Seinäjoen keskussairaala

Julkaisut 2015
Publications 2015

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1 Zaane B van et al. Nonelective surgery at night and in-hospital mortality: Prospective observational data from the European Surgical Outcomes Study.
2 Aalto M. Opioidikorvaushoidon toteuttaminen on tasapainoilua.
3 Aalto M et al. Alkoholiriippuvuus, 3., uudistettu painos.
4 Aalto M et al. Alkoholin suitseminen vähentää kohonneet verenpaineen haittoja.
5 Aho A et al. Comparison of Bispectral Index and Entropy values with electroencephalogram during surgical anaesthesia with sevoflurane†.
6 Alanen HM et al. Acute Psychogeriatric Inpatient Treatment Improves Neuropsychiatric Symptoms but Impairs the Level of Functioning in Patients with Dementia.
7 Alanne S, Mustila T. Tyypin 1 diabeetikot toivovat ymmärtävää mutta napakkaa ravitsemusohjausta. Etelä-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin ravitsemusterapiaselvitys.
8 Alanne S et al. Estimating the minimum important change in the 15D scores.
9 Alho H et al. Alkoholiongelmaisen hoito. Käypä hoito -suuositus, päivitystiivistelmä.
10 Andre K et al. SERT and NET polymorphisms, temperament and antidepressant response.
11 Annala AP. Safety and Outcome of Coronary Interventions with Special Reference to Anticoagulation and Stent Type.
12 Antonoglou G et al. Serum parathyroid hormoneand active vitamin D in chronicperiodontitis.
13 Antonoglou GN1 et al. Low serum level of 1,25(OH)2 D is associated with chronic periodontitis.
14 Anttila I, Nikus K. Suomalaisten EKG paljasti uusia muutoksia.
15 Backman K et al. Low eosinophils during bronchiolitis in infancy are associated with lower risk of adulthood asthma.
16 Basnyat P et al. Association between soluble L-selectin and anti-JCV antibodies in natalizumab-treated relapsing-remitting MS patients.
17 Biernacka JM et al. The International SSRI Pharmacogenomics Consortium (ISPC): a genome-wide association study of antidepressant treatment response.
18 Cannon CP et al. Ezetimibe Added to Statin Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndromes.
19 Ciacci C et al. The gluten-free diet and its current application in coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.
20 Frilander H et al. Role of overweight and obesity in low back disorders among men: a longitudinal study with a life course approach.
21 Gaulton KJ et al. Genetic fine mapping and genomic annotation defines causal mechanisms at type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci.
22 Haataja P et al. Prognostic implications of intraventricular conduction delays in a general population: The Health 2000 Survey.
23 Hahtela N et al. The Relationship of Workplace Culture With Nursing-Sensitive Organizational Factors.
24 Hahtela N et al. Influence of workplace culture on nursing-sensitive nurse outcomes in municipal primary health care.
25 Hautaniemi E et al. Effect of fermented milk product containing lactotripeptides and plant sterol esters on haemodynamics in subjects with the metabolic syndrome - a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
26 Heikkilä K et al. Celiac disease autoimmunity and hip fracture risk: findings from a prospective cohort study.
27 Heikkilä K et al. Celiac disease and bone fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
28 Heinonen M et al. GIMAP GTPase Family Genes: Potential Modifiers in Autoimmune Diabetes, Asthma, and Allergy.
29 Hietala E et al. M1-lähetteen kirjoittaminen vaatii tarkkoja perusteluja.
30 Hietaranta-Luoma H et al. Using indivadual, ApoE genotype-based dietaty and physical activity advice to promote healthy lifestyles in Finland- Impacts on cardiovascular risk markers.
31 Hietaranta-Luoma HL et al. Using ApoE Genotyping to Promote Healthy Lifestyles in Finland - Psychological Impacts: Randomized Controlled Trial.
32 Hietaranta-Luoma HL et al. An Intervention Study of Individual, apoE Genotype-Based Dietary and Physical-Activity Advice: Impact on Health Behavior.
