al. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy is common among patients' first-degree relatives.
620 Turunen K et al. Menopause after a history of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
621 Tuulonen A. Challenges of glaucoma care - high volume, high quality, low cost.
622 Tuunainen E et al. Intervention to prevent falls in elderly adults living in a residential home.
623 Tuunainen E et al. Postural stability and quality of life after guided and self-training among older adults residing in an institutional setting.
624 Tuunanen M et al. Mean-weekly alcohol questions are not recommended for clinical work.
625 Tyni H et al. Äidin vauvakeskeisyys vanhemmuuden varhaisvaiheessa.
626 Tyynelä P et al. Age-dependent interaction of apolipoprotein E gene with eastern birthplace in Finland affects severity of coronary atherosclerosis and risk of fatal myocardial infarction-Helsinki Sudden Death Study.
627 Törnroos M et al. Associations between five-factor model traits and perceived job strain: a population-based study.
628 Törnävä M et al. Naisten kokemuksia vulvodynian vaikutuksesta parisuhteeseen.
629 Udd B. Titin related distal myopathies.
630 Udd B. Distal and myofibrillar myopathies.
631 Udd B. Distal Myopathies.
632 Udd B. Salih Myopathy.
633 Uotila T et al. Outcome of reactive arthritis after an extensive Finnish waterborne gastroenteritis outbreak: a 1-year prospective follow-up study.
634 Urbanucci et al. The Effect of AR Overexpression on Androgen Signaling in Prostate Cancer .
635 Utriainen KT et al. Unrecognised obstructive sleep apnoea is common in severe peripheral arterial disease.
636 Uusitalo L et al. Fatty acids in serum and diet - a canonical correlation analysis among toddlers.
637 Uusitalo-Seppälä R et al. Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) Is Associated with Severe Sepsis and Fatal Disease in Emergency Room Patients with Suspected Infection: A Prospective Cohort Study.
638 Vaheri A et al. Hantavirus infections in Europe and their impact on public health.
639 Vaheri A et al. Uncovering the mysteries of hantavirus infections.
640 Valanne L, Brander A. Diffuusiotensorikuvaus ja aivovamman jälkitila.
641 Valanne S, Rämet M. Uracil debases pathogenic but not commensal bacteria.
642 Valve P et al. LINDA - a solution-focused low-intensity intervention aimed at improving health behaviors of young females: a cluster-randomized controlled trial.
643 van Der Kwast T et al. Guidelines on processing and reporting of prostate biopsies: the 2013 update of the pathology committee of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC).
644 van Der Loos Mj et al. The molecular genetic architecture of self-employment.
645 van Leeuwen Pj et al. Impacts of a population-based prostate cancer screening programme on excess total mortality rates in men with prostate cancer: a randomized controlled trial.
646 Vasarainen H et al. Effects of prostate cancer screening on health-related quality of life: results of the Finnish arm of the European randomized screening trial (ERSPC).
647 Vastamäki M et al. Tenniskyynärpää - pitkällinen ja kivulias vaiva.
648 Vaughan C et al. Impact of obesity on urinary storage symptoms: results from the FINNO study.
649 Vehik K et al. Methods, quality control and specimen management in an international multicentre investigation of type 1 diabetes: TEDDY.
650 Vehkala L et al. Plasma IgA antibody levels to malondialdehyde acetaldehyde-adducts are associated with inflammatory mediators, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
651 Veijola K et al. Lisfranc injury in adolescents.
652 Veitonmäki T et al. Use of aspirin, but not other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is associated with decreased prostate cancer risk at the population level.
653 Venojärvi M et al. Stress proteins and heat shock proteins role in muscle building and sports nutrition.
654 Verhoeven VJ et al. Genome-wide meta-analyses of multiancestry cohorts identify multiple new susceptibility loci for refractive error and myopia.
655 Vesikari T. Intussusception after human rotavirus vaccine.
656 Vesikari T. Standardised case definitions for adverse events following immunisation - Authors' reply.
657 Vesikari T. Virusrokotteet kansallisessa rokotusohjelmassa - lähitulevaisuuden ohjelmat.
658 Vesikari T et al. Immunogenicity and safety of an investigational multicomponent, recombinant, meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (4CMenB) administered concomitantly with routine infant and child vaccinations: results of two randomised trials.
659 Vesikari T et al. A Combined Haemophilus influenzae Type B Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine Is Immunogenic and Well-tolerated When Coadministered With Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis Hepatitis B-inactivated Poliovirus.