33 Honkainen P et al. Alahengitystieinfektiot (aikuiset). Käypä hoito -suositustiivistelmä.
34 Hynynen R et al. Nuorten näkemyksiä kuristusväkivallan syistä ja seurauksista.
35 Ikonen R et al. Preterm Infants' Mothers' Experiences With Milk Expression and Breastfeeding: An Integrative Review.
36 Ilmarinen P et al. The polyamine spermine promotes survival and activation of human eosinophils.
37 Ilmarinen P et al. Phenotypes, Risk Factors, and Mechanisms of Adult-Onset Asthma.
38 Jaatinen P. Sisäeritys ja aineenvaihdunta.
39 Jaatinen P. Sukurauhaset ja alkoholi.
40 Jaatinen P. Alkoholin vaikutukset lisämunuaisten toimintaan.
41 Jaatinen P. Alkoholin aiheuttama liian alhainen verensokeripitoisuus.
42 Jaatinen P. Diabetes, metabolinen oireyhtymä ja alkoholi.
43 Jaatinen P. Rasva-aineenvaihdunta ja alkoholi.
44 Jaatinen P. Alkoholi, virtsahappoaineenvaihdunta ja kihti.
45 Jaatinen P. Alkoholin vaikutukset luustoon.
46 Jokela M et al. Spontaneous activity in electromyography may differentiate certain benign lower motor neuron disease forms from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
47 Järventausta K et al. S-ketamine for the treatment of depression.
48 Järvinen R et al. Reply from authors re: Robert S. Svatek. Long-term outcomes of the FinnBladder-4 study. Eur Urol 2015;68:618-9: which type of maintenance matters?
49 Järvinen R et al. Long-term Outcome of Patients with Frequently Recurrent Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Carcinoma Treated with One Perioperative Plus Four Weekly Instillations of Mitomycin C Followed by Monthly Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) etc.
50 Kalliokoski S et al. Injection of celiac disease patient sera or immunoglobulins to mice reproduces a condition mimicking early developing celiac disease.
51 Kankaanranta H et al. Diagnosis and pharmacotherapy of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the finnish guidelines.
52 Kankaanranta H et al. Seinäjoki Adult Asthma Study (SAAS): a protocol for a 12-year real-life follow-up study of new-onset asthma diagnosed at adult age and treated in primary and specialised care.
53 Kaunisto J et al. Re-evaluation of diagnostic parameters is crucial for obtaining accurate data on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
54 Kautto M et al. Serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and norepinephrine transporter (NET) gene polymorphisms: susceptibility and treatment response of electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant depression.
55 Klemettilä JP et al. Association study of the HTR2C, leptin and adiponectin genes and serum marker analyses in clozapine treated long-term patients with schizophrenia.
56 Kolasa M et al. Longitudinal assessment of clinically isolated syndrome with diffusion tensor imaging and volumetric MRI.
57 Kulkas A et al. Amount of weight loss or gain influences the severity of respiratory events in sleep apnea.
58 Kulkas A et al. Desaturation event characteristics and mortality risk in severe sleep apnea .
59 Kulkas A et al. Morbidity and mortality risk ratios are elevated in severe supine dominant OSA: a long-term follow-up study.
60 Kurra V et al. Effects of oxonic acid-induced hyperuricemia on masenteric artery tone and cardic load in experimental renal insufficiensy.
61 Kuusalo L et al. Impact of physicians' adherence to treat-to-target strategy on outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis in the NEO-RACo trial.
62 Kähärä K. Mielenterveyden palveluodotukset perusterveydenhuollossa - tutkimus Suupohjan seutukunnan yhteisöissä.
63 Lahdenne P et al. Pienten synnytyssairaaloiden toiminta tulevaisuudessa.
64 Lauhkonen E et al. Lung function by impulse oscillometry at age 5-7 years after bronchiolitis at age 0-6 months.
65 Lauhkonen E et al. Obesity and bronchial obstruction in impulse oscillometry at age 5-7 years in a prospective post-bronchiolitis cohort.
66 Lauhkonen E et al. IL-10 Gene Polymorphisms Are Associated with Post-Bronchiolitis Lung Function Abnormalities at Six Years of Age.
67 Leikkola P et al. Coping support as rated by back surgery patients .
68 Leppäkoski T, Paavilainen E. Potilaiden perheväkivallan yleisyys, perheiden toimivuus, terveys ja sairaalassa saatu tuki.
69 Leppäkoski TH et al. Greater commitment to the domestic violence training is required.
70 Levola J, Aalto M. Screening for At-Risk Drinking in a Population Reporting Symptoms of Depression: A Validation of the AUDIT, AUDIT-C, and AUDIT-3.
71 Lindholm L et al. Early assessment of implementing evidence-based brief therapy interventions among secondary service psychiatric therapists.
72 Ludvigsson J et al. Screening for celiac disease in the general population and in high-risk groups.
73 Lumia M et al. Food consumption and risk of childhood asthma.
74 Lönnrot M. Ruusufinni ja periotaalidermatiitti.
75 Lönnrot M et al. A method for reporting and classifying acute infectious diseases in a prospective study of young children: TEDDY.
76 Mattila VM et al. Declining incidence of surgery for Achilles tendon rupture follows publication of major RCTs: evidence-influenced change evident using the Finnish registry study.
77 Myllymaa S et al. Effect of different oxygen desaturation threshold levels on hypopnea scoring and classification of severity of sleep apnea.
78 Mäntymaa M et al. Shared pleasure in early mother-infant interaction: predicting lower levels of emotional and behavioral problems in the child and protecting against the influence of parental psychopathology.
79 Niemelä M et al. Clinical and Laboratory Responses of Cross-Country Skiing for a 24-H World Record: Case Report.
80 Niemelä O. Laboratoriokokeet alkoholin ongelmakäytön tunnistamisessa.
81 Niemelä O, Danielsson J. Maksa-arvojen viiterajat tarkistettava.
82 Nuotio M, Luukkaala T. Factors associated with the night-time index fall in an older hip fracture population .
83 Nuotio M et al. Geriatrian vahvistamisella keskussairaaloissa on kiire.
84 Nyrhilä J. Vanhukselle raju hengenahdistus aterian jälkeen.
85 Nyrhilä J. Iäkkään miehen halvausoireet.
86 Paavilainen E et al. Lasten kaltoinkohtelun tunnistamisen tehokkaat menetelmät sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
87 Pajulammi H et al. Pre- and perioperative predictors of changes in mobility and living arrangements after hip fracture-A population-based study.
88 Palmio J et al. Novel mutations in DNAJB6 gene cause a very severe early-onset limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 1D disease.
89 Pasternack C et al. Quality of Life and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Long-Term Treated Dermatitis Herpetiformis Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study in Finland.
90 Piri R, Mustila T. Diabeetikon toistuva aamuinen ketoosi.
91 Pöyhönen L et al. Toll-like receptor 2 subfamily gene polymorphisms are associated with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin osteitis following newborn vaccination.
92 Pöyhönen L et al. Interleukin-10 gene promoter region polymorphisms are not associated with BCG osteitis in vaccinated infants.
93 Raitanen K et al. Short-term patient and family counselling for acute health change - an integrative literature review.
94 Rannisto M et al. The use of goal attainment scaling in neuropsychological rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis.
95 Rautio N et al. Changes in glucose metabolism in people with different glucose metabolism disorders at baseline: follow-up results of a Finnish national diabetes prevention programme.
96 Rautio N et al. Changes in lifestyle modestly reduce the estimated cardiovascular disease risk in one-year follow-up of the Finnish diabetes prevention program (FIN-D2D).
97 Remes A et al. MS-tauti. Käypä hoito -suosituksen tiivistelmä.
98 Ristimäki T et al. Preliminary validation of treatment relationship confirmed by event log applications.
99 Roth R et al. Maternal anxiety about a child's diabetes risk in the TEDDY study: the potential role of life stress, postpartum depression, and risk perception.
100 Ruokolainen L et al. Green areas around homes reduce atopic sensitization in children.
101 Räty S et al. Can laparoscopic cholecystectomy prevent recurrent idiopatic acute pancretitis?
102 Saad F et al. Orteronel plus prednisone in patients with chemotherapy-naive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (ELM-PC 4): a double-blind, multicentre, phase 3, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
103 Salmi TT et al. Celiac disease evolving into dermatitis herpetiformis in patients adhering to normal or gluten-free diet.
104 Salminen P et al. Antibiotic Therapy vs Appendectomy for Treatment of Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis: The APPAC Randomized Clinical Trial.
105 Salminen-Tuomaala M et al. Potilaan hoidon turvallisuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät ensihoidon työntekijöiden kokemana.
106 Salminen-Tuomaala M et al. Emergency health care professionals’ experiences of factors that influence care quality and safety.
107 Saltevo J et al. The Relationship between Thyroid Function and Depressive Symptoms-the FIN-D2D Population-Based Study.
108 Seppälä N et al. Factors associated with subjective side-effects during clozapine treatment.
109 Soini J et al. Hengityskonehoidossa olevan potilaan hoitotyön toteutuminen teho-osastolla sairaanhoitajien näkökulmasta.
110 Taanila H et al. Risk factors of acute and overuse musculoskeletal injuries among young conscripts: a population-based cohort study.
111 Tuomisto L et al. Prognosis of new-onset asthma diagnosed at adult age.
112 Tuulonen A et al. Avokulmaglaukooma. Päivitystiivistelmä.
113 Törmänen S et al. Excess weight in preschool children with a history of severe bronchiolitis is associated with asthma.
114 Uitto E et al. Insulinoomat Tampereen yliopistollisen sairaalan erityisvastuualueella 1980-2010.
115 Ukkonen M et al. Emergency Abdominal Operations in the Elderly: A Multivariate Regression Analysis of 430 Consecutive Patients with Acute Abdomen.
116 Virkki M et al. Children as decision-makers in health care - an integrative review.
117 Väkeväinen S et al. Alkoholin ongelmakäytön vaikutus elimistöön.
118 Wikström K et al. National diabetes prevention program (DEHKO): awareness and self-reported lifestyle changes in Finnish middle-aged population.
119 Österback R et al. Echovirus 30 meningitis epidemic followed by an outbreak-specific RT-qPCR.

Julkaisutietokanta 30.11.2016 Publications Data Base 30.11.2016