660 Vesikari T et al. Immunogenicity and safety of a live attenuated shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine (Zostavax®) in individuals aged = 70 years: a randomized study of a single dose vs. two different two-dose schedules.
661 Vesikari T et al. Randomized, controlled, multicenter study of the immunogenicity and safety of a fully liquid combination diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-five-component acellular pertussis (DTaP5), inactivated poliovirus (IPV), and haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine .
662 Vidqvist KL et al. Disease activity of idiopathic juvenile arthritis continues through adolescence despite the use of biologic therapies.
663 Vihola A et al. Altered expression and splicing of Ca(2+) metabolism genes in myotonic dystrophies DM1 and DM2.
664 Viikki M et al. BDNF polymorphism rs11030101 is associated with the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant depression.
665 Viinamäki A et al. Subclinical bulimia predicts conduct disorder in middle adolescent girls.
666 Viinikainen S et al. Hoitotyön valta erikoissairaanhoidossa - osastonhoitajien ja apulaisosastonhoitajien arvio.
667 Viiri LE et al. Smooth muscle cells in human atherosclerosis: proteomic profiling reveals differences in expression of Annexin A1 and mitochondrial proteins in carotid disease.
668 Viitanen P. The health, work ability and healthcare needs of Finnish female prisoners.
669 Viitanen P et al. Finnish female prisoners - heavy consumers of health services.
670 Vimaleswaran KS et al. Causal relationship between obesity and vitamin D status: bi-directional Mendelian randomization analysis of multiple cohorts.
671 Vimpeli T et al. Mother’s intrahepatic cholestasis does not affect her daughter’s health.
672 Virtanen JM et al. Prognostic impact of pretransplant iron overload measured with magnetic resonance imaging on severe infections in allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
673 Virtanen P et al. Information availability for the families of stroke patients at an emergency department: A training intervention study.
674 Virtanen SM et al. Early introduction of complementary foods: is there a link with type 1 diabetes?
675 Wacklin P et al. The duodenal microbiota composition of adult celiac disease patients is associated with the clinical manifestation of the disease.
676 Wang Z et al. A novel extracellular role for tissue transglutaminase in matrix-bound VEGF-mediated angiogenesis.
677 Weiss RJ et al. Pathological subtrochanteric fractures in 194 patients: a comparison of outcome after surgical treatment of pathological and non-pathological fractures.
678 Wessels HJ et al. Analysis of 953 human proteins from a mitochondrial HEK293 fraction by complexome profiling.
679 Westerhuis B et al. Human parechovirus seroprevalence in Finland and the Netherlands.
680 Willer CJ et al. Discovery and refinement of loci associated with lipid levels.
681 Wolff J et al. Late reconstruction of orbital and naso-orbital deformities.
682 Wu X et al. Comparison of different MRI sequences in lesion detection and early response evaluation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma--a whole-body MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging study.
683 Wu X et al. ADC measurements in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma: a DWI and cellularity study.
684 Würtz P et al. Lipoprotein subclass profiling reveals pleiotropy in the genetic variants of lipid risk factors for coronary heart disease: a note on mendelian randomization studies.
685 Würtz P et al. Branched-chain and aromatic amino acids are predictors of insulin resistance in young adults.
686 Xu J et al. HOXB13 is a susceptibility gene for prostate cancer: results from the International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics (ICPCG).
687 Yaghootkar H et al. Mendelian randomization studies do not support a causal role for reduced circulating adiponectin levels in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
688 Yli-Hemminki TH et al. Histological inflammation and risk of subsequent prostate cancer among men with initially elevated serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration in the Finnish prostate cancer screening trial.
689 Ylilauri M et al. Molecular mechanism of T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP) activation by mitoxantrone.
690 Ylänen K et al. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of the late effects of anthracyclines among long-term survivors of childhood cancer.
691 Zhong-Qun Z et al. Correlation between ECG presentation and cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
692 Zhong-Qun Z et al. A new electrocardiogram finding for massive pulmonary embolism: ST elevation in lead aVR with ST depression in leads I and V4 to V6.
693 Zhong-Qun Z et al. ST-segment deviation pattern of takotsubo cardiomyopathy similar to acute pericarditis: Diffuse ST-segment elevation.
694 Ziegler AG et al. Seroconversion to multiple islet autoantibodies and risk of progression to diabetes in children.

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